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Neopets Poems

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Ruki Day Special

The Rookie Ruki
by precious_katuch14

The rookie Ruki set out
To try a few new things,
Hoping they could soar
On their metaphorical wings.

The rookie Ruki tried
To write for the Neopian Times.
Tried to storytell,
Tried for some sweet rhymes.

But the rookie Ruki didn't fare
As well as they thought they would.
They didn't give up, they didn't.
They would try again, they would.

The rookie Ruki auditioned
For a Brightvale play.
Unfortunately they froze up
And forgot what to say.

Then they tried Yooyuball,
That contest of champions.
Joined an amateur team, 
But the other team won.

Frustrated, the rookie Ruki paused
Took stock of their situation.
Suddenly, they jumped up
With an important revelation.

"There are many things I don't know,
"Many things I have not tried.
"My journey thus far
"Has been nothing but a wild ride."

"I'm still an amateur,
"Through and through a rookie.
"But there's one thing I'm good at,
"And that's being a Ruki!"

The Helpful Ruki
by frankie8492

There is a Second-Hand Shoppe for those in need,
With no money for clothes because of mouths to feed.
The shop is run by a well dressed Ruki,
Who stands by the counter while eating a cookie.
There are many bargains to be had there, indeed.

None of the items there have a fee,
Because they are meant to be free.
People can take whichever things they require,
And as many items as their hearts desire.
It really is as simple as one, two, and three.

If there is nothing good there, don't feel blue,
Come back another day for a walk through.
The Ruki has to accept what others provide,
Even if what he wants to do is deny,
When people donate to him a pile of poo.

A Ruki's Itch
by darkhound45

A Tyrannian Ruki went for a walk,
When suddenly he heard something squawk.
An Airax sat there all alone.
The Ruki acted like he wasn't known.

He continued on until he was home,
As he looked for his Tyrannian Comb.
His fur was messy and needed a brush,
So the Ruki sat there not in a rush.

He picked up his comb, its colour quite dim,
Not noticing something looking up at him.
The Ruki began to brush his fur,
As he looked up and noticed a little blur.

Something had jumped off his comb,
And made him itch from head to toe.
The Ruki ran from left to right,
Because this thing gave him quite the fright.

He shook real hard and looked around.
The object sat there on the ground.
This object didn’t look mean at all.
It was a Ditrey and was quite small.

The Ditrey seemed very scared,
Like it needed a friend so it could feel cared.
The Ruki knew just what to do.
He remembered an Airax that seemed real blue.
So the Ruki went back for a walk,
As he waited to hear that same little squawk.
Sure enough the Airax was there.
He was still alone and seemed unaware.

The Ruki walked up and held out his hand,
As the Ditrey seemed to understand.
The Ditrey jumped to his new friend,
The Airax’s aloneness was now at an end.

Ruki Day In Faerieland
by valentyne_dreams

A gathering of Rukis
suspended above Faerieland
in the morning air.

Passing by the Hidden Tower
and giggling at all the faeries
hiding the Golden Shells in there.

Moving quickly back and forth
the lights and bunting are hung
to celebrate Neopia's winged beauties.

Transformed in beautiful painted
colours, even a new one from the
Rainbow Fountain they glide.

Rising above the high towers
in the dappled sunshine, waving
to the pets below

skimming across the mirrored water
with glistening wings
spreading happiness wherever they go.

Rukis flying in tandem as the sunlight
begins to dim, the dance continues
in moonlight, 

no one wants this day to end but
all Ruki's hearts shine bright until
they can begin this magical day again.

The Most Adventurous Neopets
by shutianlei3333

Rukis love to travel to different lands,
Either by themselves or in a band.
They're not scared of any places,
Even as dangerous as outer space.

Rukis have strong plated skin,
That protects their organs within,
And heavy pincers on their arms,
That keep them from harm.

These features make them tough,
Which helps when things get rough.
They can adapt to harsh weather,
And don't lose their composure ever.

Rukis make for good friends,
And that I highly recommend,
So get yourself a Ruki today,
And we can take them out to play.

Happy Ruki Day!

Rukis Are Tough
by ennyra

Do you think you're tough?
Let's put it to the test!
Rukis are the toughest,
Their armours stronger than the rest.

It keeps them safe,
In the hot summer sun.
No matter what happens,
They can always have fun.

They love to travel,
Exploring new places,
Meeting new people,
And learning new faces!

Can you keep up,
On a daily Ruki trip?
Pack all the essentials,
In a bag that won't rip!

Ruki friends will lead the way,
Showing all there is to see.
But the biggest question is,
Are you as tough as a Ruki?

An Ode to Anshu
by ayakae

On the outskirts of Shenkuu did a little shop nestle
Wherein an elderly Ruki sat with a mortar and pestle
Several exotic ingredients he started to combine
Until everything was mashed into concoctions so fine

His name was Anshu and he’s a doctor of great acclaim
His remarkable restoratives had brought him great fame
Whenever you’re fraught with various medical woes
Anshu’s got you covered from your head to your toes!

Did you know, for example, how great Lotus Leaves are?
They help cure Neomites without leaving a scar!
Just cut the leaf in half and apply directly on the rash
It’ll soothe your skin’s redness and irritation in a flash

While Xrepefruit and milk turns into gloopy, grey paste
Did you know that they do wonders for your face?
It gets rid of blemishes and stubborn, dark spots
And can even be used to untangle your hair’s knots

Another helpful remedy comes from the Dandelion Root
Which helps cure Neomonia whether severe or acute
Just steep it in hot water until it turns a nice colour of gold
A strong cup of this will cure you of your persistent cold!

As you can see, there’s a lot of natural remedies for you
And nobody can create them better than good old Anshu
He’s an extremely skilled doctor with an energy so zen
Anshu will make you feel as good as new again

Come into his shop whenever you’re in need of a remedy
And he might even offer you a cup of Steaming Green Tea
He’ll always be there willing to lend you a helping hand
For he’s the most distinguished doctor in the land

Red Ruki Scooter
by miraday

I remember the morning that I
Was gifted my Red Ruki Scooter.
Neopia seemed more reachable,
Much closer, each path newer. 

With my scooter, I'd be unstoppable.
I’d roam the world like Rukis do:
Constantly following the horizon
Through the unending dunes.

Each day would be an adventure
Seeing places I’d never seen before.
Neopia would become my backyard
Spanning mountains to shores.

Oh, I wish I could take all my friends
With me on my Red Ruki Scooter.
The transitory life might not suit
Those not natural commuters. 

I could go anywhere I’d like,
But I’d return more than sooner
Knowing that home was just a
Ride away on my Red Ruki Scooter.

Bill the Ruki Tour Guide
by wurmsrus

Hey there folks, my name is Bill 
I am a Ruki, a little kooky
But guess what?
I’m no rookie 

I will be your tour guide today
Please applaud and tip accordingly
Ah you know I’m just kidding folks
Stunned faces feel just as rewardingly 

So welcome to Neopia! 
I hope you all traveled safely
My hobbies include stamp collecting
And guiding tourists bravely 

On the right you’ll see the Trading Post
Beyond that is the Soup Kitchen
Our Neolodge staff? They’re warmer than toast
Now, on with our mission!

To the sky we go for Faerieland is next
It floats high above on a cloud
“Hey, I heard there’s a Hidden Tower?”
SHHHH! Don’t say that out loud

Here is the wondrous Meridell
Made up of Mortogs and farmin’
The potatoes and cabbage are mighty swell
“Excuse me, what did I step in?”

Rule number 1 of Neopia friends
You learn to roll with the punches
Mortog kisses and Grumpy King blunders…
“Hey does anyone know when lunch is?”

Oh my Florg, would you look at the time!
I hope to see you again someday 
Today has been downright sublime 
Sweeter than lime Ruki sundae!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour today
Safe travels back to your home states
By the way my book ‘Ruki Survival Tips’ 
Is available at a discounted rate

Dice Escape Ruki!
by roxanna203

It all started with two die,
Only the best in black and white,
Rolling and rolling for fun,
Later becoming a game of run.

A young Black Ruki out and about,
Stumbled upon two die on a mount,
He had so much fun every slam,
That's when he came up with a plan!

He wanted a collection of dice,
But without paying the price!
He decided to steal from every game,
That had any dice to their name!

All of Neopian went in an uproar,
And all lined up in lines of four,
To challenge the Black Ruki,
And set all the dice free!

He created the game Dice Escape,
Leaving the entire world in agape,
The Black Ruki cackled and smiled,
This is the most fun he's had in a while!

by the_fox_princess

In the sandy desert lands is a creature with many limbs.

They walk on four feet and have two arms with pinchers, sharp and sleek.

They are the Ruki, the sturdy, the hard. 

Well-versed desert travellers both small and large,
To them the lost desert is a piece of cake
They move freely from place to place.

Some Ruki are wise and some very kind, 
Others may give you a hard time 
However each is remarkable in their own way.

Two antennae upon their head and no fur to shed.
Their wings are strong and ready to fly.
To great heights they can reach to even touch the sky.

They make mighty travellers, a sight to see
Not one Neopet can cross the desert better
Not in any sort of weather....

To Ruki, the sand is the sea,
Gentle waves with a calming breeze.

If you wish to see the desert with your own eyes
The Ruki are definitely a helpful guide!
From Sakhmet to Qasala,
They know which way to go...

In the sandy desert lands is a creature like you and me…

They are hardy folk not small or meek

They are the Ruki.

Did someone say Ruki Day?
by vivajocares

These desert bugs clad in armour,
can definitely be quite the charmer,
as they traverse Lost Desert dunes,
we can't blame you for wanting to swoon. 

Rukis ark from remote desert lands,
and travel tirelessly to oases across the sands,
antennas perked up to soak in the sun,
long lean legs meant for a good run. 

Anshu fearlessly captained Shenkuu's flying ship,
navigating it on many of heroic trip,
once it finally docked in the port,
he took up herbal medicine to cure all sorts.

Meanwhile, a wicked Ruki lords over Dice Escape,
watching game players from beneath his cape,
he plots to steal all Neopian dice,
as owning the gameboard is his leading vice.

A kinder Ruki tends to the Second-Hand Shoppe,
and spends the evenings toiling at his workshop,
he tenderly organizes pre-loved clothes and toys,
and sells them to in need girls and boys.

Jurin T is a star of Kreludor's Altador Cup team,
on the field, his translucent wings gleam,
he gleefully shows off his athletic prowess,
and signs autographs if his captain will allow us.

Ruki Day is here to stay,
these glorious buds make their way,
across many desert miles,
ready to celebrate with beaming smiles.

Do You Have What It Takes
by cinnabonski

Stop and take heed
Please player beware
Great perils await
For those who dare

To seek what is gone
Find what is lost
Return what it stolen
May suffer the cost

So enter the portal
And mind your feet
In a different dimension
You shall meet

A Ruki so evil 
A terrible stranger
So just hold fast
For you're in danger

See, in this place
He hides his vice
Those which taken
His precious dice

To play his game
Block out your fear
Focus attention
Mind must be clear

No time to waste
Watch out for the clock
Move with precision
Tick tock tick tock

Up level by level
To make it past
Avoid all the lava
You must be fast

For all of Neopia
Is relying on you
To bring back the dice
What will you do

Rise to the challenge
Or unravel like tape
Do you have what takes
To master Dice Escape

The Spooky Ruki
by i_lovee_icecream

Just in time for Halloween,
He will show you sights unseen,
Turn the corner and make you scream;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

Dressed in rags and mummified,
With a devious smile and cloudy eyed,
He won’t stop until you’ve cried;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

Four legs dragging towards you,
Sharp claws pointing eschew,
You’re about to be made into stew;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

What’s this? He approaches sweetly,
Dusting off his worn rags neatly,
You’ve misunderstood him completely;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

Except he isn’t spooky at all,
He’s kind, whatever befalls,
Ready to be at your beck and call;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

Just in time for Halloween,
He will show you sights unseen,
But he will never be mean;
It’s the spooky Ruki!

The Dice Escape Ruki
by therainbowsheep

The Ruki from Dice Escape hatched the ultimate plan,
To be a thief as skilled as the great Kyrii Stan!
Hailing from the Lost Desert just like his hero,
This Ruki knew chance of failure was zero.

He studied Tomos and Nabile, determined to succeed 
And stole dice from all board games with expert speed!
And just like that, games across Neopia fell apart,
Because this thieving Ruki was simply too smart.

True to his species, he is adaptable and tough
And does not mind when thieving missions get rough.
Like all Rukis, he loves to travel and explore,
And take all your dice! Now how will you score?

His large eyes spot all there is to take,
And he leaves utter chaos in his wake.
He is villainous, his presence means trouble,
So hide all your dice, quick! On the double!

The Ruki Who Lights Dream Bean Alive
by _brainchild_

Here at Dream Bean, we have served
So many patrons, they're a blur,
Except for our most frequent one.
Miss Ariel is lots of fun!

The Ruki comes here every day
To buy our coffee. I can stay
For hours to listen to her tales
Of science, since her brains prevail.

She knows a lot 'bout shiny jewels,
Such as Dacardite. Gemstones rule!
These crystals have potential, states
The Ruki. Isn't science great?

She buys a lot; we learn a lot!
Instead of Neovision rot,
I love the Ruki's knowledge---she
Has lots of facts for you and me.

Ruki, an undervalued Neopet
by annikkiadepp_

Many years ago today appeared the Ruki,
it came from Lost Desert and was hardly a beauty

Although Rukis are unpopular Neopets,
they have great qualities we often forget. 

They often wear shiny outer armor,
which helps them travel when it is warmer. 

They do not fear the blazing sun,
for its brightness they never shun 

Rukis have often a gentle soul,
they will help you pursue any goal 

They’re hard workers and courageous,
having one will prove advantageous

Have you realized how precious are Ruki?
If so, getting one today is your duty!

Travelling Rukis
by hectic_haley

Two arms, four legs, tough armor, Rukis are built to endure.
They are hardy creatures who can travel great distances without getting tired

Hailing from the barren regions of the Lost Desert,
These creatures are equipped to handle anything.
Blistering heat, harsh climates, and miles of wandering won't stop them.

Rukis are known for their love of travelling,
Which is why their famous are spread throughout Neopia.
Anshu hails from Shenkuu, having been a doctor about the Cyodrake's Gaze.
Jurin T represents team Kreludor each year in the Altador Cup.

Whether their origins in the Lost Desert fueled their passion for journeys,
Or it’s just an inherent trait,
You’ll never meet a Ruki who isn’t up to travel.

Ruki in a Dress
by flufflepuff

With slender thighs and flaring calves,
In number, too, she’s blessed.
Potential rests upon the four,
To be most gaily dressed.
A schoolgirl skirt, in plaid and blue,
Complete with mary janes,
Or else, a draping royal skirt,
A regal sweeping train,
Perhaps a dress of hue demure,
With flowers lacing trim.
E’en so, with any kind of skirt,
A Ruki can look prim
And proper.  Versatility
Is locked in every swish
Of skirts, therefore, a trophy can
Be earned, if one shall wish.
The sight of Ruki elegance
Shall, all viewers, impress.
What better sight can one behold
Than Rukis in a dress?

Yellow Ruki Dress
by indulgences

This dress is quite a posh affair!
It’s made of softest silk.
Its yellow dandelion hue
Will never droop or wilt!

The neckline’s rimmed with pearls of white.
The hemline’s graced as well.
When wearing this amazing frock,
Your Ruki is a belle!

Your Ruki will transform into
A creature lofty, fine.
This dress will make your Ruki pet
Into a thing divine!

It’s Ruki Day! Please buy your pet
This gorgeous yellow gown.
Your Ruki will become a queen
Of elegant renown!

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