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Neopets Poems

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Grundo Independence Day Special

Grundo ABC
by _help_de_jaguar_

Antennae are our trademark; they help us navigate in the dark
Booktastic Books are our pick; they're fun to read, no matter how thick
Cafe grub is our choice of food; Kreludor or Grundo's, either is good
Doran is from where we hail; the older Grundos regale us with tales
Extraterrestrial is what we are; we've come from very very far
First discovered in Year Two; lot of time to get used to us, we're hardly new
Gargarox, Gorix and also Gilroy, some famous Grundos, our pride and joy
Hailing from space, Neopian language is hard; we might thus appear not very smart
I can, however, assure to you: we're very diligent and adaptable, too!
Just so you know, I wanted to be sure, but we can also be very mature
Kreludor is where we live, as well as Virtupets Station; we might all be Grundos, but we're not one united nation
Larcy Phu lives in Shenkuu and plays a mean game of Yooyuball; word is he can also hold his own in a brawl
Mutant Grundos are iconic; unfortunately their origins are more diabolic
Nelunda was among the first to be turned; Dr. Sloth should not be questioned
Orange and purple are the colours we choose, from wardrobes to chairs, slippers and shoes
Parlax is both, Split traitor that he is; once part of the Resistance, he won't be missed
Qlydae Wegg is a more loyal man; he plays on Team Kreludor, ask any fan
Robo-Petpets are seen in our homes; they get to free-roam in our gardens and domes
Space is our home, as has been said; our beds are here, which we've yet to regret
Toenails are another defining feature we have; y'know, I might as well give you a photograph
Unless you don't want one, though that would be strange; but if so, that's fine, let me know if things change
Visible traits of Grundos aside, I can still provide you some more insight
War is something most Grundos have known; a fight over the mines and conflict was sown
Xarthab led one side of the fight; the Orange Grundos showed all their might
Yet Purple Grundos are very strong too, they found; they held out and the war went for another round
Zorlix and Xarthab eventually made peace; joined forces and now once more buddies

I hope you enjoyed this Grundo ABC, if you didn't, well, you're now free

The Enormous Grundocerous
by precious_katuch14

Thundering footsteps,
The smell of smoke.
Piercing red eyes,
Body flame-soaked.

A hulking monster
All hooves and tusks.
Guarding Zakharukh's Pyramid
Is its singular task.

Is it a Grundo
With the horns on its head?
What was it called?
What was it they said?

It's certainly a Grundo,
Yet at the same time not quite.
Look at the angry red eyes
And the overbearing height!

It's an Enormous Grundocerous!
The terror of the Lost Desert!
Whenever it's on the prowl,
It causes all creatures to cower!

When it prepares to charge,
Get out of its path!
You do not want to be
The subject of its wrath!

The Enormous Grundocerous,
A strangely named Grundo,
Made of fire and fury,
Of danger and woe.

Beware The Spider Grundo
by therainbowsheep

Within his dark cave, the Spider Grundo shines green,
His stance menacing, his bright red eyes mean.
Barbed spider legs make him fierce,
And oh! How his fangs can pierce!

Though the location of his dwelling remains unknown,
Perhaps at the outskirts of Haunted Woods sits his throne.
So be wary when passing through, do not stumble
Lest you fall and take a tumble!

For if you land in his web, all is lost-
Woefully, your life may be the cost.
Once his strong web has taken shape,
It is undeniably impossible to escape.

But not all is lost, the future not bleak!
The rumour goes, his mind is sometimes weak.
There are spells and powders, or so we are told
Which lead to complete and utter mind control.

To defeat this notorious villain, we walk a tight rope
Though it is possible and there is hope!
But The Spider Grundo excels at hiding, it is his quirk
So for now, within the shadows he still lurks.

Sightings of him are truly quite rare,
Only seek out his lair if you dare!
On this difficult quest, we wish you luck,
Remember to avoid his webs; do not get stuck!

Paul the Grundo from Freaky Factory
by roxanna203

Paul the Purple Grundo from Freaky Factory,
As a kid, learned something very satisfactory.
It started off with a Yellow Chomby plush,
He continued to add more and more - such a rush!

He did not have enough Neopoints to buy more,
It saddened him to pass by the plushie store.
One day, he stumbled upon a hidden factory,
He peeked inside and saw a true masterpiece!

This factory was making plushies galore,
Quite the amount he had not seen before.
A brilliant idea surfaced within him,
He will steal the plushies on every whim!

He dressed up like the factory's background,
Sneaked inside and laid low on the ground.
He had to be careful as paint blobs landed,
Making him easy to be caught if branded!

Months went by, many times he got away,
Other times, he was reprimanded as he stayed.
But overall, Paul the Grundo, was happy,
He looked at his new plushies with glee!

My Squishy, Mallow Friend
by i_lovee_icecream

Marshmallow squish,
Marshmallow fluff.
He’s so very sweet,
But not very tough.

My squishy friend, 
The Mallow Grundo.
I hope it never ends,
How we have such fun-oh!

Marshmallow cute,
Marshmallow fun.
He’s better in the cold,
He might melt in the sun.

My squishy friend, 
The Mallow Grundo.
So airy and light;
Might be made of dough!

Marshmallow silly,
Marshmallow sweet.
He’s so sugary,
Good enough to eat!

My squishy friend, 
The Mallow Grundo.
He has so many pals,
He’s always in the know.

Marshmallow pale,
Marshmallow white.
Sticky and gooey,
Not a clean hand in sight.

My squishy friend, 
The Mallow Grundo.
He loves Terror Mountain,
And playing in the snow.

Grundos: The Brightest Stars
by andrehmf98

Never forget about Grundos!
How they came from afar,
How they yearned for freedom,
And who they really are.

For they aren't evil minions,
They are lovely, full of love.
Devoid of any malice,
Shining as the stars above.

Shining so bright, in fact,
Some become the stars!
As they become faeries,
Shining bright as their hearts!

In their wingspans lies universes,
Constellations of freedom and joy,
For they are Faerie Grundos,
Not anymore Dr. Sloth's toys.

The Tiny Grundo with the Gormball Gloves
by catsncrows

I want to adopt a Grundo,
and the Space Agency has many to show.
While other pets come only in four,
Grundo colours come in many more:
from Happy Valley snow white
to the purple of Faerieland's lights.

After Sloth's reign's end
the Grundos are just looking for friends.
A tiny green one at the agency tells me of his love
for his favourite pair of gloves
imported from Neopia 
by a famous Gormball-playing Chia.

"It gets cold on Kreludor,"
he says, "it freezes me down to the core."
"Have you ever left?" I ask.
"Never," says the Grundo, "only for Sloth's tasks."
That is how, on Grundo Independence Day,
my journey with that tiny Grundo got underway.

How Grundos took their freedom
by annikkiadepp_

Many years ago, after the Virtupets plot
Grundos were finally available to adopt

Enslaved by Sloth, who was very sleazy,
their life hadn’t been at all easy.

Who knows where they came from?
From Doran or the Neopian moon.
They probably don’t have a mum,
as they were found on a sand dune.
Despite all their bad luck,
Grundos were joyous as ever. 
They defeated that Sloth shmuck
and took the Space station over. 

Some found a home and an owner,
others decided to open a store.
Granted, there was the odd loner, 
but everybody was cared for

So this is the story
of how Grundos were freed.
A tale of newfound glory,
worth celebrating indeed.

Darigan Grundo
by profebest

Once upon a time,
Between the stars of Kredulor,
There was a Neopets species called Grundo,
UC Grundo was among the popular ones,

However, in order to get it,
You must be really lucky - that is,
Darigan Grundo is the most evil around,
As evil as a Faerie Stone,

In order to get a Grundo you must be an old Neopian,
A Neopian with a lot of might,
Unless things change and you can get it on a UC,
On the Future - They are very popular

Will you get your hands on a UC Darigan Grundo?
We shall see, happy Grundo Day!

The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity
by frankie8492

In Faerieland, there's a plushie on the floor,
That people learned not to ignore.
The Blue Grundo may look old and yucky,
But visiting him can make you lucky,
And bring good fortune to your door.

Some people find money and get rich,
While others find a new plushie in a ditch.
Pets occasionally can become happy,
Or conversely, they can get a bit sappy.
Did anyone just see the Grundo plushie twitch?

These days, the plushie is well-known,
So it is hardly ever seen alone.
People treat the Grundo as their friend,
And travel all the way there to spend,
Time together, as if the plushie is their own.

The Most Trusting Neopets
by shutianlei3333

Have you heard of the Grundos' lore?
They originally came from Kreludor.
Grundos don't usually like to roam,
But they were taken from their home.

Dr. Sloth tricked them with his lies,
And they were caught by surprise.
He kidnapped their population,
And took them to his Space Station.

While there, they were made to work,
As engineers, mechanics, or clerks.
With Dr. Sloth defeated, they were freed,
Which was a great thing indeed.

Nowadays, Grundos are everywhere,
And are often seen travelling in pairs.
They are friendly to everyone around,
So keep any Grundos that you have found!

Happy Grundo Day!

Finally Free
by ayakae

Despite the Grundos’ happy demeanours
They’ve actually been through a lot
They went through much pain and suffering
At the hands of the evil Dr. Sloth

They were enslaved at one point
Tightly gripped by Sloth’s evil hands
They were to be used as his minions
Capturing Neopia was his ultimate plan!

Then the Space Faerie came in and saved them
And now the Grundos were all free!
They escaped Virtupets Space Station in droves
The rest of the universe they could now see

But despite their newfound freedom
For them, there can never be a brand, new start
The pain and suffering they had endured
Is still embedded resolutely in their hearts

They look up to the sky nightly, remembering
Their time at the Virtupets Space Station
Never ever did they think back then
That they could escape their awful situation

So, they still take the time to remember
Despite the happy lives they have lived since
Every year on the 24th of August
All the Grundos reminisce

The day the species gained their independence
Defeating the greatest villain ever known
And the day they flocked to Neopia
And were accepted as one of their own

So, give your Grundo friends a hug today
Give them one that’s extra long! 
Let them know how much you love them
And thank them for being so strong

Today is a day for much laughter
For food, song, dance, and play
Come join us as we shout and scream,
“Happy Grundo Independence Day!”

A Letter From Sloth on Grundo Independence Day
by florg95

Oh how the turn did table
as soon as it was able...
A thing of true fable,
if I may so label,
the locking of me away. 

The power and sway 
I had, now I’m grey...
Oh what a regretful day
the faerie from space 
stuck me in this... place. 
The joy on her face 

For those still devoted, 
Your sorrow is noted. 
But for years I’ve floated
as they’ve all gloated
about my big defeat. 

It’ll be victory sweet
when next we meet.
They’ll fall at my feet 
and I will again reign! 
Sloth’s great long bane
has not been in vain
has been my refrain.

If it were left up to me, 
the dungeon they’d see...
Ahem, I mean how lovely, 
the Grundo is finally free.

Go Go Grundo!
by lesslynope

Hip Hip hooray!
Today’s the day!
The Grundo from Sloth was freed! 

They toil no more, 
on Kreludor’s shore, 
they are independent now indeed. 

Once deep in space
now all over the place,
the Grundo is free to frolic, roam. 

These former Virtupets 
all have zero regrets
about leaving their moon home. 

Sloth was bereft
after they left, 
but the Grundo’s never look back. 

They may be short
but I can report
in personality they don’t lack. 

So today, celebrate
a pet oh so great, 
as the colourful Grundo. 

So if in the pound, 
a Grundo is found, 
adopt them by the hundo!

A Space Pet
by theguy2020

Not hailing from mainland Neopia,
Once belonging to what was quite a Dystopia,
Working long hours for Dr Sloth,
After which only portions of the smallest broth.

Finally freed and now can rejoice, 
Adopting a Grundo would be a wonderful choice,
Consider getting one of these as a cute pet,
Definitely a choice you will not regret!

Introduced to us in year two,
Initially through a plot where we needed to solve some clues,
This was when Dr Sloth tried to take over the world,
But alas his plans were curled.

Today you can find this space pet all throughout,
Definitely on the Virtupets Space Station without a doubt,
This space pet is quite small,
But after you adopt one you will for sure have a ball!

These pets always try to make a friend,
They also try to impress so they might follow trends,
It's quite obvious you want to take one home,
So check out the space station since that's where they roam!

Hip Hip Hooray!
by truebrony

The Faerie Grundo sings,
and flutters her sparkling wings,
“It’s Independence Day!
Hip hip, hip hip, hooray!”

The Pirate Grundo shouts,
and stomps his feet about,
“Dr. Sloth is gone!
Everyone, rock on!”

The Disco Grundo sighs,
And throws his hands up high,
“The Grundos are free! Yippee!
Let’s throw a great big party!”

Now all the Grundos dance,
And shout as loud as they can,
“It’s Independence Day!
Hip hip, hip hip, hooray!”

by actiontal

A Grundo blue, so forlorn here
Laying in clouds or hanging in a tree
His intentions aren’t exactly clear 
Hiding in ethereal topography

A sad plushie discarded
Yet he’s still so giving
In Faerieland he’s guarded
And so he goes on living 

Full of magic and mystery
How did he come and when he’ll go
Nobody knows much of his history
But he often has gifts to bestow 

His prosperity shines like a star
If only you know where to look 
He remains without travelling far 
An enigma not found in any book 

If by chance you meet him there
Give him a smile and let him hear
Discarded or not, Neopians care
We don’t want you to shed a tear 

When you’re ready to come and play
Neopians know you’re a friend 
We’ll wait for you any time of day
We’ll wait for you until the end

The Grundo Who Purveys Delicious Delights
by _brainchild_

Atop Kreludor, there's a store
So sure to bring pure smiles galore.
A Grundo runs it, selling food
That's certain to improve all moods.

Dried Fruit Roll, chewy, fizzes well.
The citrus flavour is so swell!
Grape Slurpship can be shared, or one
Pet can pig out. It's so much fun!

Kreludan Grunpop, sure to thrill,
Will give your sweet tooth quite a fill.
A Sentient Stew may be weird,
But isn't something to be feared.

Some say that better foods are found
At Virtupets, but these are sound.
I thank the Grundo for these tastes!
Why, not a crumb will go to waste.

The Baby Grundo
by laurneoneo

"I think I see an alien!" my best friend said to me,
but it was just a Grundo building castles by the sea.
I knew it by his smile, and I knew it by his ears,
He was just a baby with big red eyes full of tears.

We looked far to the left, and we looked far to the right,
But the Baby Grundo's family was nowhere within sight.
I asked him how he'd gotten there, he said he didn't know,
So we stayed with him until the starry sky began to show.

We built castles in the sand, and we all swam in the sea,
We had ice cream in our hands while we climbed a great big tree.
And it seemed like out of nowhere that I heard a distant call,
The Baby Grundo's family had come back after all.

It seemed he's wandered off in the joy of Grundo Day,
and his family was glad to know he'd had somewhere safe to stay.
Grundos are elusive and if I don't see one again,
I will always have these memories of my little Grundo friend.

Unchartered Destinies
by tingtingwu

Grundos have a long checkered history,
Their origins, for years, a mystery.
Kidnapped by Frank Sloth from planet Doran,
Forced to be part of his nefarious plan.

Thankfully Neopians rallied together,
Blasting Sloth's ray gun into the nether.
Grundos made Virtupets Space Station home,
Circling the world of Neopia, free to roam.

Many were adopted by loving souls,
Some had their eyes on even bigger goals.
But not all Grundos chose a noble path,
Some became heroes, others unleashed wrath.

Parlax was once part of The Resistance,
Power drew him to give Sloth assistance.
He held a katana against Gorix,
Leaving no time for pleasant rhetorics.

He was once an innocent assistant,
Whose friendliness became nonexistent.
The Spider Grundo now terrorizes,
Neopets of all creeds, colours, and sizes.

Some heroes are born and others are made,
Zygorax signed up to fight, not afraid.
A third-class waste disposal technician,
Saved the Space Station during his mission.

Gargarox is a chef extraordinaire,
Who concocts gourmet food with care and flair.
When he is not inventing recipes,
He plays Gormball with his extremities.

Tried of cleaning dishes in Grundos Cafe,
Truggdon joined Sloth's Army, to much dismay.
Tug-o-War was how he got out, inspired -
He pulled his way upright til he retired.

You will encounter Grundos good and bad,
Yet this dichotomy should make you glad.
The beauty of independence is choice,
Free to choose their own destinies - rejoice!

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