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Neopets Poems

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Usukicon Special

Welcome To Usukicon!
by tallydepp

Welcome to Usukicon!
Here you will have lots of fun!
Feel free to join a queue,
There are lots of things for you to do!

Check out the games, explore the stalls.
We want you to enjoy it all.
Everyone is dressed up, as you can see
As their favourite Usuki.

Bright lights, loud music, feel the beat,
Usukicon's THE place to meet.
New releases, buy them all!
It's a gigantic shopping mall.

Get your goodie bag before you leave.
Free merchandise, ooh yes please!
A pillow, a plushie, plus lots more!
Courtesy of Usukicon Y24!

A little advice for Usukicon
by annikkiadepp_

Goodmorning everyone
do you know what day is today?
gonna be a day of fun 
for Usukicon is on its way!

On this day usukis are celebrated,
everyone flaunts their dolls
and plays with them, feeling elated.
Some people spend their whole salaries,
buying usuki dolls for their galleries

New goodie bags are released,
making all collectors pleased!

Let me give you but a word of advice:
never buy stuff for full price!

Brand new dolls and goodie bags,
will make you go from riches to rags.
No need to say thank you,
I’m just happy to help you.

Usuki-Con Faerie Collector
by roxanna203

My name is Sabrina and I'm a faerie collector,
But specifically, Usuki Faerie Dolls!
Maintaining them in mint condition as inspector,
All in perfect shape, not one suffering a fall!

I have Earth, Fire, Light, Air, and Water,
All the elements that make up our Neopian world,
Maybe one day my collection will be broader,
Especially one that has a dress and a pearl!

My favourite is the Water Faerie Usuki Doll,
Her lovely blonde locks, and mermaid tail,
I remember obtaining her at an elite mall,
She always makes me smile without fail!

My second treasure is the Fire Faerie Usuki,
She has lovely bright red wings and eyes,
Setting passion to any collector guarantee,
Having her in a set is a wonderful prize.

Usuki Con is my favourite event of the year,
So many new dolls on shelves on display,
Has me smiling widely from ear to ear,
"It makes so happy!" - what more can I say?

Usuki Frenzy!
by cpssgh1004

Deep in the depths of the game graveyard,
Is Sally who has the highest scorecard.
You might remember her bushy green mane,
And how she sped around, faster than an airplane.

Obsessed with Usukis, who could blame her?
Some might refer to her as a bit of a connoisseur.
Fair maiden, doctor, ladybird, or faerie,
All types make Sally overjoyed and merry.

Rushing between the rooms as her parents wait,
Searching for the Usuki set with the helmet and skate.
Was it in the kitchen? The bedroom? Or in the lounge?
Perhaps in the hall or under the bed where Sally will scrounge.

Aha! She found it! In the bathroom it laid,
Lucky for her, they were not delayed.
With her top ten items, they went out the door,
Resulting in an Usuki Fenzy top gold score.

Usukiboy, the Fabulous Toy
by i_lovee_icecream

Usukiboy is an icon,
Setting fashion trends.
Wearing only the most stylish,
Doesn’t matter what he spends.

Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
What a fabulous toy.
Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
Can’t catch him in corduroy.

Usukiboy has a closet,
Bigger than Faerieland.
It’s filled with endless outfits, 
From every designer brand.

Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
What a fabulous toy.
Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
Can’t catch him in corduroy.

Usukiboy has footwear,
For every imaginable occasion.
From heels to sneakers to boots,
Of any cultural persuasion. 

Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
What a fabulous toy.
Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
Can’t catch him in corduroy.

Usukiboy wears vintage,
Apparel across all eras.
From jackets to dresses to shirts,
And accessories - even tiaras. 

Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
What a fabulous toy.
Usukiboy, Usukiboy;
Can’t catch him in corduroy.

The Usuki Doll Convention
by shutianlei3333

There's a convention today for Usuki dolls,
With excited fans rushing to the event hall.
Many people want to own a full set,
And some of them are very hard to get.

It's not a surprise why people like them.
Each Usuki doll is like a gem.
They're all perfect and unique.
No one can find anything to critique.

The most popular dolls are the faeries,
So that's what all vendors like to carry.
Almost no one has the faerie queen,
And its rarity means it's seldom seen.

The long lines there will be the worst,
So to avoid that, get there first.
Don't miss this fun event today,
Or you won't get any Usuki dolls to play.

The Blue Usul
by coconut_rat

Running all around,
Tim the Blue Usul had a frown,
His friends all were excited for this holiday,
Even though he was blue he was looking quite grey.

Usuki was the colour he wanted to be painted,
Unfortunately with the paintbrush he was not acquainted,
Luckily for him he knew of his really smart friend Billy,
Very useful although sometimes he is quite silly!

Billy knew exactly what to do,
He had some ideas so Tim wouldn't have to always be blue,
He told Tim about the Alien Aisha Vending Machine,
Excited they both looked for Nerkmids at every scene!

This was a great way for Tim to get a paint job,
After which he would no longer have to sob,
However this was not Billy's only idea,
They would look for the Rainbow Fountain after stopping to have a tortilla!

Learning a lot from his trips to Neopia's many libraries,
Billy also discovered that Naia is one of Neopia's most powerful faeries,
Her reward is quite unique,
For itself this colour changing reward speaks!

Finally after a long hunt she was finally found,
Tim realised he was Usuki-coluor bound,
Very thankful for Billy his friend,
Who is a great example of a Neopian always ready to help to the end!

The Autumn Usuki Cake: Spicy and Sweet
by _brainchild_

The Autumn Usuki Cake, sure to delight,
Is tasty---no finer dessert is in sight.
The appearance is grand, and the flavours enthral.
This lovely confection is better than all.

The leaves on the headdress are candied---so sweet!
I'll eat them, since they are a wonderful treat.
The eyes are adorable, blue and divine!
Their taste, lovely berry, is more than just fine.

The frosting is spicy and fruity, which I
Adore. It is blessed by a peach-coloured dye
To bring form to the face of the gorgeous Usul.
Most of us would agree that this cake is quite cool.

So, if a sweet tooth is yours, then you should try this treat.
You'll be so overwhelmed by sheer bliss once you eat
Fruit and spiciness---no dessert shall parallel
This amazing confection, which suits my tastes well.

Cheerleader Usuki Reject
by precious_katuch14

Each Cheerleader Usuki
With her pompoms and smile,
Is lined up on the shelf,
In neat single file.

But alas, one cheerleader
Looks a bit worse for wear.
For instead of a smile,
This Usuki has a tired stare.

Two pompoms instead of three,
A tail in need of a brush.
It seems that someone 
Assembled this Usuki in a rush.

Her hair is in shambles,
Poor Cheerleader Usuki.
The most pitiful thing
One ever did see.

But wait! An Usukicon goer
Has spotted our Usuki reject.
And from their expectant face,
It's the Usuki they will select.

"These Usukis are rare,"
The Usukicon goer says.
After all, it's the only one
Looking like a mess.

"These Cheerleader Usukis,
"Are all perfect and pretty.
"But the Cheerleader Usuki Reject
"Has quite the personality!"

Usuki Eve Magic
by laurneoneo

It was a quiet Friday night
You couldn't hear a peep
When I put my sweet Usuki
In her bed to sleep.

I know she's just a toy
And there's no way it could be
But when I awoke
My Usuki'd broken free.

She had made me faerie pancakes
She had dressed herself in blue
And all of my broken toys
Looked as good as new.

I've heard the legend told
That on Usuki eve
Usuki magic comes alive
And now I can't help but believe.

Dream Big
by ayakae

Hey there, pretty young lady,
When you’re older, what would you like to be?
Don’t be afraid to dream big, little miss,
Just take a look at your favourite Usuki!

On Mondays, she’s a singing star,
She writes and sings her own songs
Up on the stage in front of millions of fans
Is where she truly belongs!

On Tuesdays, she’s a beautiful mermaid
She’s got a tail of the most stunning green
She loves to play with all the sea creatures
And take care of her plants marine

On Wednesday she’s a gorgeous bride
She’s truly the belle of the ball!
Her grace, her poise, her charm, her style
Is truly beloved by all

On Thursday she possesses magical hair
Look how it glitters and sparkles in the sun!
Put bows and hairclips and scrunchies and more
Doing her hair is just so much fun!

On Friday she’s a brave superhero
Saving the world, she does it so well!
Fighting for justice and defeating the bad guys
Is where she truly excels

On Saturdays you need to be well-behaved
For she becomes a spooky witch
She knows how to make charms, jinxes, spells, and brews
And might also turn you to a Zytch

Then on Sundays she’s who she really is
A strong lady just like you and me
What playing with Usukis tells us is that
We can be whoever we want to be

So be inspired by your favorite Usukis
They show you what you’re truly capable of!
They encourage us to do the things we want,
The things we enjoy, the things we love

The Mr. Krawley Usuki
by truebrony

There once was a sweet little Krawk,
Who loved Usuki Dolls!
He always dreamed of buying one
Every time he went to the mall.

He loved everything about them,
From their hair to their pretty eyes!
Every year, to UsukiCon he went,
In search of his lovely prize!

One magical day, he found it,
On the tallest shelf, sitting pretty.
“Look! Look!”, He cried,
To his mother, nearby,
“The Mr. Krawley Usuki!”

With eyes full of joy,
And a heart full of glee,
He shouted, “That’s the doll for me!
With his fine blue fur,
And his handsome top hat,
I’ve got to have him! Please!”

But his mother sighed,
And shook her head,
And said,
“He’s too expensive!”

And so they left
As he sighed in regret
Feeling terribly sad and pensive.

He went to sleep that night,
and in his dreams
was that beautiful Usuki.

The next day he awoke
To an incredible sight-
On his front porch was- Mr. Krawley!

He ran outside
And blinked his eyes
Before crying out, “What a surprise!”

There in the distance,
Amidst early morning fog,
A stranger was walking away.
“He’s yours, kid,” He said,
Before bowing his head,
As he strolled into the sunrise.

Usuki Usuki Everywhere
by honeybee54321

Have you seen the latest trend? 
For our furry little friends.

What will be released this year?
Will it be a robe of sheer?

Could there be a new set to grab?
If you miss it you'll be sad!

My Neohome is stuffed full of dolls, 
I wish I could collect them all.

Once they have gotten a hold of you, 
There's nothing that you can do! 

You'll be collecting just like me, 
And all the fun you will see.

It's time for the annual convention, 
I can't believe I almost forgot to mention!

Usuki Usuki Everywhere, 
Try to collect them all if you dare!

A New Usuki for Me
by geneames1

Usukis are a thing of joy
so many  dolls  to choose
I want to own them, every one
There is no time to lose

The Usuki Doll convention
is finally here at last
vendors will be selling so
selection will be vast

I only have a hundred
my collection is quite small
I'll add as many as I can
I will collect them all

When the day is finally over
and I've made my way back home
I hope to have a new Usuki doll
that I can call my own

Usukicon Bag
by theguy2020

A holiday known all around Neopia,
The Usukicon doll convention can be viewed as a Utopia,
Goodie bags always bring Neopians joy,
Grab a Usukicon bag and try for a new toy!

New bags are released every year,
A holiday restockers are excited for as it comes near,
They have the chance to grab a new bag,
All they have to do is try restocking through the lag!

A quick reminder to do the Wishing Well,
The fact that the bags can be won from here is quite swell,
Don't forget to check out the Igloo Garage Sale,
All these different ways to get one you can't fail!

What are in the new bags we aren't so sure,
Definitely a must have collectors need to secure,
Many are hoping for an exclusive doll,
There will be surely something enjoyable for all!

There may be some new wearables to customise your pet,
You won't want to miss it for sure I'll bet,
Usukicon always brings in the latest fashion,
Check it out, you'll love it with a passion!

The bags might have a new stamp or book,
If you like collectables don't forget to look,
Often times the bags eventually do retire,
The need to get them before then is dire!

Come on Down!!!
by cinnabonski

See them come
Arrive in masses
With their badges
With their passes

Eyes asparkle
And smiles wide
For their delight
They can not hide

Find their spots
Place their wares
A convention 
That none compares 

Row by Row
Booths alight
With Usuki
Quite the sight

Find your fancy
Find your swag
Be it doll
Or be it bag

Perhaps a set
Or maybe book
It's all there
Just take a look

Grab some coins
By chance a stamp
There's a poster
Was that a lamp?

So come on down) 
To where we're drawn
A wondrous place

The Usuki Musketeer
by t0tor0

I like collecting Usukis,
As anyone who visits sees.
My favourite is a fighter brave:
The opposite of a sly knave.

The bold Usuki Musketeer
Is dashing, a true cavalier.
He’s suave, sophisticated, and
Adept with a sharp sword in hand.

The code he lives by, ride or die,
Which doubles as his battle cry,
Is “All for one and one for all!”
It’s quite a stirring rally call.

At present, I’ve collected three,
But after today’s shopping spree,
They may be joined by a new one
To add to the swashbuckling fun!

Come on, Usukicon!
by andrehmf98

Come one,
Come all,
Grab your own Usuki Doll!

Come two,
Come you,
You'd love to join the crew!

Come three,
Come see,
Usukis even on ski!

Come four,
Come more,
They are the Dolls we adore!

Come on,
There's no need to carry on,
I'll see you on this year's Usukicon!

In The Usuki Convention Hall
by lesslynope

The time has come for the Usuki doll
you can see fanatics lining the hall. 

Everyone wanting to collect them all
every last one, no matter how small. 

They line up to buy, short and tall,
if there isn't enough, expect a brawl. 

The options lining hundreds of stalls
as Usuki collectors are having a ball. 

Posh and bright posters upon the wall
showing more options than I can recall. 

Merchandise varying, from hat to shawl
more clothing here than the neo mall. 

I see so many bags of Usukigirl haul
around the convention the all sprawl.

A kaugirl in cosplay whispers "y'all", 
awe evident even in her country drawl. 

Fanatics see many rare items and bawl
over rare Usuki imported from Montreal.

Neopets of all kinds walk about, crawl, 
peruse items that delight and enthrall. 

If you've never gone, I recommend you see, 
a spectacle all about the amazing Usuki!

Usuki Conned
by andypopo

Neopets lined up around the block, 
the long wait would make many pets cower!
Towards the Usuki Store they begin to flock, 
eagerly awaiting the stores opening hour. 

Whispers in the crowd about what will be released, 
the pets all gossip about their collections. 
The pets at the front of the line are quite pleased, 
knowing a limited edition gift bag they may win!

They check their watches the Con is about to begin, 
the store clerk walks up to the door and sighs. 
He unlocks the door and the pets floor in, 
pushing and squeezing to try and get by! 

Paws reach up on the shelves up high, 
grabbing every doll in sight!
The owner sighs as customers pass by, 
he has to break up yet another fight. 

The Neopets open their Year 23 gift bags with cheer, 
hoping to find the rarest of Usuki. 
Instead they let out the loudest "Oh dear",
sadly all they find in their bags is a silly Quigiki!

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