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Neopets Poems

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Discovery of Meridell Day Special

Meridell vs Darigan
by profebest

Long time ago in a city full of Neopians,
There was a war in between,
Meridell was known as the Knights,
And their rival Darigan were the Dark Knights,

There was a super strong war;
A war that ended on Lord Kass -
Getting Beaten from Meridell,
Many many years later,

This war became peace thus;
The event happened again this year,
The Altador Cup - Yes! Darigan Vs Meridell,
It was a strong game this year,

Although we are aware of the situation,
Darigan won against Meridell,
They won the Altador Cup claiming this year,
As the champions of the Altador Cup,

Happy Meridell Day!

Meridell Sightseeing
by myncithemonkey

Welcome to Meridell,
Lush land of greenery,
All the locals would tell,
Of its quaint scenery.

Situated by the hillside,
A menagerie of Petpets,
One may ponder and decide,
On which Turdle to place bets?

Treats of passing grade,
Line the shop of Merifoods,
Nearby is Illusen's glade,
Nestled in bountiful woods.

The Turmaculus is asleep,
Best to not wake the beast,
Head towards the castle keep,
To partake in a king's feast.

There's also an extreme sport,
Of trying to count potatoes,
But if that's not your sort,
There's always squished tomatoes.

Ode to the Meridell Castle
by therainbowsheep

At the heart of Meridell's kingdom, sits the great white castle
It welcomes all citizens, visiting is never a hassle!
The drawbridge remains open; currently there are no threats,
All can visit with peace of mind, no need to fret.

Within the castle walls lies activities galore,
Tell King Skarl a joke, maybe you'll receive a good score!
Or adventure with Valrigard, his plan is still taking shape
On how he will achieve his long-awaited escape!

Kayla's Potion Shop offers many a magical brew,
Some of them take on quite the neon hue.
While some potions may taste a little sour,
They result in tremendous power.

Double or Nothing too promises lots of fun,
Though Snargan owns the record for most games won
"Fancy a Gamble?" He'll tempt you with a grin,
Try your luck, but you may not win!

Overall, King Skarl's home is a Meridell treasure
Known for bringing its citizens' great pleasure.
It offers both protection and entertainment,
And visiting is always time well spent!

Happy Meridell Day!
by shutianlei3333

Meridell is a medieval land,
That is under King Skarl's command.
Let's head over there today,
To enjoy the weather and to play.

There are areas to pick tomatoes,
And a game to count potatoes.
Turmaculus may offer you a gift,
And you can roll cheese off a cliff.

It's fun to guess the marrow's weight,
Or kiss some Mortogs, maybe...eight! 
You can also herd Petpets into a pen,
And stop Balthazar again and again.

You can tell King Skarl a joke,
But it is difficult to impress that bloke.
The day is young and there's lots to do,
Where do we start?, I haven't a clue!

Meridell Discovered
by geneames1

One fine day back in year four
A new land was discovered
Meridell, a kingdom grand
it's secrets soon uncovered

A fertile place, verdant and lush
where farmers till the soil
playing cards to pass the time
and counting spuds to boil

In the center of it all
A castle, white and gleaming
dozing on his throne within
the Grump King Skarl is dreaming

He dreams of conflicts long gone by
of conflicts yet to be
but hopes that peace will reign a while
at least as long as he.

Meridell's Most Popular Game of Chance
by frankie8492

Gamers go to Meridell when they get the itch
To try out their luck and hope to get rich.
At the castle is a Skeith named Snargan,
Who is willing to offer anyone a bargain,
To double their money without a hitch.

Flipping heads is all that is needed for a double,
Whereas landing on tails will bring them trouble.
The player puts down ten Neopoints as the wager,
Which, all things considered, is not that major,
But knowing when to stop is the real struggle.

At the end of the day, Snargan always wins,
Because the game is rigged before it begins.
No one knows when to stop and leave,
Because winning more is their belief,
And Snargan collects their money as he grins.

Kiss the Mortog
by roxanna203

One, two, three... explode!
It happened before it could load.
First there were two, I was right.
Then there were three, gone in a sight!

Kissing many Mortogs back to back,
Our lips are going to need some slack.
The reward is worth the trouble,
Our princes(ses) are worth the struggle.

Who turned them into Mortogs, we wonder?
Rumour is Jhudora did it in a blunder.
But the fact remains, we must rescue,
The Royals who are trying to test you.

Kiss more Mortogs and get them right,
Have a chance in making top three tonight!
Come and visit Meridell to play this game,
You will remember Kiss the Mortog by name!

Oh How I Dream Of Meridell
by tallydepp

Oh how I dream of Meridell,
And its softly rolling hills.
Verdant fields stretching far.
The thought gives me a thrill.
I miss the simpler way of life,
Away from the hordes and crowds.
I miss the castle and the farms,
Where the King reigns proud.

Oh how I dream of Meridell,
And Illusen in her glade.
I count potatoes in my sleep,
I'm Meridell born and raised.
Turtums, Turnips, and Archery,
Down hills we would roll cheese!
In a rubbish dump finding treasure,
These are my childhood memories.

Oh how I dream of Meridell,
I wish one day there to return,
And live once more in the land I love,
In the countryside I yearn.
Of all the lands in Neopia,
Meridell reigns supreme.
Whenever I feel life is getting me down,
Of Meridell I dream.

Life is Well in Meridell
by ayakae

Let’s head to the land of Meridell!
Its quaintness will make your heart swell
With its fresh clean breeze
The abundance of trees
And shopkeepers with lots to sell

First, to the Meri Acres Farm we go
You can pick lots of things here, you know!
You’ll find lots of berries
That are sweet as cherries
And maybe bits of barbed wire too, oh no!

And over there by the little tree stump
Is a place so foul it’ll make you jump
Rotten apple cores
And garbage on the floor
Characterize the Meridell Rubbish Dump

Goodness gracious, what is that ruckus?
It’s loud snores from the Turmaculus!
Bang some pots and pans
Or give him a little tap dance
But be careful, don’t let him attack us!

What’s that over there, is that a glade?
Why, it’s Illusen with eyes so jade!
She’ll send you on a quest
North, south, east, and west
For prizes like Illusens Staff and Illusens Blade

Off to the side is a little yet steep hill
Roll down cheese by a minute, you will!
From Smoked Snorkle Cheese,
To Fragrant Ummagcheese
It surprisingly takes a lot of skill!

I’m tired of this, let’s play another game
Ultimate Bullseye is the name!
Ten arrows you must shoot
To hit a bullseye so minute
You’ll need practice to achieve great aim

Then down the road is an excitable Ixi
How do you do? My name is Sinsi!
Take a look at my boards
And turn the cups to swords
Shapeshifter’s a game that isn’t so easy

Are we finished exploring? Not even close!
The whole of Meridell is just so grandiose!
We haven’t met Ye Olde Petpets’ staff
Or made grumpy King Skarl laugh
Or raced Turdles or kissed Mortogs gross!

With so much to see, Meridell’s the place to stay
Lots of things to do, lots of games to play
This charming kingdom of old
Has lots of sights to behold
Let’s all celebrate Discovery of Meridell Day!

Ode to Morris
by hectic_haley

An Ode to Morris, 
our brave quiggle friend.

His smile is as vibrant as his green skin,
though he is small, he has the biggest heart.
He is not only a friend of Lisha, Boris and Kayla,
he is a friend to all

He is a hero to us all, a protector of Meridell.
He risked it all to travel back in time.
He helped the kingdom fight Lord Darigan and Lord Kass,
in hopes of restoring peace.

Who would have thought this small warrior would have such a big impact,
but th at is the beauty of courage and a big heart.
Let us never forget the risk he made,
to bring peace to Meridell and all of Neopia.

To our small green friend, with the warmest smile,
thank you for the risks you took!
Time travelling is no small feat,
but neither is fighting in war.

His name and his story will never be forgotten,
an Ode to Morris.

Plenty of stuff to do in Meridell
by annikkiadepp_

On the 30th day of the Month of Swimming,
there was a discovery that was truly winning. 

In the fourth year of Neopia’s history, 
Neopians discovered the Meridell mystery 

Meridell is a quaint medieval land,
for the biggest part made up of farmland 

Meridell offers many attractions
if you fancy sports or distractions

Meridell Castle is as big as an abbey,
its ruler is King Skarl, who’s often crabby

If you’re looking for a new sport to try
I suggest you play Ultimate Bullseye

You may fall in financial disgrace,
if you bet too much on a Turdle race. 

Don’t forget to visit Illusen, the earth faerie,
fulfill her quest and her rewards may vary

Meridell is so beautiful and diverse,
I could write much more, verse after verse

Alas, I must stop my rhymes here,
remember to celebrate Meridell this year!

The Court Dancer
by precious_katuch14

Alluring green eyes,
An innocent face.
Few Neopians know
The reasons for her ways.

A Brown Aisha,
Sent as tribute,
Made to dance
To tambourine and flute.

Once welcome in Meridell
Then hated and feared.
The Court Dancer's presence
Meant danger was near.

She mesmerized and charmed,
King and nobles alike.
Till clever Lisha opened a book
And made her decisive strike.

A spy for Lord Kass!
A Wadjet in Babaa's clothing!
All admiration for the dancer
Suddenly turned into loathing!

She fled, she escaped,
Poor Court Dancer astray.
Within the kingdom of Meridell
She could no longer stay.

Though a spy and a deceiver,
The Court Dancer was a pawn,
Within Morguss' hooves
For Lord Kass' plan.

But today, a pawn no more,
Only for herself she'll dance.
Beware her alluring eyes,
Lest you fall into her trance.

The Scary Dari Gnorbu: A Vicious Villain
by _brainchild_

The Dari Gnorbu scares me so!
He's such a mean and wicked foe.
I find him very menacing.
His motives just cannot be clean!

His glare so red shall paralyze
My soul into complete demise.
His long and winding tail will whack
Me o'er Kreludor, and right back!

His spikes are sharp, so do not touch!
I'm sure they'd hurt me very much.
These pointy knives adorn his tail.
Away the victims surely flail!

I'll stay away from such a brute!
I'm sure the beast is in cahoots
With villains like Lord Darigan,
Who plot pure evil in their den.

A Meridell Celebration
by x_kjmm

Gather the last few berries,
and finish rolling that cheese
A celebration is about to start
and who knows when it will cease?
Meridellians are all excited since
their land was discovered today
King Skarl is overjoyed - he knows
about the annual palace buffet
Villagers happily chatter about
the great festivities that await
Vegetables are ready for picking
but this year, will there be cake?
Mortogs eagerly await visitors
and hope to be safely kissed
(No exploding today, I hope
this party’s not to be missed!)
The Meridell Celebration is like
the land itself: tranquil yet fun
but as always, this Meridellian event 
is kindly open to everyone!

When in Meridell…
by dzudea

I don’t like kissing Mortogs
with their surfaces of goo
but when in Meridell…
really, what else could I do?
I am horrible at math so
potato counting isn’t a skill
but when in Meridell…
I can experience that thrill. 
I adore my dear Petpet
whom I’d like to forever keep
When in Meridell though…
I would wait until Turmy’s asleep. 
Meridell Day is a celebration
for we all have a reason or two
to appreciate a land in which
there is more than much to do!

Compare and Contrast: Meridell Edition
by peacelovebliss

Some Neopians enjoy simple living
and like seeing Meri Acres Farm
Here, you can roll cheese for
as long as you please, and
the weather’s often sunny and warm!
Other Neopians opt to embrace royalty
and so the Castle for is the place to be
Step inside King Skarl’s home and
you may even see him on his throne
he rewards those he considers funny. 

Does taking risks excite you?
Meridell has activities for that too!
You can kiss Mortogs on the land
or lend the Castle Treasurer a hand
Both could take some guts to do. 
You can visit the potion shop
or watch Turtle Races instead
Buy something from Merifoods
their offerings keep all well-fed. 

Whatever you are one
to embrace pastoral peace
or secretly dream of avarice
Meridell just might be
the ideal place to be seen
From its Farm to the Castle
like Illusen’s Glade, it’s evergreen!

A Bard's Song: The First Meridell vs Darigan War
by sir_serene

Twenty years, 
long ago,
all the knights were struck with fear.
Because of an attack
from the black 
land of woe.

Over run 
by the horde
from the land that blocked the sun.
Meridell's brave knights
sought to smite 
them with swords.

Skarl then prayed, 
checked his vault 
and knew he had been betrayed.
He'd been led astray.
In dismay. 
All his fault.

Asked for aid, 
no one came,
from Brightvale or wooded glade.
They just closed their gates,
it was fate. 
Skarl's to blame.

Losing ground 
in the war,
in dire need the king then found
heroes flung through time.
So sublime, 
were those four.

Sir Jeran, 
their lost friend,
with his family again.
With valor they fought,
all for naught? 
Kingdom's end?

brought his orb
back home where it all began.
Consumed with its glow,
powers flowed, 
he absored.

an alliance formed, it's true:
To destroy the orb
and the Lord 
cloaked in black.

Yellow Knight, 
Master Vex,
with friendly help they did fight
Spectre Darigan.
They did win, 
removed hex.

and Brightvale,
and the floating Citadel
now all live in peace.
Such relief 
for this tale.

Tri-National Summit
by parody_ham

Hear ye! Hear ye!
The bell doth rings
For the Summit of three lands
One Lord and two Kings!

Hear ye! Hear ye!
‘Tis now the chance
For the peace between nations
They make clear their stance!

Hear ye! Hear ye!
The wars now gone
As this trio of rulers
Show plans that are drawn!

Come ye! Come ye!
Gather right here
In the crowded city square
Let forth raucous cheer!

Come ye! Come ye!
Join hand-in-hand
And celebrate together
All over the land!

A Sonnet for a Coward King
by draikinator36

The tale that I tell exposes a crime
A liar and fool believed he could hide.
But the truth would reveal itself in time
And King Skarl will be punished for his pride.

The coward king robbed us without remorse
And left us to suffer in dire distress.
That king will regret his cruel use of force
For Darigan will have its pound of flesh.

A lost little Lupe wakes up all alone
But becomes a great hero despite it,
And though this new land has become his home
He hopes someday to be reunited.

Strange magic blooms and returns a sister.
He had forgotten how much he'd missed her.

With our teeth and claws we come for vengeance
Steel clashing with steel on the battlefield 
Meridell must submit to its penance
The time has come for truth to be revealed.

Our generals advance and take what's our
Our orb is returned but will work no more.
Our Lord's once kind heart has rot and soured
And no longer cares what we're fighting for.

Two kingdoms, once foes, must join together
To save our shared world from heinous evil
Though our orb may now be gone forever
We choose peace for the sake of all people.

Sir Jeran prevailed against the attack,
And Lisha, well, she got her brother back.

The Glory of Marrow Farming
by flufflepuff

If one should ask where glory can be found in Meridell,
the answer would be swift: in tourney, castle, armour bright.
But few would be so quick to say, that, also in the dell
A peasant farmer could obtain his own small sort of might.

Behold the Wocky farmer, brown fur darkened by the sun.
The march of years would leave most others feeble, but not him.
His hardened muscles, testament to all the work he's done
Have gained their tone and bulk from sacrificing wish and whim.

As constant as the calendar, when earth yields to the blade,
The Wocky carves deep furrows and prepares the ground for work.
Bestowing tiny spheres upon the channels that he'd made,
Small promises of life would come, provided he'd not shirk.

Each day, the Wocky farmer shall outpace the waking light,
Combating weeds and time and pesky Slorgs with greatest care.
As days transform to months, the Marrows in the earth grow bright,
With rippled stripes of earthy green, as proof of toil they'd bear.

It matters not if ribbons blue on these are yet bestowed--
Maintaining Marrow gardens is a Woolypapith task.
Now therefore, there's much merit to the Wocky farmer owed:
A miracle of growth is glory, if it's me you'd ask.

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