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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Chomby Day Special

The Discovery of the Chomby
by lorlurin

Captured a cup of time
Preserved in rock walls
Sealed it with rays of the sun
Waiting for a knock on the shell

Walking slow and steady paces
Across every inch of the Plateau
Chewing down leaves and berries
Familiar flavours of the same stroll

Fermented on the land of Tyrannia
Gentle beasts called Chombies grew
They stretched their long necks high above
Trying to see where the time flew

And soon did come in Year Three
Shattered ice revealed a forgotten road
And for the first time in forever 
The shy creature said, 

The Painter of Plates
by jaudaran

I know a young Chomby who paints all her plates,
From head top to tail she finely illustrates,
I’m always in awe of the work she creates,
I ask how she reaches, but she never states.

Once she was speckled, all white and light green,
And she painted them purple and bold tangerine,
In swirls and in swoops, with bright gold in between.
Wherever she went, she was certainly seen.

And once she was painted as shadow so dark,
An exciting blank canvas, I heard her remark.
She painted each plate with the scene of a park,
An ambitious project on which to embark!

But my favourite of all was the time she was fire,
How could she paint that? you’ll likely inquire,
At the time I thought too that her chances seemed dire,
But her tenacity’s something to which I aspire.

To a wizard, she ventured and asked him the cost
Of a magical paint to turn fire to frost.
At the end, her plates shimmered with elements crossed!
Though she still bemoans all of the brushes she lost.

The Plushie Chomby
by roxanna203

He sat on a shelf collecting dust, 
Never really being able to adjust,
To his new home called the Pound,
Where there were many lying around.

He thought, "No one would pick me,
For I am just a Plushie Chomby."
Little threads becoming unravel, 
From his different homes of travel.

Worn out expressing little delight,
Almost losing the hope not in sight.
But soon a sweet, delicate voice,
Filled the room, "I made my choice!"

Unaware, this tiny, wide-eyed girl,
Would become his whole wide world.
She picked him up, blowing the dust,
With one big hug, an instant trust.

Not only did she become his family,
She became his best friend, happily.
Having adventures and exploring land,
This Plushie Chomby became quite grand.

Chomby - The Neatest Neopet!
by flusia

From the land of Tyrannia,
Hails a prehistoric Neopet.
Its name is the Chomby,
And it might be the neatest yet!

It has a very long neck
To reach food high off the ground.
That neck is really helpful when
It wants to look around!

All along the Chomby's back
Are large and pointed plates!
They ward off foes so the Chomby
Can go peacefully about its day.

The Chomby's personality
Is quite timid and shy.
But it will become your best friend
If you let one into your life!

There are so many things
That make the Chomby something great.
So go out, and adopt one now,
For it is Chomby Day!

Who is that bright and thundering along the path?
by cookiez101

What! I have found no flowers here
in this loam that I have treasured so dear.
Who, now! Thundering and plodding along
rattling bones and gravel while whistling a quiet song.

Quite rude! I demand you to pay
for these damages to my daffodils and crocuses that now lay.
Here is the culprit – a Chomby with round feet and scales that zigzag
and a tail waving about in the wind like a flag.

Oh, now don’t make me feel bad.
For Chombies are so kind and gentle; please do not be sad.
It is no fault to have such an appetite as yours
for you harm none and cannot help that you love to explore.

Now, follow me – I’ll show you the best of my garden retreat
that you did not yet find to eat!
For here I have a lovely apple tree, and Cactus Blossoms, too.
It is Chomby Day, so we must celebrate: here are some gifts for you!

The Rainbow Chomby Cupcake: A Dazzling, Tasty Treat
by _brainchild_

The Rainbow Chomby Cupcake, sweet,
Is such a lovely, scrumptious treat.
It looks so gorgeous and quite bright,
With flavour more than just alright.

The colours, vibrant, bear the taste
Of frosting, which won't go to waste,
Since someone globbed it on. So thick
Is icing on this flashy pick.

Each hue of frosting is a thing
Quite different which will make me sing.
From lime green to grape purple, I'll
Adore these flavours with a smile.

The scales atop the cupcake, sweet,
Are crunchy candies, fun to eat.
They're made of chocolate, which tastes grand,
The finest flavour in the land.

So, if you seek a yummy treat,
This Chomby cupcake, quite a feat
Of baking skills, will please your tongue.
My happy heart has clearly sung.

Le Chomby Maraqua (French)
by werdesy

Depuis la nuit des temps
Une magnifique créature, Le Chomby Maraqua
Avec ses magnifiques nageoires s'amusa
dans les profondeurs de Maraqua

J'en voudrais un pour la vie
Mais le Pinceau Maraqua est hors de prix
Je vous en pris mes chers amis
Aidez moi avec mes économies

Prestance, bienveillance et plaisance
Le Chomby Maraqua prône l'excellence
De sa naissance jusqu'à l'adolescence
Se réveil un sentiment d'effervescence

La liberté, il l'aura dans l'eau
Oh Le chomby Maraqua est le plus beau
Le roi, dans le château
se mérite un magnifique gâteau
Pour l'anniversaire de ses dinosaures d'eau

Bonne Fête des Chombys!

The Chomby Day Parade!
by flipfro

The usually shy Chomby herbivores,
are putting on a big show because;
it's the twenty-second day of Running,
and of course you know what's coming...

Make way for the Chomby Day parade!
Wait for all the colours to be displayed.
Watch them pass by one by one, come along,
while they sing the Chomby song:

Give us Cactus Blossoms that's for sure,
feed us Terry Berries and many more.
We'll eat any kind of fresh food hauls,
but please don't offer Fungus Balls!

Please stick around to see the show,
the Chomby Carnival hasn't long to go.
With acrobatic Chombies of many talents,
tight rope walkers with perfect balance.

Let us put on a show for you,
think of it much like a zoo!
From the tiniest of Baby Chombies,
to the scary giant groaning Zombies.

Flying Faeries, and swimming Maraquan,
there's so many, they're sure to stun!
There's something here for everyone,
and the Carnival has only just begun.

Chomby Carnival (Based on the Book)
by twinkle_jazz

There once was a Chomby and his name was Kiran.
He went to the carnival, happening near him.
Things were okay, but quickly got worse,
Almost as if he fell under a curse.

He invited his friends to come along,
But when he turned back around, they were all gone.
And in such surprise, he dropped the leash,
And his Puppyblew ran toward the beach.

He tried to catch him, but he got away.
It wasn't like him to disobey.
Kiran searched the carnival high and low,
"Where did my Puppyblew go?"

He searched and searched 'til he grew tired,
And sat at the picnic table, where he retired
A JubJub approached him, who he never met,
And said, "Would you like a piece of omelette?"

Kiran said "Sure, I'll have some, why not?
But one Neopoint is all I have got."
So, he bought some omelette and took a bite,
And noticed that something wasn't quite right.

The omelette was rotten and covered in mold,
And it didn't help that it was so cold.
So, he threw the omelette on the ground,
And at that moment he looked down.

And who was standing by his feet?
His Puppyblew, holding a treat.
Then he looked up, and who did he see?
His friends, who came and took a seat. 

They said "We're sorry that we left.
Hannah wasn't feeling the best.
So while she laid down to rest her eyes,
We won you this nice surprise."

And from their pockets, out they pulled,
Some chocolates and a brick of gold.
"We know we should have waited, for you to turn around,
But we promise that from this point on, we won't let you down."

Geek Chomby Outfit
by indulgences

It’s trendy now to be a geek!
Just be your honest self!
Admit your hobbies, passions, loves…
Don’t live your lives in stealth!

Do math and science captivate
And leave you quite beguiled?
Are you a fan of comic books?
Are you a flower child?

I have an outfit for your pet
That’s meant for Chomby geeks!
It’s backwards, yet so very swank.
It’s odd, and yet so chic!

The Wig is wispy, with black strands
Of moody raven hair.
It’s ruffled, and it’s quite unkempt.
It’s full of geeky flair!

The Shirt is made of fabric blue,
And flaunts suspenders white.
It’s gawky, nerdy, dorky stuff.
It’s absolutely right!

The Pants are plaid, of course they are.
They suit the Chomby geek.
They’re timeless, though not popular.
They’re classic and unique!

And finally, the Glasses will
Complete your Chomby’s look.
It helps your nerdy Chomby to
Interpret every book!

The Chomby that adorns these clothes
Is quite the lovely dweeb!
It’s clever, and so very keen,
I really do believe!

Total Poetry Pages : 2741

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