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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Kiko Day Special

Niten Hiroru
by eiligr

From the shadow, he comes.
where no one can see him.
His name is Niten Hiroru.
And he wields a noble sword.

On the day he decided
To look for another route
He chooses to head south.
That is his new path.

For this journey of his,
He entered a ruined tavern.
And as the bad company approached,
He brought peace to this place.

After the selfless feat,
The owner looks at him in relief.
And in his eyes, he wondered.
Who is this mysterious Kiko?

Before parting, he looks back at him.
After hearing the horrible deeds,
He smiled for a brief moment.
And left, as the bringer of peace.

The Kiko Chocolatier
by frankie8492

The Chocolate Factory is a popular shop,
With delicious candy that fills to the top.
The Kiko there owns and sells the treats,
And people rush to buy the sweets,
Which gives the Kiko business nonstop.

There is one strange thing about the store,
That many people choose to ignore.
At the factory, no one leaves or goes in,
So who exactly runs the operations within
And brings the chocolate to the shop's door?

That is something we may never know,
And perhaps the Kiko is just the finest pro.
At the end of the day, the chocolate tastes great,
And is the best in Neopia without a debate,
So that makes his popularity continue to grow.

Kiko Match II
by _jakk

How about a famous pastime of Kiko Lake
Matching cards is all it takes
Sounds to me like a piece of cake
Soon to be taken back with a headache

What seemed like a test of memory
Is really a challenge of bravery
Better come up with a strategy
Or the game ends in messy tragedy

Increasing tiles of Kiko face jumble
With little to no time to fumble
Under pressure I soon crumble
Started probable now so impossible

15 seconds before the last chime
Varied colours faces intertwine
How many more pairs can I find

Elvin the Kiko
by i_lovee_icecream

Elvin invites you,
Elvin excites you,
To throw a dart,
Straight from your heart. 

Elvin the Kiko,
Elvin the ego,
Allows you a chance,
At a prize and dance.

Pop! Pop! Goes the balloon,
Prizes galore make you swoon. 

Elvin allures you,
Elvin ensures you,
That you will win,
Much to your chagrin. 

Elvin the personality,
Elvin the geniality,
Looks at you with a wink,
Really makes you think.

Pop! Pop! Goes the balloon,
Prizes galore make you swoon. 

Elvin adores you,
Elvin floors you,
With his sheer charm,
He could never do harm. 

Elvin the gentleman,
Elvin, a fine specimen,
Is always polite,
And never contrite.

Pop! Pop! Goes the balloon,
Prizes galore make you swoon.

A Daring Kiki’s Dream
by darkhound45

There lived a Kiko who loved to roam.
Terror Mountain was his home.
He began to search for something daring.
He was so obsessed and was not caring.

He walked past all his friends,
Ignoring them all in the end.
His friends were playing simple games.
None were daring and brought no fame.

Then out the corner of his eye,
He saw something he’d want to try.
The great Snowager had fallen asleep,
So the eager Kiko began to creep.

His friends warned against this act.
The Snowager’s great power was a fact.
The Kiko turned with no care,
And ventured to the Snowager’s lair.

He walked right up and let out a yell.
Was it awake? He could not tell.
The Kiko heard a screeching noise,
As icicles were hurled with great poise.

The icicles came straight towards him.
He paused in fear as he looked at them.
He should’ve listened to his friends.
Maybe he’d have a happier end?

The Kiko yelled an apology,
And wished that he’d be let free.
The icicles came closer so it seemed,
As he opened his eyes from a dream.

The Kiko was panting covered in sweat,
This was definitely his worst dream yet.
He began to care less about trends,
And became less daring towards his friends.

The Clumsiest Neopets
by shutianlei3333

Kikos are cute and completely round,
And Kiko Lake is where they're found.
They're never seen riding on a boat,
Because they prefer to bob and float.

They stay in groups and never go solo,
And their favourite sport is water polo.
They are all quite accident prone,
And often hit their head on a stone.

All the Kikos around wear a band-aid.
Some are bought and others are home made.
Despite getting hurt, they still like to play,
And they wouldn't have it any other way.

Kikos are cheerful and very fun,
And that's why everyone wants one.
There is no reason to delay,
In getting yourself a Kiko today,

Especially since it is Kiko Day!

Get your Kiko today
by annikkiadepp_

Today we celebrate Kiko’s day,
you can create one or adopt a stray.

These Neopets are limited edition,
and will be in your family a great addition!

Kikos have round shaped heads,
they float around as they don’t have legs

They always wear a bandage and nobody knows why,
if you want to know the reason their book you must buy. 

Kikos love theme parks and water jets,
hanging near Kiko Lake just to have snacks

Some Kiko colours are quite unique,
for instance Chokato which is very chic. 

You can get a Kiko in all kinds of shades,
by painting it or making Neopets trades.

Go get your own, what are you waiting for? 
I promise you,  your happiness will soar.

We Love the Pop!
by cinnabonski

Aside the lake
You shall find
A test of skill
That's one of a kind

Betwixt the shops
Of fixtures and treat
Rests a place
Oh so neat

Upon approach
Its secrets hid
Behind the curtain
Venture I bid

As vision adjusts
And eyes alight 
Behold a scene
Take in the sight

In suit of lilac 
And yellow hue
Beckons a Kiko
In you're drew

Towards the board
With circles or dots
They're multi-coloured
Perhaps their spots

Upon inspection
Truth is found
To the board
Balloons are bound

The Kiko speaks out
"Elvin's the name"
"Fancy a try"
"At my daily game?"

"Simple it be"
"But always aim first "
"A prize you shall win"
"If one does burst"

He'll hand you a dart
And off you go
Steady your hand
Perfect your throw

Though seeker beware
For bad is the news
Though game can be found
Not all can use

Perhaps one day
It'll again soar
This game to its glory
They will restore

Till that day comes
Or it's given the chop
Thank you dear Elvin
We love the Kiko Pop

True Kiko
by helping_hunter02

They are not the tallest Neopet
Nor the most powerful
But one should never underestimate a Kiko

Elvin with his gleaming suit
Welcomes you every day with his benevolent smile
To his humble shack
Where he lets you shoot your dart away
Prizes should be given to the luckiest one
And nothing Elvin desire
Other than to see you rejoices
Humble he is, like a true Kiko

Poke Cellers
The captain of Kiko Lake
His toughness
His burning passion to play
The captain of Kiko Lake
Carrying the heavy burden with ease
Like a true Kiko

The Kiko Who Sells Such Scrumptious Treats
by _brainchild_

At Kiko Lake, there is a friend
Who's sure to please you to no end!
This Purple Kiko cooks delights---
No finer food has been in sight.

A Caramel Kiko Popcorn Ball
Will surely be a joy to all!
The cheese variety will please
As well---your happiness won't cease.

Vanilla fudge melts o'er my tongue!
This heart of mine has clearly sung.
The chocolate is amazing, too!
It's perfect when you're feeling blue.

The taffies, lollipops, and drinks
Are also very grand, I think!
The fruit and sugar shall enthral---
There's nothing to dislike at all.

I thank the Kiko for these foods
So sure to uplift any mood.
So, buddy, I suggest you buy
Dessert that's fine---I cannot lie.

The Meaning of The Bandage (Kiko Day)
by hectic_haley

If you look atop a Kiko's head you'll see a bandage,
it's not exclusive to one or two Kiko's,
you'll never meet a Kiko without one.

Why on earth do they each sport a bandage, you might ask?
Is it a fashion statement? Is it apart of their flesh?
If you ask a Kiko they may just giggle and not share any explanation.

These creatures aren't inherently accident prone,
so do these bandages even serve a purpose?
Perhaps many years ago the first Kiko to sport a bandage upon their head did injure themselves,
but these days these bandages are symbols.

These bandages symbolize heath, vitality, and strength.
They are worn as a badge of honour out of respect for their history.
That is the meaning of the bandage.

Bounce, Float, Splash!
by neoreturnee

Bounce, bounce, hooray!
Float, float, hooray!
Splash, splash, hooray!
To the Neopet who bounces, floats and splashes.
Happy Kiko Day!

In Kiko Lake,
To the depths of Maraqua,
Or floating over desert sands
The Kikos of the Altador Cup,
We salute you!

Bounce, bounce, hooray!
Float, float, hooray!
Splash, splash, hooray!

Bouncing in the playroom...
The Plushie Kiko!
Floating in space...
The Robot Kiko!
Splashing in the lake...
The land of Kikos.

Bounce, bounce, hooray!
Float, float, hooray!
Splash, splash, hooray!
Happy Kiko Day to Kikos all over Neopia!

Kikos of the Lake
by therainbowsheep

North East of Neopia lies Kiko lake,
A special place, a trip one must take!
Here is a fun fact you may not know,
It formed within a dormant volcano!

The best part is the delightful Kiko pet,
The most playful creature you've ever met!
They love a good thrill, like a quality splash,
But comfortable with the lake, they never thrash.

Adaptable, Kikos thrive in both water and on land,
It is common to find them playing in the sand.
Other times you'll spot them in a raft or on a boat,
Or sometimes just swimming, chilling in a float!

Kikos rock colours like Garlic and Chokato, so unique 
Their list of positive qualities is yet to hit the peak.
This Kiko Day, we wish every one of you well,
You're truly something special, we're under your spell!

Reasons to Love Kiko Lake (Ode to Kikos)
by tallydepp

On Kiko Day, come visit Kiko Lake!
It's an awesome destination!
Here's a list of the reasons why
It'll be your favourite vacation:

One - the lake itself!
The water is deep and clear.
On a hot Summer's day, it'll cool you down,
And you'll be glad you're here.

Two - take a tour on a boat
With a bottom made of glass.
See all the fish swim in the lake,
You know you'll have a laugh.

Three - there's a shop you're sure to love
With the name of Kiko Lake Treats.
Inside you'll find tasty delights,
A cornucopia of sugary sweets.

Four - Kiko Pop! A super fun game.
If you're lucky, you'll win a prize.
It's not as easy as it looks,
And may take several tries.

Five - It's Kiko Lake, you know!
There are Kikos everywhere!
They're super cute and playful too,
They'll fill your heart with cheer.

This list could go on forever,
Because Kiko Lake's so great.
Take a trip and see for yourself,
And celebrate Kiko Day!

Ode to Kiko Matching
by dottie27a

A bead of sweat drips down my forehead
As I flip another card
I remember! I saw that Kiko over there
This game is not very hard

The next round starts and there’s a brand new colour
Why is this Red Kiko so mad?
I find their match in the opposite corner
And this Yellow Kiko is so sad!

I flip and match as the timer counts down
I think this will be a high score
I feel calm and collected and ready to go
Let's move on to round number four

Each round gets harder and with more Kikos in play
The matches continue to climb
I glance at the countdown thinking this round is so easy
OH NO Ineedmoretime!

This round will be close and my heart beats much quicker
The trophy will be easy to snatch
But wait I can’t find this last pink Kiko
That’s how you play the game of Kiko Match!

The Healthy Kikos (Pumpkin and Garlic)
by roxanna203

A Kiko-coloured pumpkin, orange and hollow,
Found a friend who he would soon follow.
The friend would pass his house daily,
While he sat on the porch, being lazy.

The Halloween Kiko first noticed this friend,
Due to the unique odour dispersed to no end.
After a few days, he had a plan in action,
For he decided, they'll have an interaction.

Curiosity overcame him, for who was this,
For this Garlic Kiko was something amiss.
The Garlic Kiko would soon turn around,
"How can I help you?" asking confound.

The Garlic Kiko would soon realize,
This Halloween Kiko was simply idealized. 
The Garlic Kiko smiled so sweetly,
Forever friends they'd be completely.

Kiko Day
by the_fox_princess

Kiko 'o Kiko 
On over the meadow,
round 'n smooth, sometimes rainbow!
Let’s not wait for tomorrow.

In Kiko Lake you are our friend
There is little we cannot recommend-
more fun than you can comprehend,
But let's start with the latest trend!

Upon the lake you may find,
many creatures so kind
the water you can nevermind
because upon the glass you can unwind!

Now let's not forget the Kiko lake treats.
Nothing can beat these sweet eats...
But wait! Can you hear the drumbeats?
Something to lift you off your seats!

Kiko pop party!
The game makes us so hearty.
Prizes that will make your eyes go starry
let's not be tardy.

Now the day was lots of fun
and tomorrow we can play in the sun
because the summer is far from done.
Welcome to the Kiko family little one.

The Way to Kiko Lake
by ayakae

To the north and east of Neopia Central
Is a volcano that has long since been inactive
Over time, water collected in its crater
Until it formed a lake so attractive

While the lake’s surroundings are gorgeous
It’s underwater where you want to be
There’s a whole community beneath the surface
With Kikos as far as the eyes can see!

Alas, many of us can’t breathe underwater
So beneath the surface we can’t go
But don’t worry, we’ve still got Glass Boat Tours
To help us see the lake floor below

After the tour, what’s next to see?
Maybe you’d like to play an exciting game?
Let’s burst some balloons at Kiko Pop
Awesome prizes we shall claim!

We can then head over to Kiko Treats
They’ve got all sorts of sweets and candy
From lollies, candy apples, taffies, and fudge
We can find anything that suits our fancies

Lastly, we’ve got Kiko Lake Carpentry
I’ve heard they’ve got some interesting things
From coral shelves to bubble chairs and shell tables
You’re not sure what the next restock will bring!

So why don’t you come take a trip with me,
I’ll happily show you the way
I’d love to have someone to share my joy with
As we celebrate Kiko Day!

Happy Kiko Day!
by persephone__

I stopped by the shore one dreary, overcast day
and saw what looked like soccer balls floating in the bay.
As I got closer, I couldn't believe what I was seeing-
it was a family of Kikos, out for the evening!
The larger one carried a bag on its back,
What was inside I wonder? Scrolls? A Snack?
Then I startled as that Kiko yelled, "HEY!"
I waved and said, "How are you today?"
He had packed a bag to donate to the money tree, 
but the Ghost Lupe had growled and told him to flee! 
"Oh no!" I gasped, as he told me his tale
"Oh well - I have to go, I'm hot on another trail"
They paddled off abruptly as I watched them leave,
What trail was he on? What did that mean?
I've always heard Kikos are funny like that-
They're curious and get sidetracked at the drop of a hat!
They weren't returning, so I left on my way
but not before I turned around and yelled - HAPPY KIKO DAY!!

Sleepy Kiko Outfit
by indulgences

The sleepy Kiko wakes up, yawns,
And scratches her small head.
She’s dressed in her Pajamas, with
Her Hat upon her head!

Her Wig is ruffled, soft and blonde,
And tousled from her sleep.
Her Blankey quite enrobes her self.
It’s topped with fuzzy sheep!

She has to face the day right now.
She kicks off her bedspread.
She takes off all her sleepwear, and
She lays them on her bed.

She goes about her merry day,
And comes home worn and tired.
She showers, brushes all her teeth.
She’s ready to retire!

She slips into her nighttime garb.
She hugs her Blankey close.
It’s time to go to sleep again.
It’s time to snore, to doze!

The Sleepy Kiko Outfit is
The best pajama set
For Kikos that enjoy the feel
Of velvet at sunset!

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