Neopets Poems
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Mynci Day Special
Master Vex's Pride
by verrdict
The Mynci with the strategic mind,
his pieces reaching five, all aligned-
Cellblock is a Mynci's game, you see,
for they are all quite cunning as can be.
Myncis love puzzles, they find it a thrill;
they enjoy all games that require such skill.
To plan ahead, to predict, to play
a move that no doubt ruins your day.
Vex takes pride in each game he plays,
and on your turn, he locks his gaze
to intimidate you, to bring you fear,
in hopes your mind is kept unclear.
He taunts his enemies with a smile so smug,
to make them feel no more than a bug.
When he resisted Lord Kass, he was the same-
viewing the war as if it were another game.
He'd wait and find the best way to win;
as dungeon guards walked by, he'd smugly grin.
His ego and confidence shining through,
for he enjoys all games, as Myncis do-
A little smirk here, a chuckle there,
that perhaps he just wasn't quite aware-
that sometimes he takes it a little too far...
How else do you think he got that scar?
But that's just how he is, that Vex.
His challenging eyes as he says, "What's next?"
Whatever your move is, he'd anticipate
The question is, do you take the bait?
Grafney the Mynci
by kellyclark1115
Don't you dare try to sneak in,
Grafney will stop you for sure.
He's the head of Mynci and Sons Event Security,
you won't get past him, I assure.
If you try to enter the Concert Hall,
without the proper ticket,
Grafney will firmly tell you GO AWAY!
But don't think he is wicked!
He is only doing his job;
just stop by the ticket booth,
the tickets are well worth the price,
if I must tell you the truth.
It may be fun to try to get by him,
no one has been successful.
Tyrannian Concert Hall entries
have never been so suspenseful.
It's the Jungle Beast!
by precious_katuch14
It's the Jungle Beast!
Beware, NeoQuest Hero,
Of this Mynci monster.
It's the Jungle Beast!
A wild and angry Mynci
Lurking Jungle Ruins.
It's the Jungle Beast!
He has yellow eyes, sharp fangs,
And fluffy red fur.
It's the Jungle Beast!
Listen for mad chittering,
And the rustling boughs.
It's the Jungle Beast!
He lets out a battle cry,
Swings down from above.
It's the Jungle Beast!
Raise your wand and cast your spell,
Before he can strike!
It's the Jungle Beast!
Outrun him and out-hide him, quick,
Dodge and weave the ruins.
It's the Jungle Beast!
Claws and fangs are just no match,
For your spell-casting.
It's the Jungle Beast!
You have won this round for now,
As he flees in shame.
Mynci Meat Pie
by ophiopogon
Would you like to try
my Mynci Meat Pie?
No Mynci was harmed
Try it, and be charmed!
The taste is heavenly,
Just try it and you'll see!
Come on, take a bite!
Sample the eye on the right!
I promise it's tasty!
Goes great with some gravy!
I really don't appreciate
You refusing a pie so great
It's Mynci Day, so take a slice!
Bananas for Mynci
by shenkuun
Myncis are cute, agile, and fun,
Spending their days under a forest sun,
With long strong tails to help grasp trees,
Playing games like hide and seek.
Playing light pranks on passerbys,
Laughing out loud before sunrise,
Bananas are a Mynci delicacy,
Eating them fresh on top of trees.
Little jokesters Mynci are,
Neopia loves them dearly with all their hearts,
Come to a jungle and you will see,
Myncis playing around with full bellies.
They vary in different shapes and colours,
They share bunches of love for one another,
Create and customize a Mynci today,
They're very friendly and love to play.
Mynci Beach Volleyball
by qlobal
The blue skies were clear upon the island shore,
The ocean waved and you could hear the laughter roar.
The Mynci leapt across the net, fast and free.
This game required skill to be led to victory.
A net stood tall and the stakes were high,
His volleyball soared swiftly across the sky.
The Mynci jumped up and hit the ball to block,
A Pawkeet flew by watching like a hawk.
The Mynci’s tail curled to spike the ball,
He wasn’t very athletic but he’d give it his all.
Each point he gained, he’d cheer with glee,
Each serve he’d give with all of his energy.
A crowd of Pets nearby gathered to spectate,
And with every point won, they’d be sure to celebrate.
Until the sun started to set and the nets came down,
No Mynci was leaving this beach with a frown.
What a great workout, beach volleyball is!
The Myncis loved the game, it gave them such bliss.
But tomorrow brings a brand new day -
Will they come back, pick up a ball and play?
Zenco the Magnificent
by togepwi
Zenco is here to play!
Magnificent is what they say
I'm very good at Dueling Decks
Who wants a turn next?
Are you new to the game?
No wonder you haven't heard my name!
I promise it won't be hard
Just pick up a card!
It's pretty easy to learn
Choose a card when it's your turn
From there we'll compare a stat
Almost like our characters in combat!
Don't worry if you lose
As I say in my interviews
I'm very difficult to beat
Even when my opponents cheat!
Tearin’ Up Tyrannia - A Song by M*YNCI
by i_lovee_icecream
We’re tearin’ up Tyrannia,
This Mynci Day.
And when we celebrate,
It’s the Mynci way.
Yeah, no matter what we do,
Let’s celebrate, with all of you.
Neopia, I don’t understand,
Why we can’t all be Myncis.
Just grab a Morphing Potion,
Drink up, it’ll be such a breeze.
Let it go,
If you wanna be a Mynci, let me know.
I am here to help you,
At the Tyrannian Plateau.
We’re tearin’ up Tyrannia,
This Mynci Day.
And when we celebrate,
It’s the Mynci way.
Yeah, no matter what we do,
Let’s celebrate, with all of you.
Neopia, I don’t understand,
Why we can’t all be Myncis.
Just grab a Morphing Potion,
Drink up, it’ll be such a breeze.
Let it go,
If you wanna be a Mynci, let me know.
I am here to help you,
At the Tyrannian Plateau.
Mynci Detective
by gumgum101230
A Shadow Mynci sighed and said,
"I can't believe what I have read.
A thief has stolen all the fruit–
And during Gadgadsbogen, to boot?"
He shook his head warily;
There must be more to the story.
The Mynci guards are so sharp-eyed,
They must have someone on the inside!"
And though he'd been retired for
A change of pace some years before,
He knew he was the only one
Who's able to get this job done.
So he donned his Noir Suit,
With matching Trousers, Hat, and Shoes,
To fix this grim calamity
And solve the Island's Mystery.
He sneaked on past some hapless guards
Into the Gadgad storage yard
And hid inside a Lemwart tree
To watch the workers carefully.
After hanging there for hours,
He saw among the tropic flowers
A Yellow Kougra, drenched in shame,
Playing some sort of matching game.
The Mynci swung down from his hiding spot,
And shouted for the thief to stop,
For they might use an Elixir,
To make the produce disappear!
The startled Kougra turned his head
With desperate eyes of fear and dread,
And then he plead pathetically,
"Please, sir, do not arrest me!"
"The jig is up!" the Mynci said,
While turning many shades of red,
"You will be punished for your crime
And sit in jail to serve your time!"
The Kougra glanced up on the heap
Of stolen goods, as his guilt seeped
Into he very bones and heart–
As Gadgad Game began to start.
"I'm sorry, chief; I can't do that,"
The Kougra said, adjusting his hat,
"For now that I've made it this far,
I HAVE to earn the Avatar!"
The Story of Llugh
by therainbowsheep
What are the origins of Gadgadsbogen?
The tale is one of pure adventure.
Plus action, determination, and heart -
Let me tell you where brave Llugh ventured.
A confident Mynci, more than most,
He believed in his lightning speed.
When challenged to move faster than the sun,
He was confident he could do the deed!
Llugh started at sunrise, energized!
Ready to cross the entire island.
His goal was to reach by sunset,
A strenuous plan quite grand!
The Mynci packed his backpack well.
It was teeming with vegetables and fruit,
But due to a hole in his pack,
His efforts were rendered moot!
Left with only three Juppies,
Llugh had to ration his food.
He'd spread it across three meals,
To conserve energy; how smart, how shrewd!
Time was running short, Llugh felt worried,
Unsure if he would meet his goal.
Then a hungry stranger approached him,
Playing a pivotal role!
Llugh gave away his last Juppie,
For the passerby to savour.
Turns out, this generous act
Worked in the Mynci's favour.
She was an Earth Faerie with great power!
Upon Llugh, she bestowed her blessing,
Allowing him to run the rest of the way,
Rejuvenated and without stressing!
On the way back, their paths crossed again -
She returned the Juppie and told
Llugh to spread the seeds,
And fruit would grow tenfold!
The Faerie's words held true,
And today, because of Llugh,
Each year, tropical crops grow,
Lots of fruit to chew!
Toy Box Escape Myncis
by tatyanne
Up there floating in the sky
Are these pastel blocks.
Trapping robotic Neopets
Escaping from the Toy Box.
Myncis, Scorchios and their friends
Were created by Dr. Sloth.
Not terrible enough were they
To spread his evil wrath.
Lonely, lost and forgotten,
They clamber up blocky walls—
Searching for the brown door,
Doing their best never to fall.
They collect coins along the way,
To fill their empty coffers.
Evading spikes and lava;
What does freedom have to offer?
The path is not straightforward,
But Myncis are a quick-witted lot.
Together with their robotic friends,
Their escape they craftily plot.
I feel for these trapped Myncis–
How woeful is their plight!
Such resilient little creatures–
Unwavering in their fight.
What lies beyond the Toy Box,
Will they ever know?
May they one day see the sunshine,
And feel the wind gusts blow.
Hot Dogs for All
by 9kas
Hot dogs! Hot dogs!
Come get ‘em fresh!
They’re best in Neopia
I can surely attest.
Hubert is my name,
The shop’s sole keeper.
Our dogs are the finest
From Neopia to Kreludor!
Imagine any flavour
And we probably sell it:
Sushi, squid, starry, or
Even dipped in chocolate.
Our Veggie Hot Dogs
Would aid your digestion.
And Flaming Hot Corndogs
Relieve nasal congestion!
Some of our Hot Dogs
May resemble Chombies,
While other haunted ones
Are made out of Zombies.
For the fashionista pets
We have some trendy ones:
Pink, Speckled, Polka Dot
To match your outward fun!
And if for some reason
Hot Dogs aren’t your fave
I sell Franks and Beans
And Pasta you may crave.
So next time you are here
In the Neopian Bazaar,
Try Hubert’s Hot Dogs,
Neopia’s best, by far!
Hubert's History
by sierrasiobhan
Today we celebrate Hubert the shopkeeper
Hit him up for a hot dog, you can't find them cheaper
He'll reach in his cart that keeps going deeper
Such a friendly guy, he's surely no creeper
For Mynci Day Hubert will sure go bananas
Concocting some tasty hot dog manna
In warm Neo Central, not the ice caves with Hannah
His pure hot dog skill not some magic arcana
In days of old, Myncis were known as Mellish
Now Hubert sells hot dogs topped with relish
From the central stand he took time to embellish
Hubert works hard, he's oh so zealous
As the void spread, poor Hubert turned grey
But he's still celebrating Mynci day
Selling hot dogs with fervour he won't turn away
Any dog you want as long as you pay
He makes dogs of all kinds with onions and chive
Even a hot dog that became alive
To ensure there's enough, please take no more than five
Hubert's hot dog stand will forever thrive
The Faerie Mynci: A Beautiful Butterfly
by _brainchild_
The Faerie Mynci flies so high.
You'll love this gorgeous butterfly!
From fuchsia eyes to sparkling wings,
This creature makes me want to sing.
Her fur, a perfect shade of blue,
Is luxe, a very calming hue.
The tuft of fur atop her head
Makes me wish I were her instead!
The wings make her a butterfly.
This Faerie zooms o'er clouds of sky!
Through every inch of Faerieland,
The Mynci flies, which is quite grand.
So, if you seek a brand new pet,
The Mynci is a lovely bet.
Pick up this butterfly today---
She's guaranteed to cure dismay.
Little Woodland Mynci
by dragonlord812
Little Woodland Mynci, climbing up the trees.
Little Woodland Mynci, hiding midst the leaves.
Dwelling in the jungle, living in the brush;
This little monkey often moves in a rush.
Little Woodland Mynci, swinging from a vine.
Little Woodland Mynci, ready for a climb.
Residing in the forest, staying in the glade:
This little simian's joy will never ever fade.
Little Woodland Mynci, running round the roots.
Little Woodland Mynci, he hollers and he hoots.
Sheltering in the woods, homing in the grove;
This primate's antics will never get old.
Little Woodland Mynci, dancing past the sticks.
Little Woodland Mynci, up to his tricks.
Surviving in the woodlands, abiding in the weald;
Our little friend will never ever yield.
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