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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Gelert Day Special

How to take care of a Gelert
by profebest

Gelerts are lovely species who need a lot of caring,
They grow fast but they get weak if you don't feed them-
Feed them with lots of food before they sleep,
And they become stronger than a seed,

The Soup Kitchen they love,
They eat too much-
They don't need no fork,
Yum Gelert now is bloated - no need for more,

They grow faster than the Money Tree in a month,
A lot of sharing and care is needed-
For them to become your best Neopet friend,
If they look sad - play with Plushies and Toys,

All they need is caring,
Happy Gelert Day!

BusyBeeper the Spotted Gelert
by actiontal

BusyBeeper loves her ball
Chasing it through a Meridellian sprawl 
Her busy spots dot her face
While to that ball, she gives chase

Where this ball stops and where it goes
Only BusyBeeper knows
Chasing it past an Aisha scalawag
Who watches her spotted tail wag 

BusyBeeper, it’s time to go home
But she can’t leave her ball alone
She howls before she takes a break 
And sips the blue aqua from Kiko Lake 

Busybeeper with your fuzzy toes 
Busybeeper with your cold wet nose 
Bring your ball, my friend 
You’re loyal to it until the end

A Maraquan Gelert Adventure
by flusia

Down in the depths of Maraqua
Lives a Maraquan Gelert named Muri.
She gathered her things, and swam out her door
For today she was in quite a hurry.

Muri is known for collecting seashells,
Using them to make marvellous gifts.
Today she was after one special enough
To help fulfil her biggest wish.

Searching through the seafloor,
The young Gelert scoured far and wide
To find the perfect seashells
If nothing else, but to say she tried.

As she was about to give up,
She lowered her gaze one more time.
And there, hidden beneath the sand
Was the reflection of a golden shine.

Muri dug up the shell with glee,
And rushed herself back to her home.
She gathered her tools, and carefully
Crafted this shell to its new form.

Once she was done, she gleamed with pride
But quickly had to leave.
She couldn't risk being late
To the celebration of the eve!

She grabbed the shell, and made her way
To the fancy party tent.
Gelerts were gathered, from all around.
It was a true event!

Muri set down her shell for all to see,
'Twas time for the big reveal!
She moved out of the way, eyes fixed on her
And the crowd let out a squeal!

The shell was carved, so delicately
Into the shape of a Gelert face!
Now, let the festivities continue
On this marvellous Gelert Day!

The Chocolate Gelert Chocolatier
by precious_katuch14

There was a chocolate Gelert,
With whipped cream ears,
Who had a lofty dream
Of becoming a chocolatier.

But not just any chocolatier
Running some factory.
He wanted all his chocolates
To move and tell a story.

Forget regular chocolate Chias,
He'll make chocolate Chias that run.
After all, playing with your food
Is only part of the fun!

Bouncing chocolate Blumaroos,
Hopping chocolate Cybunnies.
This Gelert will even make
Chocolate honey Springabees.

He casts his magic,
No one knows how,
All anyone knows is,
His chocolate moves now!

All his sorcery knowledge
Put into making tasty treats
That no ordinary chocolatier
Can hope to beat.

Now there is a chocolate Gelert
Running his shop in Brightvale.
And when you hear it,
You'd probably think it a tall tale.

But follow the chocolate Chias
And the happy customer trails
To the chocolate Gelert chocolatier
With bright eyes and a wagging tail.

Glorious Gelerts
by bekksrich

Brave companions, loyal and true,
A Gelert at your side will never leave you.

Jovial by nature and explorers of the land,
They will accompany you wherever - snow, water or sand!

Baby or Elderly, Robot or Blue,
Even a Grey Gelert lights up upon seeing you.

Happy to greet you with a playful nudge or a lick,
Anywhere you are, they'll be there too, in a tick!

Protective and smart, capable of many a feat,
They deserve to be rewarded with a bone for a treat.

So spoil your Gelert with affection and a new toy or two,
Because today may be Gelert Day, but for them, every day is about you!

The Most Loyal Neopets
by shutianlei3333

When you find yourself needing a friend, 
There's a Neopet I can recommend. 
Gelerts are everything you could hope for. 
They'll meet your expectations and even more! 

Gelerts always love to have fun and play. 
You'll want them with you when you are grey. 
They are also courageous and selfless, 
Often lending a hand to the helpless. 

If you want someone that won't let you down, 
You don't have to further look around. 
Gelerts are all incredibly faithful, 
And for that, you will be very grateful. 

Trust me, you won't have any regrets.
Having a Gelert is as good as it gets. 
There is no one better to have by your side,
With all the benefits that they will provide.

Happy Gelert Day!

Prince Tourin Rathbone
by elipsis4k

There once was a Meridell Prince;
I fear he hadn’t much sense.
He kissed a Mortog,
and then stood agog:
Dona’s been an Acara er’ since. 

Tourin wished his lover were close,
so he sent her the gift of a rose.
Each petal was gold-
of course bandits stole- 
His gift of a golden rose.

Tourin asked for her hand,
but the wedding was banned.
Tourin needed proof.
Tormund delivered the truth;
they wed in Faerieland!

Adopt a Gelert on Gelert Day!
by pixie_tea

What kind of Neopet species are the Gelerts?
I'll tell you now since I'm the expert.
Gelerts are canine-like Neopets discovered on January 25th in the year two thousand,
Even though they are not limited edition, they are still grand.

Do you have one as a pet?
If not, then why not stop by the Pound... this decision you will definitely not regret!
The 6th of March is Gelert Day,
Once you befriend a Gelert, you are guaranteed a faithful friend full of fun and play.

Speaking of fun and play,
There is a game in Neopia called Spellseeker that features a Gelert Wizard you can play today.
That game requires logic and problem-solving skills,
When you play it, you'll see the thrills.

Now that you know about the Gelerts and the game that features one,
We are still not done.
What's left to be done you may ask,
Adopt a Gelert today on Gelert Day--- that's your task!

My Conceited Gelert's Self-Adoration
by _brainchild_

"Of all Gelerts, I am the most
Attractive one. I surely boast
Amazing looks and fashion, too!
I'm so much prettier than you."

"The clothes of Royal Girl make me
Look ravishing---I'm filled with glee.
I bear the softest Pastel hue---
It's such a lovely shade of blue."

"My earrings, made of gold, shall glimmer
In the desert sun. The shimmer
Overwhelms---it's blinding you!
Extravagance is oh so true."

"My makeup is the finest stuff!
I simply cannot get enough.
From lips of rouge to glitz on eyes,
My look is always a surprise!"

"So, all you silly wanna-be's,
You ought to just give up. Oh, please!
I'm so much lovelier. Your time
Is wasted on your fashion crimes."


"...Oh, my word! Now, is she done?
Due to her attitude, no fun
Transpires when she talks like that.
I cannot stand that stuck-up brat."

Gilbert was Berry Pickin'
by i_lovee_icecream

Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Sniddberry swimming in a Pile of Dung;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Strebbleberry swimming in a patch of clovers;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was garbage collectin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was garbage collectin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Bit of Barbed Wire swimming in a giant Piece of Wool;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was garbage collectin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was garbage collectin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Old Boot swimming in an old pile of rubbish;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Super Juicy Berry swimming in a row of bushes;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.  
He was Spoogentberry swimming in his basket of berries;
He dipped his fat little toes in there. 

Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’,
Gilbert the Gelert was berry pickin’ at the Meri Acres Farm.

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