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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Scorchio Day Special

Recipe for a Great Scorchio Day!
by flusia

Open your Scorchio Cookbook,
And let's make something great!
In honor of the celebration
Of this glorious Scorchio Day!

Let's try out an appetizer,
To get this started right!
Perhaps some Striped Scorchio Chips and Dip,
Or Scorchio Buffalo Bites?

Now it is time to choose a drink,
A tough choice this will be!
How about a Royal Scorchio Shake?
Or Starry Scorchio Tea?

The main course meal is now upon us,
So many options to be had!
Some delicious Speckled Scorchio Ravioli, or
A lovely Scorchio Spring Wrap?

Finally time for dessert!
Let's have a tasty treat!
There's Scorchio chocolates and Scorchio cakes,
And even Scorchio ice cream!

There are so many different ways
To make the perfect Scorchio meal!
That's why, today, we celebrate
The Scorchio's appeal!

The Scorchio Commander's Last Stand
by precious_katuch14

Cumulonimbus is lost no more,
Its existence exposed at last,
From within the Underclouds,
A maze so dark and vast.

There, corrupt faeries hold sway,
Winged Noils fly, and Babaas fight.
Leading this grisly charge
Is a Scorchio Commander of might.

Terask's days are numbered,
Fyora's help will soon arrive.
This Scorchio must do all he can
To ensure he and his army survive.

So he takes up his gauntlets,
Prepares his magic words,
Directs Dark Lieutenant Krawks
To draw their dark swords.

Scorchio Commander sallies forth,
With his courage and orders.
He creates a vanguard
Around Cumulonimbus' border.

"Who dares challenge our master?
"Who dares besiege our stronghold?
"Why, it's not even an army,
"But four adventurers bold!"

He raises his gauntlet high,
Poised to take a stand.
"We'll make those adventurers
"Wish they never left land!"

With his twisted allies,
And his Obliterate spells,
Scorchio Commander takes his stand
Though it won't end well.

Scorchio Day
by the_shii

Above the skies of Neopia,
You'll be astonished to see
the flying Scorchio species
in all colours a-plenty!

On this very special day
They all take to flight,
And the multitude of colours-
O, behold! What a sight!

Checkered, Disco, Baby, Grey,
Blue, Starry, Darigan, Red,
Fire, Faerie, Glowing, Brown,
GASP! Is that a new colour I see instead?

Scorchio Day 
What a day to celebrate!
Scorchio Day
Finally here, and worth the wait!

A new set of clothes,
and new colour's smile?
These Scorchio gifts
will last us a while!

What untold goodies will be revealed
To celebrate Scorchio Day?
At least you have this poem,
and to that, I say Hooray!

The Language of Gifts (French, Spanish, and English)
by flufflepuff

Les langues qui sont
Et saupoudrées 
À travers le monde 

A pesar de
Las lenguas que
Son como una
Bien cortada
En una ensalada 

The myriad ways
Unknown tongues
Leave all in a daze 

Un idioma
That transcends them all 

Y él lo sabe bien. 
Il le sait depuis longtemps. 
The Scorchio knows it still. 

Une fleur pour Mère
A sundae to share
O lentes pa' que pueda ver 

The Scorchio helps:
"La besoin, qu'est-ce que c'est?
What do they like?
Escoge uno, entonces." 

The language of gifts
Dépasse les autres:
Ainsi, que cette langue devienne vôtres 
Porque algunos regalos
Tienen que ser

The languages that are
And sprinkled
Throughout the world 

The languages that are
Like an olive
In a salad 

The myriad ways
Unknown tongues
Leave all in a daze 

There is
A language
That transcends them all 

And he knows it well.
He knows for a long time.
He knows it still. 

A flower for Mother
A sundae to share
Or glasses so that (they) can see 

The Scorchio helps:
"The need, what is it?
What do they like?
Choose one, then." 

The language of gifts
Surpasses the others:
Therefore, may it become yours. 
For some gifts
Need to be
Chased. )

Samuel the Bravest Scorchio
by frankie8492

Samuel is a Scorchio with a big heart. 
He vows to protect petpets and does his part. 
He is an undercover agent with great ambitions, 
Always volunteering for the most dangerous missions. 
His current job is to rescue petpets from mining carts. 

Gargrall the Grarrl uses the petpets as forced labour. 
The poor petpets are always in constant danger. 
To stay alive, Samuel has to dodge rolling boulders, 
While balancing a Petpet on his shoulders, 
All to help free them and bring them to somewhere safer. 

Each Petpet that he saves is a close shave, 
Because he also has to dodge guards in the cave. 
Samuel can complete his tasks without hesitance, 
For he has good tactical skills and intelligence. 
His friends all dubbed him as Samwise the Brave.

Scorchio le brave (French)
by timezor

Des nombreux dragons que nous avons
Ce poème n'en célèbre qu'un seul

Le Draik est mystérieux et convoité par beaucoup
Mais il est également dispendieux et compliqué

Puis nous connaissais le mignon Shoyru 
Mais serait-il assez fort pour nous défendre?

Ou bien l'imposant Skeith
Quoique un peu trop paresseux...

Mais que dire de cet autre dragon
Originaire des volcans de tyrannia

Son souffle inégalé
Faisant de lui un redoutable ennemi

Mais sa loyauté incontestable
Fait du Scorchio un ami pour la vie

O Dia de Scorchio (Portuguese)
by alan_sjm2

Hoje, mais um dia alegre e quente. 
É um daqueles dias que aquece o coração da gente
É dia dos Scorchios e eles cantam
E quando eles voam parece que dançam.

Você deve conhecer alguns destes:
Glubgar, Sargug, Shumi e Rongus;
Ou talvez estes:
Scordrax, Doirn, Tochio e Tharius.

São vários espalhados por Neopia
Os citados são apenas uma pequena quantia
Quando eles estão no local é tudo uma utopia.
Essa espécie é mesmo uma simpatia!

Scorchio's Fun Day Out
by staggpub

Toby the Spotted Scorchio flapped his wings,
A joyous tune he doth whistle and sing,
For it's a brilliant beautiful sunny day,
Perfect to go out and play!

Scarfing down breakfast eagerly,
Bacon and eggs and Juppie tea,
Table manners out the window,
Hurrying so he may quickly go.

His friends greeted him excitedly,
Shouting and jumping with glee,
For everyone was excited for Scorchio Day this year,
And showing it with erupting cheer.

The plan today was to first see,
What new Scorchio clothes and colours are released,
Spotted is a lovely colour but maybe it's time for a change?
Something different to add to the range!

Then they’d go out for a delicious lunch,
Maybe have a burger, pizza and some punch.
Toby just ate but he's ready for more,
Eating yummy food is never a chore!

What a fun day for the crew,
They’d for sure discover something new,
Anyway, it’s guaranteed to be fun,
So Happy Scorchio Day, everyone!

The Lab Ray Heist
by mutantmetal

In the dark, a blackened night
Where anything could be a fright
If a bump might send you down under
Wait until you hear the thunder

You whisper: all this nonsense for a colour change?
Or, let's be real, stats, from a man deranged?
You open the doors, slip inside
And wonder why you didn't hide

But all those pros will think you're leet!
(Pretty neat, but you're dead meat)
The Scorchio walks into the room
Hidden, but his shadow looms

Don't make a sound 
'til he turns around
Easy way to get a simple zap
Without paying for a map

He talks to himself, turns, then laughs
You stand up but wobble like a baby calf
He's crazy as his Petpet, it's true
You didn't, but you should've knew

Why didn't you just talk to Doctor Death, his Techo clone?
You could get that cool pet, and you wouldn't feel so alone
Oh no, you blew it, you're sure he sees you
And even the poet can't protect you!

Scorchio Princess Outfit
by indulgences

Please bow before her majesty,
The Princess on her throne.
Obey her every slight command,
The chill that’s in her tone.

She wears an outfit haughty, black,
Adorned with threads of gold.
Only the darkest princess would
Wear clothes so dire and bold.

Her Wig is glossy auburn strands
Tied in a ponytail.
It’s vibrant, dark, and powerful,
And hardly light or pale.

Her Dress is made of velvet black,
And woven with gold swirls.
It sparkles with some ruby gems,
And buttons made of pearls.

Her Neckpiece is a grand affair,
So snobbish, high and white.
It’s elegant, yet arrogant.
It’s quite a pompous sight.

And finally, we have the Crown
Inset with diamond stars.
This diadem is fancy stuff,
The costliest by far.

The Princess Scorchio is so proud,
Superior and high.
Her outfit is imperious,
So lofty to the eye!

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