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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

Autumn is for Petpetpets
by stlouisgirl1989

Aboogala weaves, 
Silky strings sweep trees above - 
Fall graces crisp air.

Ditrey flutters by, 
Charmed by Autumn’s sweet whisper - 
Peaceful, small, and kind. 

Lady Blurg rests still, 
Upon a crunchy red leaf - 
Harvest moon above.

Lightmite flies at night,
Glowing against the darkness - 
Nature’s confetti.

Mootix nestles close, 
Hidden in warm Kacheek fur - 
Season’s fleeting guest.

One Breath
by flufflepuff

In swaths of ever-changing light
A subtle, dappled green,
Beneath the briny waves, she sprawls,
Engaged in thorough preen.
Like fronds that ripple where she dwells,
So, too, do silky ears
Cascade in gentle, waving tide,
Retrieving all she hears.

Her preening done, she charges forth,
An arrow in the waves.
The Gelert’s stalwart tail, it streams
Behind the trail she braves.

A jet of lilac, she’s propelled.
With bubbles in her wake,
She climbs to greet where sea meets air,
Prepared to crest and break
The mottled surface of her home.
The ceiling yields in twain
As sunlight bathes her scaly hide
And scattered droplets rain. 

For all her speed, one breath she gains,
One breath of salty air.
One breath of warmth, of majesty
‘Ere she, with bending flair
Succumbs to gravity once more.
She dives with paws outstretched.
Such is her grace, that, on the waves,
No trace of her was etched
Before it could be swallowed up.
The Gelert, home once more,
Looks up and grins, now confident:
Next time, she’d go ashore.

The Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule: Spooky, Yet Sweet
by _brainchild_

This Faellie guards a cauldron which
Contains fine wearables. You'll ditch
Your current look for this ensemble,
Which is pink and never dull.

A witch hat that's adorned with blooms
Will draw all gazes in the room.
A broom stick, perfect for a ride,
Supplies you with a nighttime glide.

A potion handheld will amaze.
It will enchant your pet for days!
A cauldron cooks up something sweet.
Will this be something fine to eat?

So, if you seek a lovely spell,
This cap will treat you very well.
Go buy it at the NC Mall---
It's very certain to enthrall.

Who to Choose?
by cgsdesigns

I stand between both sides, unsure
The two faeries ahead of me
Gaze scornfully at each other
And what am I to do?

Jhudora or Illusen? Illusen or Jhudora?
Dark versus Earth, Doom versus gloom
I wish I could change things
I wish they could be friends

But my choice is to choose
Only one can I pick
I can’t stand here mouth agape
There is work to be done

They stare expectantly
Urging me forward
Each beckoning me
And the anticipation is thick

I look back and forth
Before I finally decide
Illusen, I shall pick
I choose the good and the light

Jhudora just scowls
Disdain on her lips
“I don’t want you anyway
weakness has no place here”

As I follow Illusen
Walking at her side decisively
My step begins to falter…
…did I make the right choice?

A Kiko's Color Catastrophe
by chai7705

There once was a Kiko, happy as a clam
Quite literally, as it were
For creaking wide open the shell's purple jamb,
In Maraquan glory, revealed her!

She loved sitting pretty beneath Kiko Lake
Munching on Kiko Lake Treats
'Til Halloween came 'round and she thought she would make
A change with a paint brush so neat!

However, as Halloween came and then went
The pumpkin life bored her, after all
So many a Neopoint were then spent
To bring home a new paint brush haul!

After a dip in the trusty Rainbow Pool
She jumped out as Strawberry, so sweet
But woe came as others proved easy to fool
Skeiths and Grarrls were too eager to eat!

Desperate, she turned to that Mad Scientist
Begging to save the situation
She needed somebody who could help and assist
And prevent hungry Pets' food fixations!

So with the loudest ZAP and brightest white light
The Lab Ray ever had mustered
That Kiko was changed, and my, what a sight
She was flustered, for now she was Custard!!

"No way!! That's even tastier than before,
They really will eat me," she screamed
So the Scientist aimed his Lab Ray once more...
...And then she was Chocolate, topped with cream!

"Somehow worse has come to the worst
Even Jetsams will chase now, I fear!"
The Scientist agreed to one final burst
With a ZAP!, a Garlic Kiko appeared!

She figured it was the best out of three
And so that Kiko went on her way
She sat down where it'd be easy to flee
And pulled out a snack, "My, such a long day!"

A Magical Chokato Chia Pop!
A special treat for all her ordeals
She gobbled and savoured every last drop
And sighed with content at her meal

But suddenly a burst of magic boomed
For this Pop works on Chias (plus one more...)
At this caveat, that Kiko sure fumed
She pined for her times 'neath the Lake shore

But with a quick pause and another big sigh,
She just had to stop and laugh, though
She came to accept it and stop asking why
Now, that Kiko is a happy Chokato!

Table for Two
by dennykins

“Welcome to Kelp,
Let’s get you seated,
I’m here to help.”
The kind Uni greeted.

“Here is our menu,
So please take a look.
At this fine venue,
We surely can cook.”

“To start, a cocktail,
And may I suggest,
The Phear Juice, can’t fail,
It’s simply the best.”

“For your appetizer,
The Kelp Gazpacho. 
A real energizer,
Is the way to go.”

“Now onto your main,
Try our Sea Platter.
It’s a hurricane,
Of flavoursome matter.”

“What’s on for dessert?
Triple Chocolate Shell.
Take care that your shirt,
Has some room to swell.”

“And now it’s all done,
The eating is over.
We hope you had fun,
Take home some leftovers!”

What Is Random?
by tylerhuyser

What is ‘random’?
Is it found aboard the Coincidence?
Is it a Pant Devil incident?
Or Team Kiko Lake’s insolence?

What is ‘random’?
Is it cause for derision?
Such as one of Dr. Sloth’s taxes,
Or one of the Black Pteri’s dark visions?

What is ‘random’?
Does it make Mortogs rain?
An earthquake that shakes the frame?
Or a new Ghostkerchief friend?

What is ‘random’?
Does it come from Collector Gordo’s collection?
Does it bear Boochi’s discretion?
Or is it one of Meuka’s snotty infections?

What is ‘random’?
They make Neopets great.
When they’re Faerie Quests or Nerkmids,
They feel like fate.

The Crumpetmonger's Magic
by coyote90

Neopians travel from far and wide,
Just for a chance to get inside.
They've come to see the Crumpetmonger,
They'll wait all day, or even longer!

She can lift your dreary mood,
With her delicious baked food.
The heavenly smells waft through the town,
And erase even the most crooked frown.

She wakes up early every day,
Gets right to work, there's no delay.
She starts to knead the fluffy dough,
She wastes no time, it's go, go, go!

She slices fruit and whisks the cream,
You'll start to feel you're in a dream.
Then in the oven they go to bake,
Soon enough, you'll get to partake.

The soft warm fillings and flaky crust,
To try them all, it is a must.
Start with some pie, a puff, a tart?
Just one bite will warm your heart.

And when you sample her eclair,
You'll feel yourself lift in the air.
And don't forget about a scone!
When you have one, you won't leave them alone.

With so many tasty treats,
It's no wonder they fill the streets.
To eat the Crumpetmonger's wares,
For they all know nothing compares.

The Scorchio's Garden
by prulletje1852

This Scorchio loves gardening,
but her soul loves fire
And sometimes it is disheartening
When the soul outweighs desire!

This Scorchio is quite conflicted,
Loving flowers and the green of a leaf,
but to the spark of fire she is addicted
And this itch won’t rest till relieve!

Every day this Scorchio spends hours, 
watering, adding food for the plants, 
Tending to her beautiful flowers
In the wind they move as a dance!

But in the evening, when the work is done,
Her scorching hot urge reappears
Before she knows, all the flowers are gone
And the Scorchio’s eyes fill up with tears…

Fire is in her name and in her soul
And she does love the warm sparkles
But a garden without flowers is dull
It is honestly quite a hurdle!

One day a friend visited at night,
right after the Scorchio used her fire power
Holding in his hands something bright,
It is a special Igneots Fire Flower!

This flower is already on fire,
the Scorchio cannot burn it down!
And with the right Moltaran supplier,
She can plant them all around!

Finally, the Sorchio’s soul and heart,
can both enjoy the beautiful flowers
No longer do they have to work apart
While the flames never completely devour!

Two Roads Diverge in Haunted Woods
by spukl1

Two roads diverged in Haunted Woods,
And Gilly just could not travel both,
And be one traveller, long she stood,
And looked down them as far as she could
To where it bent for the Two Headed Hissi;

She took the chance to play their game fair,
Hoping she would get the right claim,
She saw the path with most of the wear;
Though that was just the path of the witch Ilere there,
She hoped to travel just the same.

And so, she asked which way should her feet lay,
The Mutant Hissi said to follow the mist back.
Gilly hoped she picked the right Hissi today!
Yet, she knew that destiny would take her away,
And doubted if she could even turn back.

She shall be telling this Tale of Woe with a sigh,
Somewhere in the Book of Ages hence:
Two roads diverged in the Haunted Woods, and
Gilly took the one less travelled by,
And that has made her fate.

Where Nightmares Begin: Vira the Twisted Acara
by ningkov1

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all? 
They used to say it was me 
Long ago when I was free 

Now trapped in a nightmare
Only solace flying in the night air,
Twisted and withered features 
Among Neopia’s darkest creatures 

Delicate flowers now poisonous thorns 
Forgotten days of youth mourn 
Unable to bear the pain and shame,
The beauty of Neopians cannot remain 

If I must suffer then Neopia shall too
Rainbows replaced with a twisted view,
Beauty will fade for all
Some are quicker to fall 

Destruction a promise
Dark times are upon us,
So easy to lure Neopians in 
The Age of Vira is about to begin!

The Pirate Petpet Crew
by gumgum101230

A Meowclops named Bartholomew
Set off from Pirate's Bay,
And though he couldn't really see,
His crewmates led the way.

The Pirate Captain's company
Embarked on their campaign
To rescue other Petpets from
The poachers' ruthless chains.

His Second Mate was a Pirate Juma
Who managed navigation,
And used the coins within her tail
As an alluring temptation!

A Pirate Pawkeet manned the Crow's Nest,
And, with only one good eye,
He looked out for the captured souls
And listened for their cries.

The Snowbunny then hopped upon
The poachers' grimy ship,
And use their heightened sense of smell
To sniff out hidden kinship.

The crew then freed their brethren,
And dealt their final blow,
By sending through their Petpet Cannon
The Pirate Rock they'd stowed!

Questing for Seshatia the Library Faerie
by alagfalaswen

This year, I know many are looking forward eagerly,
For quests from Fyora, Aethia or the Fountain Faerie,
Yet I'm most keen to aid Seshatia with what she asks of me!

Seshatia the Library Faerie's gifted me hours of fun,
With all the thoughful crosswords that she's conscientiously run,
She's even granted an avatar when you're done! 

She's also runs the Faerieland Bookshop in tip-top shape,
With calm assurance and her ponytail neat at her nape,
She keeps the magical bookshelves restocked without a scrape.

Why, even now she's stepping in to fill in Baelia's role,
So kind in heart, she always helps out with a sincere soul
Thus, I'm nigh pleased to help her locate her daily quest goal! 

So please, Seshatia, pick me for your questing inquiry,
If you need something, I will find it for you speedily
And will receive whatever blessing you grant happily!

A Haunting Ghost Story
by maddie_bangz

Mystery Island is a place
So calm, beautiful and serene
But there is a ghostly figure
That haunts behind the scenes

In the dark of night there’s a spirit
That lurks throughout the land
Its name and identity are unknown
As it glides along the sand

You’ll feel a chill within the air
And hear a rumbling growl
As the Ghost Lupe scans the trees
For a victim of its nightly prowl

Its eyes glow red throughout the dark
And its body hums with a ghostly buzz
The natives discuss its origins
But do they know the answer? Nobody does

They whisper around campfires
Of the horrors the Ghost Lupe inflicts
It will chase you through the night
And play horrible and cruel tricks

So beware if you decide
To visit Mystery Island after dark
Look out for the haunting Ghost Lupe
And listen for its gruesome bark

The Soup Faerie's Efforts
by togepwi

The Faerie Festival has started!
And there's a faerie so kind hearted
She spent weeks preparing soup
To make sure she can feed every group

Vegetables, seafood, meat
Her soups can be savoury or sweet
She accounted for everyone's taste
So nothing will go to waste!

Please grab a bowl and spoon
It'll be our turn soon!
I've never had anything so delicious
It's also surprisingly nutritious!

The Soup Faerie catered for an event this large
And she did this free of charge!
She simply wants every Neopian to be well fed
News of her generosity is widespread!

The Soup Faerie is the best
I hope she gets enough rest!
Thank you for all that you do
There wouldn't be a Faerie Festival without you!

Total Poetry Pages : 2768

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