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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

25 Years
by moibontutu302

It’s been 25 years
Of adventures to new and distant lands
We go side by side, paw in hand

It’s been 25 years
A quarter of a century
Every day a brand-new memory

It’s been 25 years
Through all of my bad days and good
You always listened and understood

It’s been 25 years
Filled with battles, plots, and new quests
Hey — remember winning the beauty contest?

It’s been 25 years
Of looking forward to seeing you every day
Grooming, feeding, and playing together always

It’s been 25 years
Full of changes, excitement, and surprise
Oh, like that time the lab ray turned you Eventide!

It’s been 25 years
Packed with kindness, friendship, and love
It’s you, my faithful friend, I’m always proud of

It’s been 25 years
I look back on it all feeling somewhat solemn
But you simply smile at me and remind me — “25 years more to come”.

The Hidden Tower’s Palette
by dennykins

The Faerie Queen has picked just five,
Paint brushes for her store.
If you’ll permit, let’s take a dive,
And check what each is for. 

The cheapest of this arty group,
Is the Baby Paint Brush.
De-age your pet, so you can boop
Its nose, so cute you’ll gush. 

The dark Darigan paint brush, this
might seem a quirky choice.
By stocking it, the queen won’t miss,
Who hides an evil voice. 

What better colour for a queen,
Than a Royal paint job? 
For pets who demand to be seen,
Just don’t become a snob. 

From deep below comes the next pick,
The ancient Maractite,
Your pet will look so cool and slick,
When filled with age-old might. 

Finally, those heart inclined,
The next one is for you.
Pick up the brush called Valentine,
To seek out love so true.  

Fyora smiles as you browse,
The hidden tower’s stock. 
Pick out a paint brush, get those wows,
Your pet’s new look will rock!

Random Event Haikus
by one_headlight

Pant Devil Attacks!
Into the inventory,
To take your Paint Brush.

Baby ray gun shoots,
This would ruin your custom!
Phew, Boochi just missed. 

A loud Kadoatie,
I'll give you some Neopoints,
Please just go away.

Shop Wizard wiggles,
His toes and your gallery,
Can fit more plushies.

Creepy Sssidney asks,
Come to the Haunted Fairground?
Too scary, no thanks.

Hurricane force winds,
Costly damage to your home,
Insurance next time.

Pant Devil Again!
Not quite, it's his evil twin,
Thank you for the gift!

Letter from the bank,
Complimentary toaster,
And double interest.

You log in to find,
Neopoints gone and sick pets,
Just a bad nightmare.

A fancily dressed,
Blue Scorchio accosts you,
Take this TCG!

Hospital Volunteer
by peacelovebliss

Being part of the Volunteer Team
can seem like quite a hassle
The NeoHospital’s a sanctuary
but is not a spa nor castle. 
I run back and forth to heal
fierce battlers through the day
Don’t expect medical miracles
but you’ll leave feeling okay
If you ask me though, honestly,
I often can’t feel my feet
If I see a Voidling around
I would instantly retreat 
I haven’t seen my friends
or played my favourite game
I converse with patients who
might not even know my name. 

The Battle for Brightvale is
very dangerous and intense
I’m not a regular fighter so
helping Dr. G makes sense. 
The Void creatures are beings
to stay away from if you can
so I spend time at the Hospital
It’s my pacifist pet plan!
Each day the mystery is
whether I’ll get infected or not
but I will be tiredly volunteering
until the end of this plot!

The Greying Time
by capgal

Grey day go away 
Come again another day 
No, not again, that’s not right 
Instead let us make all days bright 

Grey days never come again 
Not in the yard, not in the den 
The heroes come, the heroes fight 
To try and make the colours right

Grey days, are you here to stay? 
You’ve spread across the land today 
The King, the Banker, and the Pool
They all seem dreary, sad, and dull 

Wait, what’s happening to me now 
I see your curse has me somehow
I once wore yellow, green, and blue
But now, it’s fading and subdued

Grey days, no, I shall not succumb
I see the last bits of colour in my thumb 
I feel the bright and happy leaving 
Now, in the mirror I look grieving 

You’re a plague, you spread across this land 
Will any come to take a stand? 
Is this the way we’ll always be? 
Sad and grey for eternity

Is there hope for the grey and dreary? 
Will our heroes grow tired and weary? 
I think I’ll sit and weep a spell 
And wonder what the time will tell.

Altador Cup Celebrations
by maddie_bangz

Everyone in Neopia is practically buzzing
With excitement for these August days
Because the Altador Cup is happening now
There’s so much joy for this summer craze

Everyone has carefully picked their teams
And swore their allegiance to them this year
They’ve been cheering their teams to victory
Yelling from the stands for everyone to hear

Yooyuball players have been working hard
They’re trained and ready to play the game
They’ve been working towards this all year long
And are hoping for the MVP fame

There’s banners being raised and merch being bought
We hope you carefully selected your team from the start
It can be hard to decide between all the options
So we hope you decided to go with your heart

And above all else we hope you’re having fun!
There’s more games to play and goals to score
Support your team’s climb to victory
You’ll have so much fun you’ll want even more!

My Blue Ixi Plushie
by therainbowsheep

So many plushies to choose from,
But only one has my heart.
The wonderful Blue Ixi Plushie
Has been with me since the start!

Part of my Newbie Pack bundle,
Over a decade plus ago,
With me from the beginning
I take it everywhere I go!

The soft blue material worn,
From years of warm hugs.
No longer in the best condition,
But I don't mind, I shrug.

The Blue Ixi Plushie is my favourite,
The start to a larger collection!
But even as my gallery grows,
Blue Ixi still has my affection.

I adore the plushie's warm smile,
Sentimental value so strong.
I'll hang onto it forever,
To Blue Ixi, I'll never say so long!

Jhudora's Bodyguards
by spukl1

Sarah and Daisy are a special Gruslen set,
Jhudora’s bodyguards, they pose quite a threat.
Not quite cute and fluffy, they are kittens no more,
Do not dare irritate their Queen or it will be war!

Jhudora raised them to be nasty and bright,
They are extremely loyal and never let her out of their sight. 
Their master is the most powerful Faerie of all,
In her domain, Jhudora eternally stands tall. 

Sarah and Daisy live a life on the Cloud,
Their mortal enemy is Illusen & when in sight they howl loud.
Notable in shades of toxic purple and green,
These Faerie Petpets are much stronger than they seem. 

They won’t be happy to see you, in fact they’ll growl.
And you don’t want to cross them when they’re on the prowl.
They love their mommy, Jhudora, to them she is sweet,
She showers them with kisses, and a variety of Neopian meat.

Jhudora’s bodyguards are a hard-boiled pair,
These Gruslens have a magical snare,
Sarah and Daisy are a faithful set,
In Faerieland they roam, Jhudora’s trusty Petpets.

How's Queen Nabile?
by togepwi

All hail Queen Nabile!
Qasala is much more stable
It feels like the city has awoken
Since the curse has been broken

She didn't grow up wealthy
On the streets she had to be stealthy 
Always on the run before
But now she doesn't have to anymore!

What's life like now?
Nabile stays true to her vow
With Jazan at her side
Restoring Qasala is their pride

She's getting used to being a queen
She finds it weird how everything is so clean
There's also so many meetings to attend
And diplomatic messages to send

The Ixi proposes a lot of projects
Because she loves helping her subjects
So bottom line?
Queen Nabile is doing just fine!

Chia Fruit Party
by tatyanne

I had a wonderful dream last night,
About the pets that are the most unique–
How a Fruit Chia party would be a delight,
Given their wonderfully fruity physique!

The Banana Chia is a very bright fellow,
With his soft and creamy complexion.
He is blessed with a peel of brilliant yellow,
That offers him a great deal of protection.

It is said that an Apple Chia a day
Is what everyone needs in their life–
To keep the Healing Springs Faerie Away,
And your health will surely thrive.

Ummagine Chias have a fear of Kyrii–
So make sure to keep them far apart.
Of the Kyrii named Stan, they are wary,
Oh bless their poor little, fragile hearts!

Get a Blueberry Chia when you’re down,
And they will likely make your day.
They will turn around the saddest frown,
Once they start to frolic and play.

Strawberry Chias truly should beware,
For strawberries are my favourite fruit.
I once ate two kilos while sitting in my chair,
But will spare the Chias as they are too cute.

A Durian Chia is rather hard to miss,
With his unique and fragrant smell.
Do be careful if you give it a kiss,
Lest you get poked by his spiny shell.

All these Chias danced in my dream,
And we all had a great deal of fun.
These juicy pals make such a great team–
I’d recommend them to everyone!

Race to All Star
by truebrony

Under the searing summer sun
I play till all the games are won
Till I’m bestowed with that golden prize
The All Star trophy, glistening to the eyes

I race to score each goal in time
Before the countdown timer strikes
The goalie blocks my every move,
But I won’t give up! I won’t lose!

Frustration bursts into determination
As the crowd erupts into cheers of elation
Fire Yooyus fly from my hands
Burning like the passion that scorches the stands

GOOOOOOAAAAALLL, they shout, as applause uproars!
The Yooyuballs just soar and soar
Win after win, goal after goal 
I prove myself a victor after all

As the day fades to night, I tally my score
Knowing tomorrow I’ll work even more
I’ll give it my all till the games are won
For me and my team, I’ll burn bright as the sun

Grey Nightmares
by ningkov1

Midnight screams 
Withered dreams,
Baelia awoke in tears 
Briefly smothered by fears 

Once a shining Light Faerie 
Sparkling and merry,
Now Grey and dreary 
Dress torn and outlook weary 

Grey Neopians increasing all around 
No longer the only one in town,
Baelia sympathized greatly,
But it was hard to act bravely 

Now even worlds were turning Grey 
And she must help save the day!?
Hope for a brighter tomorrow,
Or disappointed sorrow?

With Tavi by her side 
Baelia could no longer hide, 
Maybe she could help somehow 
On this adventure from now 

Off to Meridell’s Grey land
Following Fyora’s command,
Searching for a cure
Grey misery so hard to endure 

Strange creatures attacking 
Confidence sorely lacking 
No where to run, 
The battle has just begun 

In the midst of a waking nightmare 
No time to despair,
Where will Baelia’s path lead?
Hopefully from Grey misery freed

Not you, Darigan Yooyu!
by agedbeauty

It's the time of year
Where Neopia rejoices
We all pick our team
And then loudly raise our voices!

For when we play the AC
There's lots of things to do
We can Make Some Noise
Or fling about a ball or two.

But AC fans are divided -
Some like Meridell, some KI -
Some like Yooyuball, and
Some like Slushie Slinger (I don't know why).

But while we have our differences
There's one place we all agree
No one likes the Darigan Yooyuball -
As we all can plainly see!

This little stinker
Never flies right towards the net
It goes backwards, left, then right,
But the goal? Not yet!

And if you think that DC
Likes this little snot
I have it on good authority
That no, Darigan Citadel does not!

So here's to the AC
And all of the little yooyus
Snow, Fire, Faerie, even Mutant -
But no Darigan - not you!

The Zafara Double Agent
by sportyangel3338

She’s cunning and she’s sneaky
Secretive and cheeky
Her skills are kind of freaky
The Zafara Double Agent

First, she spies on King Skarl
But betrays Lord Kass after all 
Who knows who is really under the shawl?
The Zafara Double Agent

Oh, my

She comes across oh so nice
But she’s just looking for the right price
Pay her well is my advice
The Zafara Double Agent

She’s intelligent and bizarre
A trading card and avatar
She’s an absolute star
The Zafara Double Agent

The Zafara Double Agent

In the Heat of the Forge
by sir_serene

Amid the forge's fiery glow,
works a sweaty Scorchio;
Echoing out, his hammer rings
with each and every heavy blow.

Ting, ting, ting, ting!

Morax Dorangis, known through the land,
for his young, skilled craftsman's hands;
His pieces stamped with a logo of wings,
are all considered to be quite grand.

Ting, ting, ting, ting!

If Moraxis' work catches your eye,
with the right ingredients you can buy-
A plate to protect or a sword to sting,
then watch his hammer make sparks fly.

Ting, ting, ting, ting!

From humble ore to a shiny shield,
to be worn out to the battlefield;
He crafts armour fit for a king,
so you can defend and never yield.

Ting, ting, ting, ting!

By the flames he works, forging steel,
red hot metal he hammers with zeal;
Upon the anvil his tool does sing,
with every swing as he seals the deal.

Ting, ting, ting, ting!

Total Poetry Pages : 2758

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