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Neopets Poems

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Discovery of Brightvale Day Special

Window Shopping
by ophiopogon

Blue Draik with no name,
Working on that window frame:
How is it that everything glows,
Under the light of these windows?

Your range of windows is quite impressive!
(I'd buy them all, but that's obsessive)
They all just look so fun
But I only have room for one...

This one features a Brightvale Berry
Just looking at it makes me feel merry!
But also a bit hungry...
Now my tummy's grumbly!

What's this at the end of the aisle?
Why, it's an Elemental Vial!
Putting this up might tempt a burglary...
I don't think that's the window for me

There's fresh stock of Pteri of Doom,
Not sure I want that to loom
Over me as I sleep:
I'd stay up and weep!

I turn away, and then, I see
The PERFECT window, perfect for me
I buy it immediately, no more hassle:
My new window: Brightvale Castle!

Beneath Whimsical Windows, Wantings of Wisdom and Wealth
by sakura_abby

Speckled light scatters my face,
as I glide to the tower
and up the staircase
On the way of my fate

Windows guide my way
to the finest throne room,
through the grand archway,
For knowledge I shall relay.

Of all sizes and shapes,
the stained glass gazes down,
past the drapes,
where I stand and hesitate.

In front of the King
of the wisest land of Neopia
my ears ring,
as fame and fortune await

To Hagan of the vale
Lord of scholars and scrolls
I stand and wail
“Here is what I know!

A wise friend once told me that
there’s nothing quite like
the courage of a Korbat”
I finish and wait.

With an eyebrow raise,
the proud Green Skeith
offers no praise
and loudly proclaims

“Youngin, I'm not dense.
I already knew that -
it’s common sense
across the Brightvale.”

Back to my potatoes,
I descend down the spire.
Eyes on my toes.
Tears on their way.

The sparkling windows stains,
of Aisha, Lupe, and Draik,
illuminate my strains
written on my face.

As I resolve to more books,
I stand to leave the gates.
Without any looks,
I hear behind a chatter

from near the rafters.
Up the walls,
I swear it’s the laughters
of portraits of patterned panes.

To Learn in Brightvale
by xdlugia_reborn

Brightvale is the centre of knowledge
To further my studies, I took a trip
Though I had difficulty finding a craft
For which to pursue my mentorship

The motes were a bit too wild for me
And I have no talent for potions
My memory with books is lacking
And to tailor cloaks is an unpleasant notion

When I thought all hope was lost
A hand on my shoulder made me stop
The Blue Draik understood my dilemma
And he led me to his workshop

The Brightvale Glaziers left me in awe
There's a story behind every work
Featuring famous faces like Roberta
Or Jhudora with a memorable smirk

The owner showed me his blueprints
How each cut of glass is glossed with paint
Forged within his own breath of flames
The final results brilliant and quaint

Although the window is fragile
The methods behind it are antique
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
And anything worth treasuring is unique

To make stained glass would not further my career
It's an old and under-appreciated art
Despite that, in the spirit of Brightvale
I wanted to learn it with all of my heart

The Wisdom of Brightvale
by dennykins

The fair kingdom of Brightvale,
Is known both far and wide.
And all citizens of this dale,
Hold wisdom as their pride. 

The people’s love of all things wise,
Is clear each way you look.
A glance around, and you’ll surmise,
They really love a book.

Two separate stores have offerings,
Of things for you to read.
The parchment scrolls are bound by rings,
More books than you could need! 

Brightvale’s great Wheel of Knowledge,
Displays its love of smarts.
Just spin, and then acknowledge,
All the wisdom round these parts. 

Up in the castle, sits a king,
Who’s known for being clever.
He hears the words the youngin’s bring,
He’s not dense, whatsoever. 

Let’s not forget, the welcome sign,
Says “Brightvale” after all. 
If wit wasn’t their claim to fame,
Then “Dullvale”, it would scrawl. 

So, on this day we celebrate,
The finding of Brightvale,
Be sure to visit this wise state,
And follow wisdom’s trail.

The Search for the Wisest
by 9kas

‘Tis the long awaited day of celebration
Of Brightvale’s discovery - what an occasion!
A crowd has gathered outside the castle,
Awaiting to meet the King in anticipation. 

For King Hagan of Brightvale had proclaimed
A Neopia-wide search for the wisest name:
Whoever could bring the King enlightenment
Would instantly earn the greatest fame. 

So one by one, the Neopians took turns
To present to the King all they had learned.
With fascinating facts and niche knowledge
The King’s approval they hoped to earn. 

But despite the Neopians all trying their best,
The wise old King was still unimpressed.
“I’m not dense, youngin'!”, as Hagan averred,
His sharp comments caused all to feel stressed!

Until one unassuming Ruki came by
Shuffling over with a glimmer in his eye. 
With a large cloak wrapped around his body
He stood tall and confident and gave it a try. 

King Hagan listened to the words with wide eyes,
Instantly wowed, he jumps up and cries:
“I give you an A+!” as he roars haughtily,
 “An avatar I shall award you as your prize!”

The Ruki, so stunned by the King’s reaction,
Turned suddenly red and blurted a confession:
“My King, it was all complete utter gibberish!”
Leaving King Hagan in complete exasperation!

A Brightvale Shopping Spree
by maddie_bangz

We’re celebrating Brightvale Day!
And to support the people of this land
We’re shopping at local businesses
Spending our NP to lend a helping hand

To help Brightvale thrive and rise above
Especially when they’re feeling so down and grey
We want to show them that Neopia cares
And that we want to celebrate Brightvale Day

We’ll start by grabbing lots of snacks
Because we’ll need the energy for this trip!
We’ll make sure to pop into Brightvale Fruits
They have fresh-squeezed juices? Give me a sip!

Then we’ll catch up on some reading
By stopping by Brightvale Books of course
If you want to learn all you can about Brightvale
These texts will be an excellent source

We’ll find some protective gear at the Brightvale Armoury
And of course some magical scrolls at The Scrollery
Royal Potionery is a good place to check out
To grab some potions, but relax there’s no hurry!

There’s so many ways you can support Brightvale
And acknowledge them on their holiday
Because this land is so exciting and fun
And our support will hopefully keep the Grey Curse at bay!

Ode to Brightvale’s Chia Wings
by ningkov1

Chias of all fruits and flavors 
Take a trip through green acres,
Head to Brightvale Fruits and you’ll see 
An assortment of wings to bring you glee 

Though food-coloured Chias can’t wear clothes 
In Brightvale one shopkeeper grows
Wings in all flavours and colours 
Completely unlike all others 

Bright juicy Lemon flutters 
Pea Wings green as summers
Deep Blueberry skies 
A flying Banana surprise 

Ripe Avocado faeries 
Zooming Strawberries 
A Tomato in the sky is no dream 
You’re not going crazy so don’t scream 

In Brightvale take a look above 
You’re sure to fall in love,
A rainbow of fruits and vegetables in the air
Vibrant wings made with care

Spin the Wheel of Knowledge
by spukl1

Spin the Wheel, come this way,
Spin the Wheel, come here & play.
‘Tis the Wheel of Knowledge right, 
Only for those Neopians bright.

Spin the Wheel see what you win,
A fancy new book or another spin.
Maybe advice from our intelligent King,
A basket of fruits or a mosaic thing.

Spin the Wheel of Knowledge, please.
It’ll spin fast with Brightvale’s breeze.
You can win a Faerie’s blessing,
A brand-new mote or a window dressing.

Spin the Wheel, the Green Draik calls out,
Four hundred points but worth it no doubt.
A chance to raise your smarts so cheap,
Or get a hint to help you sleep. 

Spin the Wheel of Knowledge, round.
Brightvale’s icon, from sky to ground.
Embrace the chance for smarts & riches,
Around it goes, there’s the prize… it is…

Brightvale Grey Where Hagan's King
by darthtingle

Peaceful, gleaming valley fair,
caught all about in verdant growth,
great knowledge gathers simply there:
O Brightvale pure where Hagan rules.

In bygone days your colors sang
from fort tucked into mountains' fog
to rill at base where branches hang
in Brightvale true where Hagan ponders.

Rustic vendors endure the ages,
their idyllic curving cottage roofs
cover potions, scrolls, and colouring pages
in Brightvale rich where Hagan seeks.

Sweet sister fort to Meridell
spires reaching unto nectarine skies,
flags splayed green and tan o'er the dell
from Brightvale strong where Hagan speaks.

But now the scene's all turned to grey
and now pastoral gleam's been muted.
For what reason or how long, none can say
In Brightvale grim where Hagan plots.

King Hagan's Ways
by therainbowsheep

By flickering candlelight, I studied
For hours and hours on end.
My reading habits were intense,
The books my only friends.

To read is to absorb knowledge,
To become enlightened and wise.
Now I am King of Brightvale,
For my efforts, this the prize.

But I do not wish to be alone,
In this endeavour to learn.
I urge my citizens to follow suit,
For mutual intelligence I yearn!

I invite my subjects to the castle,
To share their favourite teachings.
Some of what is presented though,
Is silly and a bit reaching.

But mostly, I am impressed!
Education never stops.
Most of the advice is golden,
Far from a useless flop.

I assign a grade out of 1000,
Who will get that A+?
A perfect score is rare,
And worth all the fuss!

This practice of mine fuels me,
Oh, how I love knowledge!
And meeting Brightvale's brightest,
From my land's college!

Let's Go Team Brightvale!
by sportyangel3338

There is only one team you should support
Brightvale rules in this awesome sport
This land is more than just stained-glass windows
They’ll shatter your dreams with their elbows

Brightvale is known as a land of learning
They even have a wheel to gain knowledge for turning
Studying past years has helped improve their aim
Now people are afraid of the Brightvale name

Montecito, the captain, is a Kacheek
A strong defender, complete opposite of meek
The goalkeeper is the Nimmo, Orie Dinelle
She guards her goal like a citadel

Gordo Gunnels is the other defender
He makes opponents quickly want to surrender
The other forwards are Kayn Hireck and Reb Weemelott
Watch out for their speed before they get off their shot

This year Brightvale is here to compete
As of right now, they are the team to beat
It’s important to practice and study the game
This is the year they’ll achieve world fame

Brightvale Day Motes
by gumgum101230

There is a certain weapons shop
That gives the power of sorcery;
I will list here my top-five picks
From the Brightvale Motery! 

My fifth-favourite mote appeals
To my love of puns,
For the Dee Mote's decreasing size
Is quite a lot of fun!

Admittedly, the mote up next
Is a bit... situational.
Use the Ee Mote carefully to make
Your opponents emotional!

Does your battle Pet run and hide
At any battle cry?
The third-best mote is the Ree Mote.
Which is good for Pets that are shy!

The mote that's my second-favourite
Is actually soft and squishy.
Beware the sudden damaged caused
By the mote that is a Plushie! 

However, the very best Mote
That Brightvale has unfurled
Is the mighty Neopian Mote,
Which is truly "out of this world"!

Brightvale’s Beauty
by truebrony

Shining halls 
Of stained glass walls,
Glowing green and gold.

Brightvale lies
Beneath blue skies,
A kingdom wise and old.

King Hagan sits
On a throne of wits,
Knowledge is what he seeks.

He contemplates,
On every word he speaks.

His castle stands 
Atop the land,
Gleaming white as snow.

The windows gleam
As each sunbeam
Reflects the land below.

Roads and roads
Of cobblestone,
Grass as lush as clouds.

Joy and laughter,
Dancing, chatter,
Fill the air with sound.

Shining halls 
Of stained glass walls,
Glowing green and gold.

Brightvale lies
Beneath blue skies,
A kingdom wise and old.

An Ode to the Brightvale Castle
by i_lovee_icecream

The tallest turrets,
Reaching for the skies,
Waving Brightvale’s flag,
Pride ever high. 

White pristine bricks,
Laid by hand. 
A sight to be seen,
The greatest in the land. 

The Brightvale Castle,
Opens its gates. 
For today’s festivities,
Don’t be late.

The grand hall,
Spreads wide before you. 
Guards line the walls,
Prepared for a coup. 

King Hagan appears,
From his chambers. 
His subjects kneel before him,
His most loyal neighbours. 

The sun cascades,
Through the stained glass,
Windows made by artisans,
Sealed by rendered brass. 

On this day,
We marvel at the castle. 
In green and yellow,
Tapestries lined in tassels.

Brightvale Books
by roxanna203

When you're looking for a good read,
Head on over passing the Scrollery,
Further steps to the left will guide,
You on the way to the Books of the wise!

Brightvale Books contains all its history,
In novels of wonder and some of mystery,
Pick any book in the store and you'll see,
A price is paid for knowledge guaranteed!

Brightvale Books is run by a Brown Ixi,
Don't ask for recommendations, he's not picky,
He will tell you any book is great,
Close your eyes and pick your fate!

Brightvale Day brings many new Neopians,
Wander in from all sorts of regions,
Inquiring wisdom to be found in a book,
Don't pick just one, you will be hooked!

Happy Brightvale Day from Brightvale Books!

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