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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

To Whistles, Love Mom
by skeletonic

My dearest Whistles, my pride and joy,
Another year at the arena…I’m so proud, my boy! 
With your striped shirt and whistle so clear,
Another Altador Cup Season you are near! 

As your mother, though, I tend to fret
With worries and fears that cloud my head.
Are you eating enough? Are you too cold or too warm?
Yooyu Ball can be a chaotic storm! 

Remember my dear your coat, not the thin one, thick!
I just don’t want you getting sick.
And snacks! Oh snacks, I’ve made a bunch!
Just in case you forget your lunch.

But what if it’s too warm? Oh! Dear Faeries!
Bring something breathable. Sweat stink carries!
I’ll send a care package, just write your loving mother:
I’ll pack this and that, whatever you forget, and others.

It worries me when on that Yooyu Ball field, the tensions rise:
Of course, you’re the calm amongst the cries.
But oh! My heart skips beats, it’s very true
When players gnash their teeth and glare at you.

Your judgment is firm, you are so brave!
Your calls can be against the tide, you’ll sternly wade.
But my sweet baby boy, promise me not to be rash: 
Don’t be tempted to run into those players’ angry clash.

There’s a chance that the crowd will roar:
Just remember exactly what that whistle is for! 
Use it wisely; be just, be right. 
Or call your mother if there’s a fight. 

So go, my Whistles, my referee. Stand tall!
With love from your mother, the greatest of all.
And hurry home when the games are done,
Your mother loves you and your sisters, my son! 

My love for you is so vast, like Neopia’s expanse.
Don’t blame me if I send you off with a worried glance. 
But I’m proud of you always: Whistles, my referee! 
With much love, from your mom, that’s me.

Hospital Shift
by endisnigh

I wake up before the sun starts to rise
Wiping away the sleepies from my eyes
I get ready as I wait for my lift
Rushing to get ready for my hospital shift

The hospital is crowded as we enter its doors
Neopians needing help, covered in sores
They moan as they ache and they wait
Hoping to be cured from their dire state

I lead a patient down a sterile hall
He tells me how he had got into a brawl
A monster surprised him with an attack
In return, he gave the purple being a whack

I treated his wounds and sent him on his way
My next patient was a Neopian who was Grey
They cried while expressing their fear and pain
I gave them comfort until they felt more sane

I kept seeing patients, giving my healing grace
Always with a smile on my face
The days were often hard and long
But my work helped deliver hope's song

I finish my work and pack up my bag
Exhausted, I feel my feet start to drag
I continue to push even though I'm tired
Knowing my gentle touch will leave them inspired

New Dyeworks Delight This Summer
by _brainchild_

New Summer Dyeworks shall impress!
I really want them, I confess.
Which lovely colour shall enthrall?
I cannot pick just one from all!

An Iridescent Mermaid Tail
Has three new colours that prevail.
Will I pick opalescent green
Or rainbow, with an unmatched sheen?

The babies have a pool floatie.
Pink, green, and white bring lots of glee!
Maraquans have their contacts. Three
More hues are great for you and me.

Hey, don't forget the Mutants! They
Are getting a new dress today.
Choose black, pink, or a creepy red
Which surely makes you feel some dread.

This summer, grab a Hue Brew Potion---
It will set your dreams in motion!
Don't delay, since items will
Retire soon, which will end the thrill.

Inside the Scientist's Mind
by togepwi

Hee hee hee!
The ray is fired at you and not me!
They say I'm a mad scientist
But I'm just offering you a twist

Of course, I'm not that easy to find
You'll have to collect the map pieces I've left behind
My marvelous creation is truly a sight to behold
So come and see me if you're feeling bold!

Visit once a day if you want some change
Don't be shy! Step into the range!
Who knows what you'll get today?
Anything's possible with my trusty lab ray

Maybe you'll turn into a robot
Or perhaps you rather become snot
I hear some come to get stronger
But they'll have to stick around for a little longer

We can also do a gender swap
And the fun doesn't have to stop!
Become a Quiggle, a Shoyru, or a Blumaroo
Come every day until you feel like the best you!

You'll come to love my greatest invention
So what are you waiting for? Come give it some attention!
Step right into the zone
Don't worry about the machine's weird tone!

Hee hee hee!
The ray is fired at you and not me!

War for the Obelisk
by undergroundcowz

When the ground began to shake
We couldn't begin to know the stakes
Digging up the puzzling spire - 
Questioning, down to the wire.

What of this Obelisk?
How should this go amiss?
We all took a side to see,
What it has done to you and me.

Gossip from lips to ears,
With a mounting gather of fear,
Six factions form, each one contorting
Their own direct ideals!

Kanrik, he knows the depth of it all
To prevent the destruction and downfall
Perhaps a pretty penny will find it’s due…

The Duchess has her own agenda in store,
Twisting victims for information and more,
And what isn’t controlled by the Sway: Should be!

Rasala of Red Erisim believes in the mages,
Their careful magic congregation written in the pages,
Protect the Obelisk from those that can’t control it…

Commander Flint and his squad of Brutes,
Well if I was evil, I’d avoid their boots,
Could they weaponize this new tool for the good of the people…?

Professor Lambert and his scholar seeker friends make a claim,
For the history of Neopia that could be ingrained
In the Obelisk, they fight for what they see as theirs.

“MAYBE THERE WILL BE CAKE?” the twins spoke in unison 
Feeling quite a slight with no invitation
They gathered the Awakened for a party all their own.

Weeks went by in the battle,
When the Obelisk called its own down one day.
Suddenly we faced its spirits
Reflecting all the fears we’d saved.
We had to make it out
Of this war without a doubt.

Finally, an end to all the wicked brutality,
The Oracle appeased the winning Sway.
Though the factions continue with the fighting
Facing off against each other to this very day.

Tax Beast Woes
by betti666

You’re minding your own business
Having a lovely day
Then suddenly 
Out of nowhere
You are the Tax Beast’s prey

He’s pounced from round a corner
Growled his fearsome growl 
Grabbed a bag 
of Neopoints 
Set your face into a scowl

How dare he roam around
Taking as he desires
Plucking coins 
From Neopians
Surely more than he requires

Your nerves have now been set ablaze
You continue on your way
A whole bag
Was ten percent
Of your earnings from today

Okay, so you were carrying plenty
Maybe more than other folks
But it doesn’t feel 
Like it is fair
All the emotions this evokes

You consider signing up to fight
Him in the Battledome Central Arena
To take revenge
Earn some loot 
And right this misdemeanour

Beach Volleyball Battle
by dennykins

The beach is cleared, a net laid out,
Spectators start to hang about,
For this showdown, a sandy brawl,
Of thrilling Mynci Volleyball. 

The athletes enter, Blue v Red,
Specific names remain unsaid.
They take position either side,
Crouched in preparedness, feet astride. 

The ball is served, it clears the net,
but its trajectory is no threat.
The Red Mynci hits it back home,
Using his quite well-rounded dome. 

Blue counters well, the play is made,
So back and forth, the players trade.
Look out! A Pawkeet overhead,
A Turdle now hinders Red’s tread. 

Despite this, Red is playing well,
A chance to spike, the crowd’s cheer swells,
Blue Mynci cannot make the catch,
It hits the sand: Game, set and match.

Red Mynci wins the cup this game,
He walks around, soaks in acclaim.
Pats on the back for all, before
We rake the beach and start once more.

Ode to Borovan (the drink)
by agedbeauty

Dear Neopia, today requires
A most wondrous treat
So today we will curl up
With something that can't be beat.

For no matter the weather,
We need something toasty-hot
Hot chocolate is good but what if
We had the kind that only Neopia's got?

Yes today I encourage you to try
Hot chocolate with an extra perk
It may sound a little strange
But in Neopia it works.

You see that steamy mug
Full of rich chocolate goodness
Has an extra ingredient - 
A bit of asparagus!

You may not be a fan 
Of a veggie in something sweet
But trust me when I tell you
Borovan is good to eat.

It has a savoury edge
And the name is kind of fun
So even if you're skeptical
Don't yuck someone else's yum!

Instead today I challenge you
To raise your mug in cheer
It may be only July
But I'm already waiting for Borovan Day this year!

A Very Angry Janitor
by shenkuun

I am fluffy so they say. 
Do not be fooled by my charming display. 
There is more to me than being fuzzy. 
I come with a temper, just like Scuzzy! 

Growl! Hear my roar. 
Who told you to walk all over my floors?
I keep it all clean, floors, doors, and windows. 
Now, please you must exit the Hall of Heroes! 

An angry Foreman is what I am. 
I loathe visitors who don't respect the land. 
This Hall contains artifacts of limitless value. 

Mop and bop is what I do all day. 
To pass the time I scrubbed the hallway. 
Just when I think the building is clean. 
Is that a dust spot? Back to my routine! 

King Altador put his trust in me. 
The views from the Hall can be serene. 
Constellations illuminate Altador's night. 
The morning sun gleams with might!

The Foreman of the Hall is what I am. 
I keep things pristine, now it's time for a scan. 
Argh, a spot of dirt has appeared. 
With soap and water, I'll get this cleared!

A very angry janitor is what they call me.
I am misunderstood don't you see? 
Yes, I have a temper and I can be grizzly. 
Now, exit the Hall you're making me dizzy!

Mopping and bopping as I follow your steps. 
Please go home, I need to rest. 
I am fluffy so they say. 

Its A Grey Day
by spukl1

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
What is there even to say?
The rains cover the lands,
& the colours have gone bland.

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
No Neopian wants to play.
Maroon and Grey are all around.
& all the Neopets wear a frown. 

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
Every Neopian will make their way,
Hoping brighter skies come tomorrow, 
While Drenched rain on we weather this woe. 

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
The Shopkeepers have all turned Grey.
We’ll weather this storm while it lasts.
& Neopia will smile again when it’s past.

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
Inside our Neohomes we prefer to stay.
Another day, another sad occasion,
It seems a we have a Grey invasion.

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
& to that I say “Come what may”.
Just like the precious Grey Faerie,
Neopia just does not feel merry.

It’s a Grey day, a Grey day
The colours have all gone away.
Let in the rain and gloom,
We’ll hope this Void is not our doom.

by 9kas

Beautiful was she, yet plagued with vanity,
Vira’s desires led to her downfall of lore,
A wish with consequences for eternity. 

The young Vira once lived a life of simplicity,
Frolicking in flowery fields she adored. 
Beautiful was she, yet plagued with vanity. 

And alas she was dissatisfied with her beauty,
Desperately yearning and wishing for more,
A wish with consequences for eternity. 

Darkness soon infiltrated her heart of purity,
Corrupting her thoughts forevermore. 
Beautiful no longer, yet still plagued with vanity. 

She gifts magical mirrors that twist reality
And reveal such ugliness that all do abhor. 
Cursed by an unwise wish for eternity. 

Following darkness’s footsteps in complicity,
Her once-pure heart, could it be restored? 
Beautiful no longer, yet still plagued with vanity,
Cursed by an unwise wish for eternity.

Volunteering at the NeoHospital
by maddie_bangz

The Void Within has been revving up
It can be a bit overwhelming to follow
And Void Prowlers are attacking each day
Our Neopets suffering can be tough to swallow

But there’s something that you can do
To help Neopets as they battle bravely
And that’s volunteer at the hospital
You can participate in several shifts daily

Just sign your pet up for a hospital shift
And they’ll jump in to the front line service
And give these warriors some important aid
There’s no need at all to be feeling nervous

Your volunteer time makes a difference
And you’ll get some fun prizes for assisting
The hospital’s overrun with pets that need help
So it’s important that your pets begin enlisting

Neopians everywhere want to say thank you!
Your volunteer work is appreciated by us all
And the NeoHospital is always taking volunteers
So don’t be afraid to answer the call!

Altador cup, that’s what’s up!
by carthrage

Have you signed up
for this year’s cup?

What a nostalgic sight to see,
all the signature colours in the Altador cup.

A new team arises
from the town of Dacardia.

Support the newcomers,
that’s a brilliant idea!

As you see all contenders,
hit the gym and warm up.
With veterans and newcomers,
brush up and square up.

The colosseum intensifies,
Altador cup, that’s what’s up!
Who will be the victor
of this year’s Gold Cup?

NEWSFLASH! by Tobias Sigmir and Hovri Sweet
by tylerhuyser

EXTRA! EXTRA! This just in!
I have breaking news. Please, listen!
The name is Tobias Sigmir, joined by Hovri Sweet,
We’re the most trustworthy newscasters that you’ll ever meet.

Have you seen the rift above Neopia—and The Void Within?
It seems like an invasion will surely begin!
Prepare your pets, for Brightvale has turned Grey,
Let’s hope that we’re able to keep these Voidlings at bay!

Perhaps you’re looking for some lighter news,
Then turn your attention to the Altador Collosseum, where there’s a lighter hue,
For soon, the Altador Cup will begin,
Which team do you think will be the one to win?

In other news, have you heard of the new Quest Log?
The Golden Shell, Pickulsaur, and enough Neggs for Neggnog.
Perhaps the most shocking piece of information,
Has been the recent spat of rapid deflation?

Well, there you have it! I tried my best to convey,
The biggest stories around Neopia for today.
Signing off—a Disco Ixi and a Red Grarrl,
Returning you to regular programming—an interview with King Skarl!

The Voidlings Faire
by verrdict

Gather round, ye battlers
The time has come to fight
Equip and get yer blessings
Keep your allies in your sight

For Voidlings, they be tricky
Don’t let your guard down, friends
Magenta mist, ghastly eyes
Be weary as one descends

From rift above in shattered sky
The essence we may find
Though ominous, we promise
No Neopet be left behind!

But what’s this, a cry for help?
Some whispers as they fall
A mumble of “You helped me…?”
As they fade at the end of the brawl

Suddenly your eyes-
They water, and tears well
You can’t seem to look away
From where the Voidlings fell

So keen your senses, friends
This mystery we must solve
The Voidlings faire? The Voidlings dare
To Prowlers, they evolve

It’s up to you to listen
It’s up to you to hear
For when the next they cry,
Something stronger may grow near

Against their wants and wishes
Perhaps it’s not their fault
For Voidlings may be just like us
Perhaps fighting, we must halt…

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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