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Neopets Poems

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Ruki Day Special

The Second-Hand Shoppe Ruki
by alagfalaswen

The Neopian Second-Hand Shoppe
Has a diligent Ruki atop
Its inventory
And transactions free,
Which requires attention non-stop.

In his warm cardigan and cap
He tallies the stock with a snap,
Then he mans the store,
Polite cheer and all,
An efficient, obliging chap.

Donations that must be appraised,
Pour in, yet this Ruki's unfazed
He checks wear and tear,
Fixes them with flair,
Until they once more will amaze.

His store always sees quite the crowd
But no rude pushing is allowed,
You get one pick, then
You'll line up again,
Or the Shopkeep will leave you quite cowed.

So should you this kind Ruki meet,
Please keep your wearable search neat,
For his services are
Way, way above par,
And his shop system cannot be beat!

To The Orchid Ruki
by rielcz

Defender of her home and flower pot
The Orchid Ruki shines in pink-hue'd charm
Protector of all life within her spot
She seeks justice on those who do them harm

She practices the art of self-defence
Finds comfort, bliss, in meditative psych
But part of her lives simply for suspense
She steels herself, preparing for her strike

Yet she exudes a beauty, grace, and art
Unparallel'd by even greatest Fae
She's blossom'd from a humble nymph with heart
Into the warrior she is today 

To those who wish her harm, I say: Beware!
The shadows doth you lurk, she's 'ready there

Anshu of the Cyodrake's Gaze Crew
by carthrage

The Cyodrake’s Gaze crew sails high,

Anshu, the Ruki, help the ship flight in the sky.
Sailing through stormy nights and dreamy views,
to navigate the skies of blue.

A veteran doctor from Shenkuu,
He constantly tends the crew.

With healing hands and heart that’s kind,
Revitalizes the crew with strength anew.

Every after the ship’s sails are calm,
He fronts a shop with recovery balm.

Stamps and potions showcased in store,
Each piece of spell and more.

Anshu’s a true healer of pain,
His attempts are never in vain.
Remarkable Restoratives are his offering,
A healer, a sailor, that ends suffering.

Underrated Rukis Stun in Cool Colours
by _brainchild_

Are you searching for a pet
You haven't gotten as of yet?
Well, don't forget our sweet Rukis.
They come in many hues which please!

They are not very popular,
And not the pet most folks prefer,
But they are underrated. I
Must have one, or else I will cry.

A Faerie Ruki really glows
In flying, pink nostalgic pose!
Maraquan Ruki swims the seas
With sharpest pincers, sure to please.

A Pastel Ruki's many hues
Are very certain to amuse.
The Polka Dot, a ladybug,
Is very worthy of a hug.

So, if you seek a brand-new pet,
And you don't have a Ruki yet,
Then I suggest you morph one. Why,
They're simply pleasing to the eye.

Dice.. escape?
by devotedly

Creeping along the playing board
A Ruki, keen eyes on your turn
Will you be able to save all the dice?
Perhaps, empty handed, you return.

You roll one, one head, full of cunning thoughts
Two Antennae sprout from the top
Listening out for your every roll
Will you win this? Will you flop?

Two is your second roll of the die
Two keen eyes watch your go
Left or right, up or down
He knows the way, do you though?

Three is the next roll, are you winning?
Are you happy with the path you choose?
The Ruki notices your simple mistakes
He settles right down for a snooze.

Four,  four spots placed on the dice
The Ruki’s four legs begin to shake
Will this Neopian win the game?
Will they seal the Ruki’s fate?

Five, what a roll, is this what you seek?
Can this be the winner for you?
Can you get past the obstacles put in your path
The Ruki sure doesn’t want you to

Six, a high roll, do you get far?
The Ruki’s palms begin to sweat
How close is he to owning all dice?
This game is not over yet.

Out of his shell comes a plot twist
The board turns to lava? Oh no!
Helpmeplease? Well that won’t help you now!
The Ruki chuckles “was that your last go?”

Game over for you, the dice, they vanish
Leaving only televisions to watch in your room
Your board games are under the Ruki’s control
Don’t worry, I heard Neovision's coming soon!

Anatomy of Rukis
by therainbowsheep

Rukis are built to wander,
Bodies constructed just so.
Built to protect the adventurers,
Wherever these Rukis go.

Four legs instead of two -
More ground can be crossed.
Rukis can travel far
Without any time lost.

Across Lost Desert they journey,
Underneath a scorching sun.
Few can stand these conditions,
It takes a special one.

Their sturdy exoskeletons
Keep them safe and secure.
No danger can reach these Rukis
On their Neopian World tour.

Big bug eyes to stay alert,
To see what comes their way.
Rukis tackle their challenges
With bravery, come what may!

The anatomy of a Ruki is thoughtful,
Designed to support their endeavours.
Really the makeup of Rukis
Are impressive and clever!

Doctor Ariel
by one_headlight

Born and raised on Dacardia's shores,
A Ruki recognizable from her snores,
Doctor Ariel Celandine, multiple PhDs,
Rebuilding the island with her expertise!

From growing up on the Crystal Plateau,
To obtaining multiple degrees in Altador,
Back home to put her knowledge to test,
In order to restore Dacardia to the very best!

If you catch her on the beach taking a nap,
Grabbing a pot of coffee would be most apt,
Her knowledge engine runs on caffeine,
Which turns her into an Engineering machine!

Not only that, she's an expert at Botany,
Furthermore, also Sustainable Energy,
With a thesis written on the mineral Dacardite,
It's quite obvious Ariel is exceptionally bright!

But lately the work has been a bit more simple,
Building Festival Plazas and cheering symbols,
Everyone on the island has been gathering to view,
And root for Dacardia in their Altador Cup debut!

Finding Bargains at the Second-Hand Shoppe
by maddie_bangz

Shopping can be fun to do
But if your Neopoints are low
Or you want to shop sustainably
There’s one place you have to go

The Second-Hand Shoppe is the place
For all your bargain buys and needs
And the Ruki who runs this quaint little store
Restocks at almost lightning speeds

He loves a bargain more than anyone else
He accepts any clothing item you wish to give
(Just please, no more dung, we’re begging you!
This onslaught will make the Ruki combative)

He’s very appreciative of your donations
He lets you know your kindness is seen
He’ll help your Neopets pick out some clothes
So they’ll leave feeling like a king or queen

There’s so many great deals to find
At the Second-Hand Shoppe, any day of the week
Be sure to stop by as soon as you can
Cause clothes go quickly at this boutique!

Dr. Ariel Celadine, Ruki Researcher
by skeletonic

In the laboratory’s fluorescent gleam
Sits Ruki Dr. Ariel Celadine! 
She studies the tomes and dusty lore
Of Dacardite, a crystal with energy galore! 

Dr. Celadine’s mind was bewitching. 
It never stopped, never quitting.
With coffee on her desk at all times, 
She only studied and seldom whined!

Theorems danced across her page
Showing thermodynamics at every stage!
From quasar blasts to crystal structure
Dr. Celadine’s wit was easily mustered! 

Her discoveries are as vast as the night:
As if lit by constellations so bright. 
Yet Dr. Celadine (in her quirky way)
Keeps on going, planning more research days. 

For amazing Dr. Celadine,
Each finding was a brilliant gleam!
So here’s to that Ruki, so intelligent!
May her research be well-funded and well-spent!

Grey Rukis
by agedbeauty

Once Ruki Day I ran across
A sweet but sad Grey Ruki
And I made it my mission
To help cheer up this little cutie.

First we went to the Bakery Shop
To check out a Ruki Day treat.
It was sugary and yummy,
But my grey friend found it too sweet.

Next we headed out to Unis Clothing
To check out the her stock of Ruki clothes.
But alas for my sweet Grey friend,
They already had both of those.

So then we went to Huberts, 
For what's more cheerful than food?
Hubert though was out of stock,
Which of course wasn't good.

The next stop was the Toy Shop
Which we knew would have Ruki Day fun,
But we got there a little late,
And all the new toys were gone.

But then I noticed my Ruki friend,
Was sad, but they were okay. 
They didn't need to cheer up - 
They just needed a friend today!

Revitalizing Cures from the Ruki Master
by ningkov1

“Anshu! My headache won’t go away!”
The Ruki looks at his display,
Black Cherry Tea placed down 
An aromatic smell all around 

“Anshu! My watery eyes hurt!”
Dried Orange Peels just like dessert,
Will this really help you wonder
Soon relief hits you like thunder 

“Anshu! My throat feels painful!”
A hot drink and you’re grateful,
Shrimp Powder mixed with warm milk
Delicious and smooth as silk 

“Anshu! I’m covered in itchy lumps!”
The Ruki shows an item that makes you jump, 
This Talon Root will ease the itching
Only for the brave and willing 

“Anshu! Hic! I can’t stop hiccuping!”
Other Neopians keep on snickering,
“Try this Lotus Leaf and you’ll be fine!”
The Ruki smiles oh so kind 

“Anshu! I feel like I have a cold,
Or maybe I’m just getting old”
Powdered Green Tea any time,
Healthy and sublime 

You start to speak, “Anshu! I feel sick…”
The Ruki hands you a book real quick
“A Guide to Find the Right Cure,
Written by yours truly! The best book for sure!”

Wonderful Rukis
by truebrony

Rukis are sturdy,
Steadfast and strong.
Those who choose Rukis
Will never choose wrong!

They come from Lost Desert,
And thrive in the heat.
Their tough, brazen hearts
Can survive any feat!

Darigan Rukis can brave any war,
Mutant Rukis have power in store!
Though not every Ruki desires to fight,
Each Ruki possesses a marvellous might!

Camouflage Rukis will hide in the trees,
Royal Boy Rukis will do as they please.
Plushie Rukis are charming and shy,
Magma Rukis have scorching red eyes!

These wonderful warriors
Are courageous and kind.
So go adopt a Ruki,
And you’ll never fall behind!

An Ode to Rukis
by shikieiki

Desert kissed, armoured shells,
Enduring on their four legs,
Walking forth, stout and brave,
Standing tall atop the sand.

Adorned and adored, always in style,
With either a veil, a hat, argyle,
A scarf, some boots? Could be cute!
Either way, no time to be bored.

Wise or devious, healers and schemers,
Regal to humble, from crown to shambles,
They could be all, they could be none,
Take care of them, they’ll always be yours.

Rukis are strong, and smart, and kind,
In the desert, they’re one of a kind,
Give one a chance, and you’ll learn to see
Just all they can be, for you and for me!

Revel in Remarkable Rukis!
by chai7705

Long, long ago, it was in the Sixth Year
That Neopians welcomed a Neopet so dear
On Swimming 29, we all gathered 'round
And yelled out with joy, "The Ruki is here!"

Hailing from the Lost Desert sands
But now founds all 'cross Neopia's lands
These tough, hardy Pets don't mind any place
A Ruki makes friends wherever it stands!

And my! do they stand, on legs numbered four
With two pincered arms -- but wait, ther e is more!
Hanging right over their bright-eyed faces
Are bouncy antennae that we all adore

On Ruki Day, lets all visit shops
Owned by and for Rukis -- just a few stops
All around Neopia they are a bit scattered
Make our way 'round with a skip and a hop!

The Ruki Shopkeeper helped the Lost Desert Plot
So trade in your points for whatever she's got

For all your Second-Hand Shoppe thrifting needs
The Ruki shopkeeper has tips and leads!

And the famous restorative herbs from Shenkuu
Look no further than the wise Ruki, Anshu!

We'll thank them all kindly then be on our way
To continue celebrations for this Ruki Day
Show all your love and great admiration
For all Ruki friends -- from Rainbow to Grey!

A Grey Ruki Day
by gumgum101230

Amid all the current events,
I have become jaded;
Though I was once a Royal Ruki,
My colour has since faded. 

I'd wielded my Curved Ruki Dagger
And my Armoured Ruki Bow,
And though I'd fought with all my might,
I couldn't defeat my foe. 

People say it's not my fault
That I have turned to Grey--
But then insist I'll have to cure
My illness anyway 

How can I find a remedy
When my mind is breaking
Due to the Void leaving me
Empty, numb, and shaking? 

How can I find the strength inside
To lift myself, alone,
By tugging on my Muddy Boots
When desperation's grown? 

As I have failed to fix myself
In worthless solitude,
I fear that I must quash my pride
And beg for help from you. 

The only way to stop the spread
Of the Grey vexation
Is to lift each other up
In every Neopet nation. 

With help from many Volunteers
And warriors therein,
We may just beat the woeful odds
And defeat The Void Within.

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