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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Peophin Day Special

A Proper Peophin Lady
by xdlugia_reborn

If you want to join the Proper Peophin Ladies
We have a simple list of rules
Though they are easy enough for anyone
We require an upfront payment in jewels

First, Proper Peophins must stay well-groomed
We watch our manners with care
Keep our hooves polished and tails upright
Weaving flowers into our hair

Proper Peophins buy only the finest products
Peophin Powder Puffs for one's face
We use a daily Peophin Bubble Bath
Brushing our manes while exuding grace

Second, Proper Peophins are social butterflies
We stay on top of the latest trends
Proper Peophins know when to curtsy
And the best ways to make new friends

A Proper Peophin takes afternoon tea
Attends a ball at least once a week
We keep a fresh wardrobe of dresses
To ensure that we always stay chic

Third, Proper Peophins must keep our wits sharp
We read at least one book a day
We can recite Poetry for Peophins by heart
And learn at least one instrument to play

We study the language of flowers
Hold appreciation for every rose
Like them, Proper Peophins have our thorns
As anyone who crosses us knows

Now do you understand?
A Proper Peophin Lady knows never to shirk
Consider filling our application
If you're willing to put in the work

Lustra, the Golden Peophin
by rachu816

Soaring through the sky
miles and miles high
is Lustra, the Golden Peophin.

From below she appears like a shooting star,
traveling across Neopia far,
ready to help save the day.

Her glistening wings flap,
seeing the world below as a map,
while she’s on the lookout up above.

What could she be seeking as she flies?
Well, she’s looking for anything awry,
including those treacherous Jetsam.

But if in the water you see a shiny silhouette,
that is because Lustra is a double threat:
soaring above or swimming below.

She’d be a great muse for a bard.
In fact, she already has a TCG card!
A legend in her own right.

The Peophin Carousel
by endisnigh

My mom took me to the carousel when I was small
We walked up to the ticket-taker's stall
She paid the worker so I could have a ride
We passed through the gate and I became wide-eyed

Beautifully carved Peophins circled around
Made from an artist, the best in town
He put so much effort and care into his work
Even the small details, one was crafted a smirk!

The Peophins all made as different colours galore
A purple-toned Faerie, with wings made to soar
Another Desert, adorning their jewelry with pride
A Royal companion regally stationed by their side

One was ready for Halloween dressed as a witch
There was even a Zombie... did they just twitch?
Transparent was showcased through organ and bone
And the vibrant hues from the Mutant really shone!

There was Robot, Woodland, Burlap, and Snow
The creator even got one to brightly glow
Finally I found the Peophin I wanted to pick
It was the Pirate I thought looked pretty slick

Mounting the wooden piece before it began to spin
I buckled myself in, ready for the fun to begin
We went round and round while I giggled with glee
Imagining I was pillaging the vast open sea

Eventually the carousel came to a stop
And I jumped off my mount with a great hop
"Mom, can I please have another round?"
I loved it here - her saying 'Yes' was a wonderful sound

The Peophin Who Sells Precious Motes
by _brainchild_

In Brightvale, there's a Peophin
Who sells motes that will make you grin.
A very nice variety
Will bring you neverending glee.

The Peo asks, "How can I help?"
"These motes will suit you very well."
"A Fire Mote will burn your foes."
"An Ice Mote freezes, I suppose!"

"Plus, friend, an avatar can be
Yours if you buy a rarity
Of seventy or higher from
My shop. Pure joy will come."

I'm very thrilled with what I find,
So I buy one of every kind.
I thank the Peo for these wares
So sure to garner lots of stares.

The Mutant Peophin
by truebrony

You might think I’m creepy,
The Mutant Peophin.
You might not like
My blue Mutant fins.

You might suggest
I have too many eyes.
There are so many things
That you could criticize.

My hair is too big,
My claws look all wrong,
You could say mean things
About me all day long.

But I know I’m lovely,
I know I’m strong.
All the rude things you say
About me are wrong.

My turquoise hair
Shines bright in the light,
My powerful claws
Are filled with might!

My dazzling fins
Let me swim twice as far,
My three Mutant eyes
Let me see twice the stars!

When I look in the mirror,
I love who I see!
I’m the prettiest, strongest Peophin
That I can be!

The Wraith Within the Peophin
by illusen1185

She once had locks of silver hair;
Brave and kind, the greatest mare.
Her hide a most delicate purple;
For Joy, staying unknown was a hurdle.

Her days passed by full of shopping,
Meeting with friends, there was no stopping.
A master of cooking and quests, 
No greater prize then to be among her guests.

Until one day, a betrayal most foul.
Her home was ransacked, she let out a howl.
All that work she put to her friends,
Friendships all meeting their untimely ends.

She remembers becoming Faerie,
Only to hope for others to see her merry.
These were no real friends at all,
They had conspired to let her fall.

Determined, she knew she had to go back,
To her former path, back on track.
Deep in her Safety Deposit Box,
A Wraith Paint Brush, once under locks.

She ventured to the Rainbow Pool,
The night air upon her brow, cool.
Dipped into the deep pool’s water,
A Peophin Wraith emerged stronger.

Peophin Sandcastles Foreground
by flufflepuff

Upon the shores, where stone has long
fragmented into sand,
where gently, seafoam hums its song
o'er silent stretch of land,

'Tis difficult to find a way
to leave a unique mark,
without a trap to lead astray
the wand'rer in the dark.

One may evade the plastic plague
where resources abound.
And even with ideas vague,
a likeness may be found.

Such were the thoughts of artists, who,
with water and with earth,
with sculpting tools, did then pursue
an effigy's twin birth.

Through perseverance, sand did set.
Peophins came to be,
each bookending a Neopet,
on sand resembling sea.

Such details intricate, of fin,
of Peophin unbowed,
would cause Marak and Venuquin
to marvel and be proud.

Alas, no work of sand may last
ere time and nature reign
and claim their terraforming blast.
In hearts, it shall remain.

Peophey the Generous
by i_lovee_icecream

An ethereal Blue Peophin,
Adorned in gold.
Has many gifts to give.
Her generosity unfolds.

As you travel,
Through a coastal town.
You look at the water,
To see what’s around.

There you spot her,
Backed by the moon.
Peophey approaches you,
To give presents strewn.

She formerly gave crystals,
Of all colours and shapes.
When Peophey’s supply ran out,
She started to give food like grapes.

Something has happened!

Peophey appears.
For her endowments, 
You celebrate and cheer!

Something has happened!

Peophey appears.
For her altruism, 
You have waited years!

Venuquin, Mother of All Peophins
by verrdict

So you’re curious about our mother
As you should be, little one
She’s here to guide our hearts and hooves
Her work is never done

But first I will describe her mane
As wild as kelp, and free
She did not care for looks too much
But still a beaut was she

A special horn upon her nose
And one upon her head
Two gifts that she’d been blessed with
They protect her, it’s been said

A lace of shells around her neck
A present from her mum
Who told her, “Just remember,
Never forget where you came from”

We Peophins are mighty strong
Both in fin and soul
At times, we are shy, yes-
But helping others is our goal

For Venuquin, our mother
She’d guide lost pets and strays
Back to shore, no matter where
Til the end of all her days
So what’s the lesson here, you ask?
It’s simple, and it’s true:
If one needs guidance, we’ll be there
For it’s what Peophins do

Marak: The Wave returns!
by profebest

Oh, no - what have I done?
I have awakened the legendary Marak.
Marak the Peophin, also known as The Wave?
Yes, that's correct, he's wearing a cloak.

Blue Peophin, once known as the leader—
of Peophins known as the Waverider.
Fishermen attacked the village—
Whom Mark defended, claiming its glory.

What an agony? To taste the flavour—
of a victory, we thought we had won.
Oh, sir, who do you think you are?
I am the voice that sings in this verse.

Nothing specific to say rather than...
GET READY! The first wave is coming.
Oh, no time to lose. Mark is on the loose,
Defeating enemies like a goose.

Marak has shown once again he is a worthy—
warrior that defends his species until the end.
Wave 2 is approaching; are you ready to battle?
Correct, sir, if wave 2 returns, that's a concern.

This time, we require the help of everyone,
Peophins, we need your help right away.
As all veteran Peophins gather in one place,
A powerful attack overcame the second wave that day.

The Peophin Girl Show
by cartographist

By the shore, she’s the star of the bay,
Peophins gather around, as night turns to day.
Underneath the moon, everyone feels the vibe,
Everybody’s groovin', she brings the party alive.

Every move she makes is a shining sight,
Glittering like waves, it's pure delight.
Flowing mane of silver with aqua streaks,
Dancing to the rhythm that the ocean speaks.

“Rock it, don’t stop it,
Peophins get on the shore dance floor!"
In her shimmering dress,
Peophin Girl’s about to soar.

"Let me see your Peophin spin,
Swish your tail and begin,
Splash your fins and dance away,
Peophins groove, night and day.”

Gliding to the music, she claims the stage,
One, two step — her moves set the gauge.
When you feel the beat, take a look around,
One, two step — Every Peophin is swaying to the sound.

The Brightvale Motery Shopkeeper
by maddie_bangz

If you need some help in the Battledome
Look no further, we’ve got your back!
There’s a Peophin who runs a shop
That’ll help you when you need to attack

In the Brightvale Motery they’ve got it all
Motes you only could’ve dreamed of before
The Peophin Shopkeeper is so kind
They’ll help you decide what to equip for war

Fire, ice, or lava, you name it!
They’ve got your basic motes well-stocked
They even have some more unique kinds
The deals you’ll get will leave you shocked

So next time you’re visiting Brightvale
And feel like perusing a shop or two
Check out the Brightvale Motery 
And let the kind Peophin guide you through

Elegant Zombie Peophins
by ningkov1

Lifeless eyes shimmering
Luscious hair glimmering
Skin faintly glowing green,
Still a flawless Peophin queen 

Scary features but full of compassion 
Squishy Brain Wraps are a passion,
Scarred fins soaring through the sea 
Swimming gracefully and free

Exquisite and elegant
Not only kind but intelligent,
Even Zombies take great care 
To be part of the Peophin Day Fair 

Mane styled to perfection 
Wearing the latest fashion collection,
Hooves shining so bright 
Ready to party under the sunlight 

A rainbow sea of Peophins 
Splashing waters as the day begins,
These gentle creatures are not at all basic 
Zombie Peophins a part of the mosaic

by spukl1

Marak is the famous Peophin protector,
Once the leader of the Waverider sector.
He is now the guardian of Altador,
Safeguarding the land from the shores.

One of Altador’s prominent twelve,
His statue is a stony version of himself.
Holding the trident, high and true,
Looking majestic in silvers and blues.

Marak is known as the Warrior of the Sea,
Rider of the waves, he is very mighty…
He defends the seas with awesome might,
And gives his tribe’s enemies an awful fright.

The Wave in the stars can be seen from below,
That’s Marak, a constellation, shining with a glow.
Neopians call to him, the lord of the ocean swells,
For guidance of their boats, to where he dwells.

Marak is a hero across all of Neopia,
Brining him to greatness, was an Altadorian idea.
From champion of his tribe, to a Peophin icon,
Marak is brave, he will battle & strike on.

The Charming Petpets of Sakhmet by Peopatra
by tylerhuyser

Hello there, passerby!
Did one of these lovely Petpets catch your eye?
Though my desert stall might be cramped,
I provide a home for many cuties, encamped.

An Anubis is a friendly little fellow,
Who will not judge you in any way,
Or perhaps you’re looking for a Crystacat,
Who can keep the rodents at bay?

I beg you to consider the wise Horus,
Who can warn you of danger to come,
Or, if you prefer, take home a Turtmid,
Who is lazy and rarely ever runs.

Of course there is the gummy Blobikins,
Which is unusual and definitely not a cube,
Or befriend a golden Khamette, but,
Don’t confuse them for treasure because that’s rude!

Among Desert Petpets, there is no wrong choice,
I say this with pride, I say this with my voice,
Just come to Sakhmet, you’ll find what you are after,
Just make sure to call for me, the name is Peopatra!

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