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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Pride Poetry Day Special

It’s Okay to Make the Change
by i_lovee_icecream

When deep down you know,
There’s a change you have to undergo.
It’s something you’ve always known,
But now is the time for it to be shown.

Maybe you need a new colour,
So you grab a paint brush you’ve always adored.
Then, you mosey on down to the Rainbow Pool,
To be yourself, there is no price you can’t afford.

Maybe you need a morphing potion,
To take a form of utter promotion.
If you change the skin you’re in,
And a new life, you can begin.

Or maybe you need to go to the Battledome,
To challenge the Lab Ray Scientist,
To change your gender and nothing else,
So you can bloom like a beautiful violet.

During this month of pride,
Please look down deep inside.
Know that you have nothing to hide.
It’s okay to the make the change.

Be true to who you really are,
So you can go as far, as far;
To set your own highest bar.
It’s okay to the make the change.

The Hidden Rainbow Paint Brush
by ningkov1

Shimmering prismatic rays 
Hidden in the closet so many days 
The secret Rainbow Paint Brush,
This Neopian couldn’t rush

She wanted to change her colour 
To go out and discover 
She wanted to shout out her pride,
But she couldn’t help but hide

Yet seeing other Neopians out proud 
Gave her courage to say aloud 
She wanted to shine like a rainbow 
Her current self she couldn’t remain so 

To the Rainbow Pool she marched 
Determined and ready in her heart,
With Paint Brush in hand she entered the Pool
The gentle waters sparkling and cool 

She emerged finally feeling whole 
Her destiny now in control 
Her appearance was at last true 
In her heart she no longer felt blue

Mystical Surroundings Pride
by iciclefaerie05

Mystical Surroundings is where you go
When you've got pride ready to show. 
Flags across every spectrum, 
signify how Neopets love will overcome. 

The colours made to match your heart
to fly and sway with pride to impart, 
whether you're a member or ally, we do suppose, 
there are backgrounds to go with your clothes. 

A Pride Parade Background to make you gay, 
Or a handheld flag to wave "hurray", 
Be you ace, aro, queer, or pan-
Pick up your pride from this shop Qasalan.

If a more low key vibe is what you seek, 
A Pride Coffee Shop can be quite chic, 
The colors in a muted tone, 
still show with pride that you're not alone. 

A rainbow tapestry is just the way, 
to highlight what pride means today, 
Like all the colours of the rainbow pool, 
Pick up the one that represents you!

A New Colour for Pride
by kaitlinelizlee

A Grey Curse spreads, a shadowy blight,
Dimming Pride’s rainbow with its grim hue.
Planners aim to fill the void with light.
Persuading Grey friends proves tough to do,
But love wins out over fear always,
And grey seems brighter in the sun’s rays.

Dimming Pride’s rainbow with its grim hue,
The Grey Curse breaks spirits all around. 
Kari, Coltzan, all Meridell too, 
Instead of celebrating, they frowned,
“How can we celebrate Pride like this?
It’s too sad, too glum, we’ll have to miss.”

Planners aim to fill the void with light. 
The parade can’t go on without them!
A campaign to give them back their fight,
Each one is loved, enby, masc, or femme. 
We want them to love themselves, of course,
But for now, we’ll try to reinforce!

Persuading Grey friends proves tough to do,
They feel they’ve lost their identity.
This community loves despite hue,
But greys worry for Pride’s sanctity,
“We don’t feel like ourselves in this shade,
We’d only wreck your lovely parade.”

But love wins out over fear always.
The cursed came to proclaim their pride,
Waving grey rainbow flags anyways.
Husband with husband, and bride with bride,
Neopia loves love above all,
No curse will stop us having a ball.

And grey seems brighter in the sun’s rays.
The Money Tree’s leaves shine and glimmer,
As it watches paraders, amazed.
Cursed or no, their pride seems no dimmer.
We are who we are, no matter who.
After all, grey’s still a colour too.

Rainbow Slorgs
by endisnigh

A lonely Slorg colored in Red
Just wanted to make a friend
He travelled long, far, and wide
Searching to have someone by his side

An Orange Slorg came into his view
“Hello! How do you do?”
The two mingled and laughed
And together they worked on a craft

Slorg number three joined them as they played
This one sporting a Yellow shade
“I want to play games!” she squealed
The group left to find an empty field

Among the grass they spotted a slimy trail
This Green Slorg was hiding behind a hay bale
“Want to join us for some fun?”
In unison they excitedly enjoyed the sun

Another Slorg came to see the crew
Much like its colour, this Petpet was feeling Blue
“We’ll cheer you up, don’t cry!”
And they danced til stars started filling the sky

From afar a Purple Slorg let out a bellow
“You lot seem so happy and mellow!”
She hurried over and their numbers again rose
They looked at each other and saw the new friends they had chose

Lined up they saw they had something to show
Together they could create a rainbow
They wanted to spread love and cheer
Wanting all to feel welcome here

Happy Pride!

Bottles of Love
by togepwi

Send a bottle of love
Wherever you go
Share kindness
And happiness will grow

If you open the bottle
You'll find hundreds of hearts
For this era of unity
We each do our part

Folks may be different
But it's great to be unique!
We're all deserving of love
Without any critique

All around Neopia
We stand brave
With an abundance of love
No matter what flag we wave 

A joyous celebration
It's time to show our pride!
We welcome everyone
So let love be your guide!

Umbra Penn
by fivemilliononly

Umbra Penn is the artist in their own way
painting the shadows as their play
Creativity flows, making them thrill
painting Neopia with serious skill

In a world so bright
Night makes colours shine and right
They love the shadows here
Colouring canvas with gentle care

“Oh hey!” Umbra smiles
It is the expression that reconciles
They ask for Studio Supplies
to make art that goes the extra miles

Figuring out shadows is their game
Mixing palettes is for them to claim fame
Turning Neopia into something cool
With brushes and paints, they rule

In Neopia You Can Be Who You Are
by spukl1

Today we all celebrate love,
From Moltara to Virtupets above,
We fly our pride flags high,
Shouting our approval to the skies.

Neopets is a place for acceptance,
A place for fun & for reflectance,
Neopia has always been a safe space,
To be who you are, including Ace.

Friends from Neopets are so kind,
The best spot online I could ever find.
Gay, straight or in between,
Neopia’s community makes you feel seen.

In Neopia you can be who you are,
A rainbow kid or an undecided all-star.
Love is love across our lands,
& we all celebrate Pride, holding hands.

At the Pride Parade
by precious_katuch14

At the Pride Parade,
I share the crowd,
With couples and partners
Standing loud and proud.

I wear my colours,
Orange and yellow,
White and blue,
And black, too.

Don't listen to those
Who think I'm alone,
Of course I didn't come here
All on my own.

I've got my friends,
Who've got my back,
There's really nothing
I'd say I lack.

And they know my colors,
Accept me for who I am,
No matter what I like,
They're my Neopian fam!

At the Pride Parade,
I proudly show my face,
I grin and announce,
"I am aroace!"

My Two Dads
by aquaantoni

I’m a Baby Lutari and I have two dads.
You’d love to meet them, they’re really fun lads.
They’re both so tall and fun you see.
One day, I hope that will be me.

Papa is a Nimmo and he loves to hop.
He met my Daddy at a Coffee Shop.
He has a moustache above his lips.
He loves travel and family trips.

He’s Green and has the most kind eyes.
His knowledge is vast, he’s very wise.
He’s stylish and wears a jacket and pants.
Surprisingly he also has a love for plants.

Daddy is a Lutari and he loves to work out.
He gives me head pats and call me sprout.
He’s really tall and has blonde hair.
T-shirts and shorts he likes to wear.

His fur is Orange while mine is red.
He tucks me in when is time for bed.
Unlike my Papa, he likes to cook.
He also enjoys a good old book.

They’re both so different yet fit just right.
But thanks to them, my day feels bright.
So travel or new foods, I’m in for the ride.
My dads say our family is full of PRIDE.

My Neopian Pride
by prulletje1852

A sip from a Morphing Potion
Or getting zapped by the Lab Ray
Feeling like a new identity?
In Neopia there is always a way!

Visiting the Fountain Faerie 
Or a dip in the Rainbow Pool
Nice to meet you, today this is me
Being able to do this, isn't it cool?

Please listen to these words:
Pride doesn't mean already knowing
Sometimes to be yourself
it is a process of always growing!

However I identify, every day different
Neopets can be my safe place
I can feel at peace with myself,
Whatever turmoils I might face!

Whatever colour I am today
I will hold my head up high
In Neopia I am filled with pride
I am so happy I could cry!

A Neopia for ALL
by oppseas01

Beautiful Neopia, have you heard of it?
It’s a place where everybody can fit!
All genders are welcome, all races, and sexualities,
It’s a place where dreams can turn into realities!

Neopia is a safe place for anyone to land,
When the world becomes too much to stand.
In Neopia our differences are celebrated,
You can be yourself without fear of being hated!

This Pride Month, we stand together and say,
Thank you to those who paved the way.
Thank you to the ones who fought and sacrificed,
To give us the chance to unashamedly live our life. 

Now even in Neopia we can celebrate Pride,
We can shout it from the rooftops far and wide!
These days we live in were long awaited,
And they deserve greatly to be celebrated!

So, it doesn’t matter what Pride flag you fly,
In Neopia you can fly it without being shy!
To those who feel in life they still need to hide,
You’re safe in Neopia... Happy month of Pride!!

Happy Pride!!
by lyndsey4657

This month is about Pride,
so let us show ours.
To the people who are strong,
and deserve to be celebrated! 

Whether you are gay, straight, bi or trans,
Everyone should always take a stand.
Love is love no matter what,
Turn the other cheek if that isn't your strut. 

We love them all and support them always,
love yourself and love each other.
Pride is to be celebrated and shown with pride! 
Do not hide in a closet, alleyway or under a slide! 

Be proud of who you are! I am proud to call you my friend.
I will be here to support you to the very end! 
Go out in all colour and show who you are,
Happy Pride you really set the bar!

How I Feel-From the Ground to My Heart
by mickey_a94_a39

Two feet and two hands are normal,
I go against the grain.
Others struggle with balance,
that for me is not a pain.

But what it feels like, I'll never know,
to touch or squeeze or toss or throw.
Sensations only exist beneath me,
and only through my toes, of which I have three.

Some ask me how it feels to be well grounded.
Well how does it feel to be so level-headed?
In a world built for the tall,
sometimes I just don't fit in at all.

I don't need my feet to feel sadness.
I don't need my feet to feel pain.
My eyes see the world for what it is,
the world is not naturally in my lane.

I stay the course though,
each stride I test the waters.
I discover more and more of what I can do,
not only for myself but others.

Every day comes with a new solution,
my ingenuity fighting back against my evolution,
to live life in a cozy manner
means to proudly fly my banner.

I am a Jubjub, short and stout.
With my own two feet I set out,
on a path less traveled to find my way,
and live freely, day by day.

A Rainbow Paint Brush
by maddie_bangz

It’s normal to feel sad and grey
Because life can be so tough some days
But today we’re going to celebrate
By giving you so much love and praise

We’re painting all of Neopia
With a magical Rainbow Paint Brush
So we can embrace who we want to be
And never feel ashamed or rushed

No matter how you identify
This month we’ll always celebrate
Neopians expressing themselves freely
And leaving no room for any hate

Rainbow Neopets will cover the globe
Letting all of Neopia be bursting with colour
In happiness and acceptance and overt joy
No Neopian will be left feeling smaller

What Does Pride Mean to You?
by truebrony

Dearest fellow Neopians,
What does Pride mean to you?
To me, Pride is a time to rejoice
My identity, through and through

I love Pride on Neopets,
Where I can be myself
Being with my queer Neofriends
Makes my heart feel so swell

I love to see their artwork
Of the way they celebrate
I love to read their poems
On this very special day

But Pride is more than just a month
It’s a feeling deep inside
Of knowing there are others like me
And we don’t have to hide

I love my Neofriends all year round
And I love them on Pride month, too
So celebrate this special day
Whatever it means to you!

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