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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Kau Day Special

Life as a Country Kau
by xdlugia_reborn

'It's time to rise and shine'
The morning sun calls from on high
The warm summer rays begin to cascade
Across a bright Meridell sky

The Country Kau rises to her hooves
At the sound of Wibreth squawks
She peeks her head out the window
To greet her Babaa flock

She sets a flower into her hair
Ribbons in her braids gently sway
Sporting a cotton dress and country boots
She's ready to start her day!

She feasts on her favourite breakfast
A fresh plate of Smiley Pancakes
With her daily glass of Kau Kau Farm Milk
She never forgets, make no mistake!

Then she tends to her garden of colourful flowers
The warmth of the sun weighs on her back
She picks the ones that look best for her basket
She can eat a few extras as a snack!

A few hours pass before she's done
Many Springabees already gathered around
Attracted by the assortment of flowers
She politely waves them off before heading to town

She spends the rest of her day selling flowers
The townsfolk are nice and browse her supply
They always return her smiles
Though very few ever buy

That's fine, for her it's not about Neopoints
Her love for flowers is a personal quirk
And though being a Country Kau is tough
She's proud to do hard work!

A Set of Haikus for Kauvara
by i_lovee_icecream

Magical potions,
For all of Neopia,
A utopia.

Kauvara concocts,
Potions for her magic shop,
Whimsy never stops.

Strong morphing potions,
And fanciful elixirs,
Such crazy mixtures.

She’s a Starry Kau,
That mix-master Kauvara,
With a calm aura.

Drink one of her brews,
If you think you’re brave enough,
Gone in a pink puff.

A master of arts,
So very esoteric,
Power hysteric.

Her black pointed hat,
Is a signature to all,
Kauvara enthralls.

So, on this Kau Day,
Give your appreciation.
Kauvara nation.

The Burlap Kau: A Beautifully Stitched Friend
by _brainchild_

The Burlap Kau is so divine---
I surely have to make it mine.
From frills of yarn to stunning eyes,
It is a very nice surprise.

The frills are fluffy to the touch.
I love them all---they are too much!
The patches are adorable,
With lovely stitching, never dull.

The eyes bear hues of galaxy,
So sure to bring me lots of glee.
These buttons really will entrance!
With happiness I'll surely prance.

So, if you seek a Burlap friend,
The Kau will please you to no end,
So trade for bull of yarn today.
This pet will surely cure dismay.

Kalora's Game of Cheat
by starlight_dancer7

In shadows of the Cheat! game’s glow,
Where cards and guile will ebb and flow,
Sits Kalora, the cunning Kau,
With a sly grin, she takes a vow:
To win this round, to steal the show.

Her eyes dart quick, her hand moves slow,
A bluff so grand, they’ll never know,
“Not me!” she says, “It can’t be now,”
In shadows of the Cheat!

Her opponents' frowns begin to grow,
As she lays down her final throw,
Princess Fernypoo furrows her brow,
“Kalora cheats!” she starts to row.
But truth or trick, who'll ever know?
In shadows of the Cheat!

The Mutant Kau
by joey200010

The Mutant Kau is a fabulous beast
Ententacled lips--how does it eat?
Four doe eyes (or should I say Kau)
And two curling antlers protrude from its brow

The Mutant Kau is a pet like no other
(Though the Mutant Nedlar could be its little brother)
Its body splayed back in a serpentine coil
But hooves at the front planted firm in the soil

The colours of danger: red, yellow and black
In nature these colours mean 'this thing will attack!'
But Mutant Kaus are one of the gentler eldritch horrors
And they're one whom Neopia never abhors

They've a mane like a Kougra, a diddly little tail
Cute floppy ears, both a fur coat and scale
Have you managed to suss it out yet?
That the Mutant Kau is my favourite pet!

A Kau's Great Adventure
by shrimpy_stan

There once was a Kau, who set out to be free,
She knew the world was full of things to see.
All she knew was Neopia Central,
But she knew travelling was fundamental!

First, she set off to Kiko Lake,
Where she gathered up all the treats she could take.
Next, she wandered to Meridell,
The fields so green it put her in a spell.

Brightvale was next, with knowledge so deep,
She read so many books she wished she could keep.
So peaceful inside, she could’ve gone to sleep,
But there were so many experiences yet to reap!

The Haunted Woods looked scary,
And she didn’t want to become weary.
So she continued as planned,
And soon she ended up in Faerieland.

As she rested by the Healing Springs,
She almost felt as if she could grow wings.
She was awed at the Rainbow Fountain,
And explored the caverns within the Mountain.

Getting to Tyrannia felt like a short walk,
Although she didn’t quite understand how some of them talk.
Here she saw cave paintings galore,
What else was left in this world to explore?

There were still islands and mountains to go,
So much wandering to and fro.
But the little Kau had seen enough, 
And knew that her life back home wasn’t so rough.

So back she went, to her home so sweet,
She now knew that her life was complete.
Although the world was exciting and new, 
There was nowhere better than home in her view.

For the Love of the Kau Kau Farm
by rachu816

On a warm summer’s day,
don’t you need something refreshing?
Something cold and smooth,
a true beverage blessing?

Don’t worry,
I know something that will work like a charm!
Here, grab a seat,
and enjoy a nice milk carton from the Kau Kau Farm!

Delicious, easy to obtain,
and even inexpensive.
With only a few flavours;
the selection’s not excessive.	

Kau Kau Farm Milk is for every pet!
Regular, organic, or even soy;
each will quench your Pet’s thirst
and bring them joy!

But what if your Pet is hungry for a treat?
You’re lucky that there’s Kau Kau cheese!
In an original wedge or a cheddar brick,
each flavour will please and do the trick!

What are you waiting for?
Don’t forget to shop small!
Look for the Blue Kau
at your nearest food stall!

Maraquan Kau Poetry
by alagfalaswen

In order to write this Kau rhyme,
I sought for some variety,
And thus researched verses sublime
In 'Maraquan Kau Poetry'.

Such clever poems for fishy forms
And iridescent fins!
With sonnets spun for savage storms
That spin Kaus widdershins.

I loved the villanelle about
the Maraquan Shieldmaiden,
And the haiku penned most devout
To Kau civilisation.

There were quatrains, cinquains even,
and masterful acrostics,
Humorous tales of Kaus were in
At least seven limericks.

Such fun I had reading this book,
I near forgot to write,
But I encourage all to look
Into this book on site!

Kolourful Kaus
by birdinggal

Hooray for Kaus! Their colours bright
Parading ‘round is quite a sight.

From dull and Grey to shiny Gold,
From scary Wraith to Ice so cold.

With glit’ring crown stand some so Royal,
While others steam as Magma boils.

Some walk with pride, a bold Rainbow;
As others look like Biscuit dough.

Some wander ‘bout with Burlap rough,
While others squish with Plushie fluff.

For sweet of tooth, there’s choices two:
Of Chocolate swirl, or Candy hue.

Some leave behind a trail of Snot,
While Mutant’s transformation’s sought.

With Robot sheen some march around,
While Disco’s throwback music sounds.

Of Jelly ones, I’ve even heard!
(But really that is just absurd.)

There’s many other tints to tell,
And on them all I cannot dwell.

So enjoy this, the day of Kaus!
And later all their colours browse.

Fortune Told By A Kau
by dihybrid

Come in! I’ve been expecting you.
No need to tell me your name.
I already know it, just as I know too
You think I don’t deserve my fame.

So you sought me out for a visit,
To see if my talents are true.
Come here, have a seat, I’ve got something to say.
Your mind will be made once I’m through!

I once was important to Sakhmet
But even more so to the locals.
I regret that I left quite abruptly
Once word of my gifts became global.

Depending on those whom you’re asking,
The world owes its peace to my eyes.
No one else can act as a soothsayer,
So to doubt me is simply unwise.

Look into this ball made of crystal
And you’ll see clouds that swirl and spin.
But when I gaze deeply through it,
I can see the Void within.

Oh yes, there’s a storm and it’s brewing,
Ready to rain misery.
I see that I have your attention,
Is there something you want to ask me?

Oh! Will we beat it? Uncertain.
It seems that my skills are quite spent.
You found your way here, you found new perspective,
Now find your way out of my tent!

Kauvara’s Daydreams
by 9kas

Inside Neopia Central’s Magic Shop
A Starry Kau guards the checkout counter. 
She stares longingly at the ticking clock,
Waiting for shop hours to be finally over. 

For Kauvara never wanted to be a shopkeeper 
In the Magic Shop passed through generations. 
But alas, her family’s desires prevailed,
Pausing her dreams to be a magician. 

While the clock ticks between restocks
Kauvara frequently drifts off in daydreams. 
Imagining curious recipes for potions,
Her sleepy eyes would suddenly gleam. 

Perhaps she can devise a new concoction
That glimmers in all colours of the rainbow,
Curing the mysterious curse of grey that’s
Afflicting Neopia with sorrow and woe. 

What if she mixes happiness and healing
Elixirs into one magical brew?
Or potions made with Rainbow Fountain’s waters
Could perhaps bring back Neopia’s lost hues. 

And as her curious mind keeps wandering 
A doorbell ring snaps her back to reality. 
Customers flood in as the new restock hits,
And sighing, Kauvara returns to her duty.

The Maraquan Shieldmaiden
by precious_katuch14

The elite of the elite,
With strength endowed,
The Maraquan Shieldmaiden,
An exceptional Kau.

Master of defence,
An impenetrable wall,
She can hold her own
In the worst brawl.

When Maraqua was besieged
By Scarblade's pirate crew,
The Maraquan Shieldmaiden,
She knew what to do.

She took up her helm,
Her sword and shield,
Clad all in Maractite,
She joined the battlefield.

Though she be a wall,
She is also a blade,
A courageous Kau,
Coming to Maraqua's aid.

Before her shield,
The pirates fell,
And her sword announced,
Their final knell.

The Maraquan Shieldmaiden,
The elite of the elite,
When it comes to defence,
She can't be beat!

The Burlap & Plushie Kau
by therainbowsheep

A sad Burlap Kau sits and weeps,
Textured fabric ripped and torn.
Her look a complete disaster,
She can only mourn.

One button eye hangs,
Literally by a thread.
Deeply distressing enough,
To fill the Burlap Kau with dread.

She cries for a while until,
A Plushie Kau comes along,
Gently asking her,
"Hi there, what's wrong?"

Soon the Plushie Kau realizes
The Burlap Kau is tattered.
"Don't worry, I can help!"
"Please do not feel shattered!"

The Plushie Kau is also delicate,
So carries a needle and thread.
And uses it all the time,
When her material shreds.

It does not take long,
To patch up her new friend.
Soon, Burlap Kau is as good as new,
Thanks to Plushie Kau's mend!

Two fabric Kaus leave together,
Now buddies, hand in hand.
It's nice to have someone
Who understands loose strands!

If you Give a Kau Some Milk
by ningkov1

If you give a Kau some Milk
Her fur will be soft as silk,
Sparkling, soft, and shiny 
Not at all grimy 

If you give a Kau a Milk Bottle 
Like a little baby she’ll waddle,
Pretty, precious, and pure 
The cutest for sure!

If you give a Kau a Chocolate Milkshake 
Many hours she may stay awake,
Playing games all night long
Getting high scores and strong 

If Haunted Milk is given to your Kau 
Sweat will drip down her brow,
She might see a scary ghost
Or even start to float 

If Jelly Milk is your Kau’s next drink 
Her Jelly World beliefs she’ll rethink,
She may tell you a world of Jelly (what?!) is real 
Just hidden and concealed 

If a Kau is washed with a Milk Bath Bar 
She’ll become Neopia’s next star,
Winning every Beauty Contest 
Around Neopia simply the best 

If you give a Kau a Strawberry Milk Packet 
Gardening will be her newest habit,
Her colour may even turn Strawberry 
Plump, round, juicy, and merry 

If you give a Kau your kindness 
You’ll be treated with politeness,
Kaus are known as gentle friends 
To all their companionship extends!

The Ghastly Protector
by maddie_bangz

A creepy Kau who guards the key
When you’re on a NeoQuest
They’re tougher than you might’ve thought
And fiercer than you’ve ever guessed

Archmagus might seem so far away
When you face these mysterious foes
Their ability to stand firm in battle
Will always keep you on your toes

These creatures wear a magnificent cape
That billows out as they jump and attack
They’ll use their horns to defend
The Temple and try to push you back

The Temple of Roo never felt so scary
When you encounter this ghastly creature
These aren’t the sweet Kaus you’re used to
Their menacing aura is just another feature

So please be brave in the Temple of Roo
And don’t let the Ghastly Protector win
Especially if you’re playing on Insane
'Cause then you’ll have to start over again!

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