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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Nimmo Day Special

Haunted Luck
by ningkov1

Werelupes howl in the distance 
A menacing shadow’s persistence
Chia clowns hiding in the dark 
Suddenly a strange remark

“Sssshall we sssstart?” the Nimmo grins 
Scratchcards he pulls out and spins 
“Try your luck,” he persists 
His strange charm hard to resist 

“Call me Sssssidney,” he smiles wider 
As he gently pats a lone Spyder 
“What have you got to losssse?”
“Surely you won’t refusssse?”

One Scratchcard bought 
Hoping for a lucky shot 
Heart pounding, hands shaking
The first little circle flaking 

Underneath your first choice 
The sight of a Candy Vampire, rejoice! 
“Sssso lucky,” Sidney cries out 
So excited you could shout 

The second circle a bone,
The third a plushie unknown 
Next a sad blank space,
A jackpot again - back in the race!

Which one to choose?
Make a mistake or lose
The final circle has come 
So nervous and hands numb 

Top left,
Is it best?
Bottom right,
A winner tonight? 

The middle circle calls to you 
Eyes closed and riches in view 
You look down at last and see 
Not jackpot number three 

Sidney’s yellow eyes narrow
The disappointment felt like an arrow 
“We have a loosssser,” he laughs 
“Try again in another two hours perhaps!”

A Very Special Faerie
by del_tigre

Should you look up to the sky,
and see vivid purple sailing by,
It may be a Faerie Nimmo who caught your eye…
Did you know some amphibians fly?

You might expect to see her by a lake,
Stretched out on a log in the sun to bake,
Only a buzzing fly causing her to wake,
But that would be your own mistake!

For Nimmos can be magic too,
The sky just as inviting as the water’s blue, 
Psychedelic wings offering a brand new view,
As the Faerie Nimmo flies on through. 

Her belly and wings splashed with lime green, 
She brings a vibrance to Faerieland rarely seen,
Search overhead and she’s soaring between,
White puffy clouds far from the marine.

So don’t overlook the Faerie Nimmo’s grace,
She’s one-of-a-kind, regardless of place,
A mysterious smile on her serene face, 
As she soars above, setting her own pace.

A Baby Nimmo's True Treasure
by rachu816

Once upon a time,
in a land under the sea,
there lived a Baby Nimmo,
as cute as can be!

His big blue eyes did sparkle,
as he searched around for treasure.
He had the sweetest little smile,
for this gave him so much pleasure!

Always wanting more,
he went out searching every day.
He’d greet passing Maraquan friends
politely with a, “Hey!”

But on a special day,
the 15th day of Relaxing, I believe.
Our little Nimmo saw no one around,
and no treasures to retrieve.

Feeling extra blue, he swam home
and then turned on his light.
All of a sudden, his friends appeared,
and gave the Baby a big fright!

That morning, they must have looked and looked
since all the treasures were there.
Our Baby Nimmo started sobbing,
for he had friends that really did care!

Then every day after,
in the land under the sea,
they’d find treasures altogether,
as happy as can be~

Culliford - Food Club Athlete
by endisnigh

Bonnie Pip Culliford walked along the street
Of Warf Wharf in the Krawk Island heat
A food competition he eventually stumbled
And the scrawny pirate's belly rumbled

Inquiring, the Yellow Nimmo learned of a game
Where pirates battled to gain money and fame
They fight not with swords but with food
And gather daily for an eating feud

Culliford was excited and eager to join
Seeing the opportunity to make some coin
The pirates initially laughed at his small size
But boy, were they in for a great surprise

The Nimmo entered the arena at the watery Lagoon
Standing amongst competition who'd soon meet their doom
Confidence grew as he saw smoothies and candy
His favourite foods! Culliford felt quite dandy

The match started and he quickly devoured
Laughing to himself as he saw the pirates had cowered
He was thankful there was nothing spicy
Otherwise he knew it would have been dicey

They kept eating as more courses were delivered
Culliford was bloated and felt himself shiver
But he had the heart to continue and persevere
And he was inspired to kick it into gear

Finally time was up when the final bell rang
Utensils and plates were dropped with a clang
They surveyed the dishes to see who had won
Culliford had caused an upset, leaving the others stunned

Celebrating his win, the Nimmo cheered
He now knew he was someone to be feared
The pirate had fun and wanted to continue to compete
And would permanently join as a Food Club athlete

The Nasty Darigan Nimmo: A Menacing Monster
by _brainchild_

This Nimmo is a horrid soul!
From uninviting scowl
To devil tail the hue of coal,
He makes me want to howl.
His eyes are oh so menacing---
The crimson hue shall scare.
The horns atop his head are mean,
Paired with a frightening glare.

His wings enable him to fly!
This makes him so much worse.
He'll travel through the midnight sky
And rob you of your purse
If you are lucky. He has done
More dire things to some souls.
He simply leeches out the fun
Of what should be fine strolls.

So, if you see this fearsome beast
With claws so sharp and mean,
You'd better dash away, at least.
You don't want to be seen,
For if this nasty creature spots
You in the cloudy night,
You will regret your trip a lot---
He certainly brings fright.

Lumi the Babysitter Nimmo
by i_lovee_icecream

Facing the Baby Usuls,
With her water gun.
Lumi thought this babysitting gig,
Was supposed to be fun.

But when she arrived,
This Blue Nimmo realised.
The reality of this job,
Was far from starry-eyed.

Climbing the equipment,
On the playground.
The horde of Usuls,
Would utterly dumbfound.

With propeller hats,
And broomsticks,
These little kids,
Are full of tricks.

Prepared with milk,
The bottles on her belt,
Lumi is ready,
Her efforts heartfelt.

Slinging bottles,
To the Usul babies.
Placating them, 
Their numbers in the eighties.

And eventually,
At the end of the day.
She’s kept the Baby Usuls,
And their hunger at bay.

So, play The Usul Suspects,
On this Nimmo Day.
In Lumi’s honor,
Play the babysitter way!

Bookshop Nimmo
by betti666

‘Welcome to my Magical Bookshop’
The Blue Nimmo says with a smile
‘Come in, take a look, browse all you like.
If you have time then stay for a while’

He sees you are not quite ready to chat
So returns to his perch by the till
He’s sorting through books that have just arrived
Considering which shelf they will fill

‘Reading increases a Neopet’s intelligence’ 
You spy on a plaque on the wall
You wonder how many times he’s said that out loud 
In his deep and warm Nimmo drawl 

He’s watching you subtly as you browse
So he can step in and advise
If you need help deciding on a volume 
That you’ll love to read, not despise

You notice how content the shopkeeper is
Spending time surrounded by pages
This bookshop, you decide, is a wonderful place
A destination to amaze through the ages.

Gorunda the Wise
by oppseas01

Oh, trust me, you certainly know me,
My knowledge is vast, and hasn't come free.
I’ve been around for ages, though I’m always alone,
I’ve often been described as a crone.

If you got to know me you would benefit,
From the secrets I know, your brain would split! 
Nobody will know these things I’ve kept private,
They think if they’d visit, they wouldn’t survive it!

A couple more hints, I’m a Nimmo, you see,
I doubt you would associate it with my identity.
Nobody ever cares to learn more about me,
Because they always see me at The Money Tree!

I live deep in the western Haunted Woods,
My name is common from being on goods.
I have a whole Collectible Card dedicated to myself,
But it’s made me infamous, I’m always put on a shelf.

Now it seems my legacy has just been reduced to trash,
Because my card is given out when Jetsam Ace is bashed!
Those who can beat that nasty shark down,
They roll their eyes when my card is found!

I’m the one whose card is in the trash with the flies...
That’s right, little deary, I’m Gorunda the Wise!

Lord Nordheim’s Requiem
by tylerhuyser

Follow my amulet with your eyes,
For soon you will be hypnotised,
'Tis a necessary sacrifice,
If you wish to join the Sway.

I answer to our Mastermind,
Me? I am known as Lord Norheim,
We abide by Her plan, as outlined.
This, we all must obey.

The Duchess is our clan's leader,
One day soon, you will meet her,
For now, just follow procedure,
Do not wander astray.

When war consumes the Battleground,
It is our duty to gather around,
Fight tooth and nail, so we are crowned,
The winners of the fray.

If you're brave, we will initiate,
A new member, we can create,
The Duchess has given me an update
Please follow me this way...

Leximp, the Loquacious Nimmo
by dennykins

Salutations and greetings,
Leximp’s my sobriquet.
If you’ll forgive my irksome bleating,
I’ve quite a qualm to say. 

From nearby Chia Oscuro,
Drift hollering and boos.
In this hamlet that’s clad with snow,
Pandemonium ensues. 

Chatting, commerce, day or night,
It never seems to cease.
It’s time to set things just and right,
I need some aural peace. 

The clamant Chias in this town,
Treasure a blue Wordstone.
But I, Nimmo of verb and noun,
Should call this orb my own. 

If I acquire their heirloom
Sound should attenuate,
I’ll stash it in the dark and gloom,
The silence shall be great.

I’ll venture out, to the village,
And sneak to the town hall.
From its dais, I will pillage,
The glowing Wordstone ball. 

I’ll meander back to my quaint cave,
The mission a success.
The town as quiet as a grave,
I finally shall rest.

The Nimmo Who Runs The Magical Bookshop
by alagfalaswen

The bell tinkles atop the door as I peek my head in
To be met by a nod and a companionable grin,
"Welcome! We just received a new restock of Shoyru tomes,
And to the back, we've got a rare copy of Chomby Poems." 

Each day, I make my way down to my favourite Neopian stop,
Each time I cross the entrance of the Magical Bookshop,
The kindly Nimmo shopkeep smiles and greets me without fail,
Before he starts informing me of the books up for sale. 

His passion for mass education is stacked unto the shelves,
and offer knowledge to those who want to better themselves,
(Most may not know that the Nimmo shopkeep curates his stocks
From 'Babaa Care' to 'Cheat in Style' to 'How to Eat Ice Blocks'). 

He sometimes will indulge me in some friendly haggling,
As long as I don't quote a low price that's too appalling,
And there are times I'm met with an apologetic face,
For all the books are out of stock and haven't been replaced. 

Most times, I spend the afternoon just browsing through this place,
and chatting with the shopkeep as he rings up my purchase,
A cheery wave, and I go home to read what I've obtained,
Knowing full well the next day, I'll patronise him again.

Nimmo Games
by aquaantoni

Today we celebrate Nimmo Day!
Let’s play some games Nimmos love.
Nimmo games are really fun they say!
There’s so many Nimmo games I can think of…

Let’s start with a game of luck and chance.
Visit SSSidney for a Deserted Scratch Card.
Scratch the right spaces to advance.
Good luck on this one, without luck it's hard.

Next up, let's venture to Revel Roundup.
Snorkles have escaped and must be retrieved.
Help Orrin find these Petpets and pick them up.
These wily Petpets are slippery, don't be deceived.

For our next game, let’s go to Nimmo’s Pond.
Collect power ups and clear the lily pads out of the way.
Move onto the next pond and see what is beyond.
Give this game a chance, let’s go and play!

So enjoy these games Nimmos recommend.
Luck and chance, chasing Petpets, or exploring the pond.
You'll have a fun time, so call up a friend.
Playtime with your Nimmo is a great way to bond.

Ryshu: Devoted Warrior, Poetic Dreamer
by 9kas

On the glistening coast of Omara Bay,
Northeast of Mystery Island’s shores,
A warrior so dedicated in his craft
Reminisces fondly on his adventures of yore. 

When Ryshu was once a young zealous Nimmo
He had but one little aspiration:
To swim with the Peophins in turquoise waters
Was all he desired, his one sole passion. 

These dreams ignited such inspiration 
Of Haikus he documented in the sands
Coming and going along with the waves,
So fleeting due to life’s demands. 

For young Ryshu’s owner had other ideas,
The Nimmo was to train to be a warrior. 
No matter what he was feeling inside
He had to develop a tough exterior. 

So Ryshu trained intensely for years 
Until he achieved the greatest honors. 
Valiantly he defended Mystery Island
From incoming dangers, as her protector. 

Now after years of life as a warrior
With ebbs and flows, both big and small,
Ryshu revisits the shores of his youth,
The Haikus of young he tenderly recalls:

The island requires
Devoted bravery in 
Me, its protector

The water inspires
Exploration dreams as it
Guards me forever

Reb Weemelott, the AC Nimmo
by sportyangel3338

The Altador Cup is almost here
It's this Nimmo’s favorite time of year
I'm talking about Reb Weemelott
He’s on Team Brightvale in the right forward slot

Everyone just calls him Weems
He trash talks all the other teams
He has toughness, craftiness, and speed
Better scoring ability is his only need

He's been nominated for dirtiest player
He sees himself as an opponent slayer
He hides a piece of metal as a little trick
Beware of this move that he calls the ice pick

This year he hopes to see Brightvale win
And not just a team full of has-beens
He needs to represent his fellow Nimmos well
So he’s back to the gym picking up those dumbbells

Two-Faced Nimmo
by kittyko92

What lurks in the dark waters of the pond?
Where shadows are seen moving in the deep?
In swirling depths, swirling evil has spawned,
Causing all life to wither and weep.

Once peaceful waters twist in turbulent waves,
Once green lily pads had their life sapped away,
Dark, shrivelled, and empty, ponds turned into graves,
What shifted among the waters that day?

Wrapped in wrathful shadows, a Nimmo emerges
From the depths and reborn anew.
Through each vein,  powerful sorcery surges
Features warped in glowing purple hue.

"One with nature," Nimmos are well known
To think and meditate and question their minds.
But what this Nimmo has found is a corrupt throne,
A darkness like deep water, with power that blinds.

Finding solace in meditation no more,
Only satisfied with bringing disorder to life,
How far this Nimmo has fallen from their core!
Their foul magic brings only hardship and strife.

This being seeks not peace and harmony,
But rather, chaos and turmoil widens their ill smiles.
Not one, but two mouths twisted in glee,
This once gentle soul, twisted into something vile.

Venture into the waters and there you will witness,
Deep in the swamps where none dare to roam,
Not one, but two pairs of eyes swirling in madness.
A Wraith Nimmo, sits among their darksome home.

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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