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Neopets Poems

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Acara Aquatic Festival Special

The Fastest Acara
by dottie27a

My eyes are closed, arms extended
I glide through the water as fast as intended
I touch the wall at the far end of the pool
Anyone who races against me is a fool

Acaras are fastest in the water, it’s true
That’s why I’m here to prove it to you
Nevermind those Techos, Peophins, or Nimmos
I will show you what every Neopian knows

Coming up this summer the fastest in the land
We will race each other in the pool as planned
I will show up for Acaras and win the gold
It will be a sight for all to behold

I will spend every day until the big race
Training my best to try and keep pace
This sport has many ups and downs
After every fall get back up for more rounds

And then I will hear GO from the referee
I will become what I was always meant to be
Not just the fastest Acara around
But the fastest swimmer to ever be found!

The Money Tree (Acara Day)
by zzzoiexx

Everyday I'm excited to see
What The Money Tree has for me

I'm met with an onslaught of old rotten shoes
And countless other items to choose

Forgotten shore map pieces galore
Refresh the page and there's still more!

Pirate plushies and bottles of sand
But all the best items slip through my hands

Gorunda The Wise and Samuel No Eyes
Are Neodeck cards I have come to despise

Over and over, I am bombarded 
With items that should have been discarded

Then I see something good, a diamond in the rough
I click it so quickly, but not quick enough

The yellow Acara regrets to inform me
That somebody else got there before me

So you might wonder, why do I do it?
Because good things happen if you stick to it

One day I refreshed through many snot lotions
And was finally blessed with a morphing potion!

"Yay! You got it!" the Acara exclaimed 
My happiness could not be contained!

A good find is a rare occurrence 
But that, to me, is not a deterrent 

All of the repeated defeats
Make the victories even more sweet!

Acara Ice Cream Surprise: A Sweet Sundae
by _brainchild_

This treat, shaped like Acara, will
Give any pet a lovely chill.
From strawberry to wafer cones,
You ought to share---don't dine alone!

The ears are made of liquorice.
This isn't something you should miss!
It's chewy, and it tastes great, too.
You surely won't be feeling blue.

The strawberry is very sweet;
It really is a fruity treat.
The wafer cones are crunchy. You'll
Enjoy the flavour, never dull.

So, this Acara Day, go buy
Ice Cream Surprise. You'll find out why
So many Neopets love it.
You're sure to savour every bit.

Acara Aquatic Festival on Terror Mountain
by hermione_fan_4

This Acara won’t go near the sea
Not to Kiko Lake or the Island of Mystery
But what she will do
Is build a hidden igloo
And pelt you with snowballs gleefully!

She cannot swim but she can speedily skate
On rink runner she goes a lightning rate
As she shouts “Oh my,
I do love water from the sky
As long as it comes down in a frozen state!”

And if you treat your Acaras to gourmet ice creams
The plushie ones might just burst at their seams
They’ll run to the mountain top
Get fixed up at the repair shop
And run back to play with their snowball fight teams

So on this sunny Aquatic Festival day
Don’t forget the Acaras who run and play 
Up on Terror Mountain 
Where they are certain
To make you smile and never feel grey

The Wrath of Vira
by i_lovee_icecream

Vira the Acara,
Sits smug and preening. 
Evil and jealous,
She’s outright demeaning. 

Devious, yet ravishing,
With great twisted horns. 
Her come-hither stare,
Too alluring to ignore. 

Her red-lacquered talons,
And tall leather boots,
Are a product of her vanity,
Vira’s greatest pursuit. 

When she spots,
A Neopian with great beauty.
Her aim is simple,
Turning them ugly, her duty. 

This haughty villain,
Cannot stand.
Any rivalling visions,
Quickly banned. 

If you are fair,
Fear the wrath. 
Beware vain Vira,
Stay out of her path.

Poor Nurse Lucy
by xdlugia_reborn

Across the Haunted Woods spreads a Tale of Woe
Of a dour plague and Neovia's curse
But few out there will ever know
The tragic fall of one Acara nurse

The leading head nurse, Lucy was her name
Working herself down to the bone
In a matter of weeks she would soak in blame
Over what she never could've known

She once had bright red hair
Endured long and difficult work
Her future would prove to be unfair
Starting from Alexander's smirk

The doctor granted Lucy a gift
It was a pink, glowing flower
Though her emotions began to shift
She was unaware of its true power

Weeks later, disaster inevitably struck
Meepit Oaks overflowed with rage
Behind a metal door Lucy found herself stuck
From then on it became her cage

Nurse Lucy was left alone in her cell
With nothing but the flower, a paper and pen
With which she wrote her story to tell
Holding hope she would see anyone again

Poor Nurse Lucy, you did your best
The flower you saved was used to cure
Now you can finally rest
Neovia will continue to endure

Roberta the Brave
by togepwi

Princess Roberta
An Acara of many talents
How do you do it all?
What is your balance?

King Hagan's niece
A diplomat for peace
She had to think outside the box
As she managed the long talks

But deep within,
She longed for more
Roberta loved magic
A sorceress at her core

She found a great teacher
And later encountered some creatures
An evil aura, something taboo
So she teamed up with Tor to pursue

A long, eventful journey
They defeated the Darkest Faerie!
Returning to their hometowns with honour
Roberta revisited the library

The Scrollery caught her eye
So she gave business a try
Roberta now runs the shop!
Her sales are at the top!

Roberta, so accomplished
And in such a short time!
What will she do next?
After all, she's still in her prime!

Amazing Acaras We Adore
by chai7705

On this day, in Relaxing
We honor our fun furry friends:
Acaras! Those bundles of joy
Let's start way back at the other end

It was long, so very long ago
In the year we know and call Two
On the 28th of the month Eating
These sweet Neopets first did debut

It was once known as the Tigren
With big, round eyes and fluffy fur
With difference in ears and no horns
And surprisingly: a tail, as it were!

As many old Pets did over years
This "Tigren" went through some change
Many once thought "Acara" too far
Thinking back, it really feels strange!

Despite that, they have come a distance
Swimming through Neopia and years
So to all the Acaras we adore
Let's show them some love and some cheers

Mipsy, who braved the second NeoQuest
Fauna, Gatherer of old Altador
Princess Fernypoo - and Princess Roberta
Who keeps the famed Scrollery store

So whether it's kindhearted Granny Hopbobbin,
Or superstar Elon Hughlis,
For each and every Acara out there
Acara Day's a day you can't miss!

Mipsy, the Acara Wizard
by fivemilliononly

Her name is Mipsy, an Acara wizard
Her spells will help you when things go hard
She is great with offensive magic
and her defensive skills are never frantic

She is from a southern town
living peacefully wearing her favourite gown
She practices magic daily
Before joining Rohane’s party

She casts Group Direct Damage
and many foes are at disadvantage
Her support magic leaves you amazed
Her team swiftens while opponents slowed

No need to be afraid if she is around
Her Damage Shields protects you safe and sound
She is always a key feature
in the Neoquest 2 adventure 

Together with her team
Saving Faerieland is not a mere dream
Defeating King Terask is their final quest
through trials and triumphs, their bond will attest

Masila, the Mistress of the Double-Cross
by tatyanne

Bitterness is lurking in the shadows,
Engulfing a sorrowful, broken heart.
Old dreams are torn and tattered,
A once gentle spirit is torn apart.

Greed will rot the bearer’s core,
It grows devious and unkind.
Cupidity leeches into her being,
Into the deep recesses of her mind.

The Mistress of the double-cross,
Her reputation precedes her name.
Masila’s tongue laced with betrayal,
So she plays her cunning game.

“I will walk among the thieves tonight”,
To Galem she uttered these words.
How could she have ever known,
How it would feel, by Kanrik to be spurned.

From the betrayed to the betrayer,
She stayed by Galem’s side.
Swayed his thoughts through whispers,
Her hunger for power stretching wide.

Outwitted in her devious schemes,
In haste she fled the war.
In the Gallery of Evil she is inscribed,
To be remembered forevermore.

Vira's Reflection
by oi_tio_to_na_globo

Vira looks in the mirror, wishes to be fair, 
So fair that no one ever dares to stare.
Enough to turn the tides on Altador's bay, 
To bloom the flowers where the hillsides lay.

Vira looks in the mirror, wishes to be fair, 
Unaware of lurking evil, unaware it's there.
Clawing from within, sinking its teeth, 
Granting her wishes, yet tearing her beneath. 

Vira looks in the mirror, wishes to be fair, 
Her vision no longer clear, nothing but despair.
A heart turned dark, a need indeed, 
Once beautiful, now twisted by greed.

Vira looks in the mirror, wishes to be fair, 
Blind to the twist within her, unaware.
Does not turn the tides on Altador’s bay,
Does not bloom the flower where the hillsides lay.

Vira avoids her reflection, consumed by dark desires, 
Her once-beautiful form twisted, evil now transpires.
An Acara once fair, now twisted by dark schemes, 
A haunting figure, lost in malevolent dreams.

Fauna, the Gatherer
by precious_katuch14

Fauna, the Gatherer,
The gentlest of souls,
Joins Altador's council,
And makes it whole.

An Acara loved by all,
With a heart for everyone,
Whose smile shone bright
Like the morning sun.

A farmer by trade,
She had a green thumb,
Everyone who had her apples
Finished every last crumb!

A friend to Petpets,
She tended them all,
Fauna was there for them
Whenever they'd call.

But behind that kind heart,
Is a spirit strong and stout,
Fearlessly, Fauna faced
A beast prowling about!

The beast was terrible,
Opened its teeth in a growl,
But Fauna stood her ground,
And offered it an apple.

Thus her kindness shone bright,
Like the morning sun,
Thanks to Fauna's thinking,
The danger was gone.

Fauna, the Gatherer,
News spread far and wide,
Of the quiet, gentle strength
That she personified.

At the Festival
by betti666

It’s the Acara Aquatic Festival today
A chance to celebrate, laugh and play
There’s food and games, even a parade
Neopets at stalls plying their trade

A Maraquan Acara announces to you 
As you both stand together in the ice cream queue
‘I picked this colour for myself you know’
She says with a voice with rhythm and flow

‘I’m due to do my part in the pool
In about an hour,’ she acts so cool
This Acara you’ve just met introduces herself
‘I’m Calindii,’ she says, ‘and yourself?’

‘I’m Satlei,’ you say with a bit of a stutter
As you are handed your ice cream (peanut butter)
‘I wish you the best in your swimming later on’,
She smiles, takes her own lolly, winks, and is gone. 

You’re left someone stunned by this interaction 
But you enjoy your ice cream with some satisfaction
Then later on while you stand under a tree
You wave to Calindii while she swims in the sea

Happy Acara Aquatic Day!
by lyndsey4657

Happy Acara Aquatic Day,
That is a whole mouthful to say!
Come join us in all the fun,
While we spend all day in water and sun.

Acaras definitely love to swim,
some even have multiple fins! 
We splash and jump and play all day,
Come and join us! Stay way late! 

We can play on the shores where the beaches lie,
or play in pools and creeks and streams.
Anything with water is A-OK!
As long as we are having a fantastic day! 

Then we will lie upon the grass, 
look at the stars for figures past. 
Fall asleep among the clouds,
Dreams so heavy they give a thrill. 

I hope you celebrate this day,
However you do, in your own way.
Just remember as I say,
Have a happy Acara Aquatic Day!

Vain Vira
by psychosomatical

Oh, Vain Vira,
Why must you gaze at your reflection?
Despite the words your mirror speaks,
They do not hold affection.

The mirror, Vain Vira,
Will tell you what you want to hear.
But, in desperate times of fear,
There will be no friends near.

Your friends, Vain Vira,
Would you truly call them that?
Are you truly assured that
They won't drop you like an old hat?

Oh, Vain Vira,
No matter how much bad luck brings,
Break apart the mirror and see things
The way they truly are - see other beings.

The mirror tells you what you want to hear.
It wants to be your only friend.
However, you once had a life you held dear -
Is this really the end?
If you had only looked away
From the mirror - would you see a friend?
Or a foe?

Oh, Vain Vira,
Only you know.
The stories you never shared
Need not disappear so soon.
Listen less to the mirror;
Look to the light of the moon.

Acara Magma Festival
by kittyko92

On this Acara Aquatic Festival,
One Acara watches from afar.
Uncertain of joining the wondrous spectacle,
For this Acara came from a land of char.

She dips her toe bean into the water,
And is greeted with a sizzle and steam.
Quickly, she withdraws before disaster,
Joining the fun seems like a distant dream.

How does a Magma Acara enjoy this day?
When one cannot splash and swim?
While other Acaras dive and play,
She sits on the shore, looking grim.

She turns to go back home, feeling defeated,
To Moltara, the land burning bright.
As she enters the city, she is quickly greeted
By a most peculiar sight!

On banners and flags adorning the city,
"Happy Acara Magma Festival!" is written.
With fiery decorations so pretty,
She stares, completely smitten!

Down to the Magma Pool, she follows the crowd
And she cannot believe her eyes.
For today, swimming, splashing and playing is allowed!
What a wonderful surprise!

The Tonu Guard takes a step aside,
And she runs to the pool with glee.
She dives right in, starry-eyed,
And swims with fellow Magma Acaras happily.

On this special day, no Acaras will be left behind.
You just need the right location!
In Moltara, you will be pleased to find
The "Acara Magma Day" Celebration!

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