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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

How to Enjoy Your Omelette
by togepwi

Once a day
You can make your way
To the Plateau
Where the Giant Omelette grows

Come grab a slice
But never try twice
Sabre-X guards the omelette well
Do not anger him or he will yell

What omelette will you find?
Plain? Cheese? Perhaps bacon if it's kind!
No matter what, it will always be tasty
There's really no need to get hasty!

Now take a small bite
And maybe a few more to your delight
We eat omelettes in thirds here
So savour it and enjoy the Tyrannian frontier

Explore the jungle as you snack
Or finish it on the way back
Once it's gone, you'll want more
So visit again tomorrow to see what's in store!

My Utterly Random Neopets!
by indulgences

I love to dress my pets in clothes
So random, strange and cool.
I never want a pet that’s dressed
According to the rules!

My Neopets will never win awards
For painted looks or style.
They’re simply dressed with what I have,
Along with their bright smiles!

They’ll pair a dress that’s coy and pink
With military boots.
They’ll wear a suit for astronauts
With sunglasses of blue!

They’ll strut in bravest warrior garb
With slushies in their hands.
They’ll don assorted coloured wings
And wield a cooking pan!

They might be dressed in parkas when
The day is bright and warm.
They might be dressed in beachwear when
There is a looming storm!

They’re cozy in pyjamas in
The depths of outer space.
They’re in tuxedos in a cave,
A look that they embrace!

I love to give them stories, too!
Just why are they so dressed?
What are their different backstories?
I might be quite obsessed!

My pets are dressed in random clothes,
And this is how they’ll stay!
I love their careless, silly looks,
On Neo where I play!

Random Bad Luck Blues
by ningkov1

Unlucky Random Events 
Have left me feeling blue
Always in suspense 
I don’t know what to do!

Bought a Paint Brush for my pet 
I saved for months on end
The Pant Devil stole it right away 
His devious actions I can’t defend! 

Withdrew money from the bank
Then Dr. Sloth took twenty percent
King Skarl took twenty more
Both of them I resent!

Next Meuka ate my favourite plushie
Gave me gross green snot
I punched him in the Battledome
Yet still I am distraught! 

From the troubles tried to move on,
But a Mutant Kadoatie appeared
Its mewing drove me crazy
Gave it Neopoints and it disappeared!

Went for a walk to calm down
Then Count Von Roo bit my Neopet
Now he’s scared to go outside
This incident I’ll never forget! 

Unlucky Random Events 
Have left me feeling down
I never want to see another fiend
Wish my luck would turn around!

Slushie Slinging Season
by endisnigh

It's time for the slushie slinging season
And the annual Altador Cup is the reason
Cheryl Shelly is ready for the frantic work
Serving refreshers with an eager smirk

Customers rush the counter and form three lines
"Don't shove! I'm next!" a Nimmo whines
Cheryl cracks her knuckles in preparation
She takes a deep breath and mans her station

The Red Tuskaninny quickly pulls the lever
An easy task, as she's been doing this forever
Jumbleberry, Zeenana, and Chokato
So many great flavours available to throw!

Cheryl serves the thirsty patrons with ease
Advising them to drink slow to avoid brain freeze
The buyers drink up, leaving their trash
She cleans up the mess with a quick dash

The wave of Neopets roar in a hurry
The match is starting! She begins to scurry
Her white dress flies as she navigates the crowd
Anxious for their seats, the room grew loud

Finally she served all that her body would allow
Tired, Ms. Shelly wiped the sweat from her brow
Taking a quick break as they played their game
Preparing to serve up the next set of fans who came

A Collector's Lament
by gilgameshes

One hundred avatars,
So close, and yet so fars.
Fingers tired from clickin'
But heartbeat starts to quicken.

Two hundred avatars,
Been searchin' nears and fars.
Bank account doth suffer
Yet there's always still another.

Three hundred avatars!
Is this really where we ares?
Days and weeks have passed
This once went by so fast...

Four hundred avatars?!
So proud to come this fars.
But myself I start to lose
With so many "me"s to choose

Five... hundred... avatars...
I think I'm seeing stars.
Five hundred selves? Oh man.
I've forgotten who I am.

Happy Birthday to the NC Mall
by _brainchild_

The NC Mall is seventeen!
Why, many treasures have been seen
Throughout the years. Have you grabbed some?
With them, you won't be feeling glum!

From capsules sold quite long ago
To wearables of winter snow,
A grand variety of goods
Has pleased consumers, as it should.

Three cupcakes are available
To pets who need their stomach full.
The first one, void-themed, boosts strength high
And gives a cool background. Oh, my!

The cupcakes following will be
Revealed in coming days with glee. 
Let's celebrate the NC Mall,
With its wares certain to enthrall.

Wock Til You Drop
by midnightfrost444

Are you ready to Wock?!

You'd better hope you're ready
Now you're standing in the crowd.
Because we're gonna turn it up!
Yeah we're here to make it loud!

Tyrannia doesn't like us
'Cause they just want rock and stone.
But we're never gonna stop
Because we're metal to the bone!


When the world's too much to handle,
When there's no more you can take.
And even one more little stress
Could be the thing that makes you break.

Just surrender to the music,
Let it light an inner flame.
Let go of all those little problems
While you're screaming out our name!

Scream it:

For tonight, nothing else matters,
Come on and join us in the sound.
Scream and shout and stomp your feet,
We'll bring this place down to the ground!

And when tomorrow rears its ugly head,
You'll bravely face the day.
You won't bow because you're metal:
So just take a breath and say...


Punchbag Sid is Back
by dennykins

A few weeks back, I woke to find,
That Punchbag Sid was back.
This news at first, I was inclined,
To write it off as yak.

But then I saw a young account,
Sporting Sid’s avatar.
As evidence started to mount,
It’s clear he’s here to spar. 

The Chive of Death that he can lob,
Will leave a nasty scratch.
He’s distinguished from his brother Bob,
By wearing an eye patch. 

Sid hid from us for ten long years,
A shy and rare wallflower.
But when he came, despite our cheers,
He only stayed an hour. 

An hour is not long enough,
For those around the world. 
While others took on Sid, so tough,
Our snores and dreams unfurled. 

So, Punchbag Sid, I ask of you,
The day you next arrive.
Think of us, across seas blue,
And hit us with your Chive.

Cheerless Checklist
by ophiopogon

Sad day, glum evening, 
Or weepy afternoon,
It's late, but it's all grey,
So I'll revel in the gloom

Items of Neopia,
Usually so cheery:
But as of late,
They've all turned dreary

Grey Chomby Balloon, 
Spare me your fun,
And Grey Faerie Shield,
Block out the sun

Bottle of Grey Sand,
I stare, dolefully
At your faded grains
And sigh, woefully

My tummy grumbles, softly,
So I grab my worn copy
of Bleak Meals For One;
Great for cooking while sobbing!

I fetch some Grey Cheese,
to make a Grey Pizza Slice;
No colour, no scent,
And not a single spice

A Grey Ice Cream for dessert,
But I just have one scoop;
Then I give the rest
To my Petpet, Grey Bloop

Grey Bloop has no name,
Indeed, nor do I - 
Just two sad, grey shadows
In this sad, grey rhyme

Random Event Haikus
by one_headlight

Boo! A ghost appears,
Some Neopoints are transferred,
To the money tree.

Governor McGill,
An invitation for all,
Pride in Krawk Island.

An angry red beast,
Where are my taxes going?
Oh, it's a trophy.

Chia in a suit,
Invest in Power-X Corp,
Low commission fees.

A sudden ray gun,
Your precious Plushie Paint Brush,
Now a mound of sludge. 

Look up in the sky,
There is something green falling,
Is that a Mortog?

Next Altador Cup,
Thank you for the donation,
The Kiko Lake Team.

A generous queen,
Hidden Tower discount for,
A new Fan of Swords.

Eek! An alien!
Come to our vending machine,
Here is a Nerkmid.

My name is Gordos,
Your collection is lacking,
Have a Quillin Stamp.

The Neopets of Grey
by chai7705

Tears fall down the cheeks 
of Ogrins and Nimmos alike
While Krawks and Scorchios 
both have drab, drooping spikes
Hardly holding it together 
are Buzzes, Poogles, and Xwees
They might burst out in sorry sobs 
just from the slightest breeze

Don't be fooled by the looks 
of unsightly, sore eyes
Not red from allergies - no, instead,
they come from sighs and cries
Ixis, Kikos, and JubJubs 
suffer puffy under-bags
While tails of Lupes and Gelerts 
no longer swing 'round and wag

Tattered wings no longer flap
on Unis - Eyries, too
Myncis and Peophins even have 
gloomy, sad hairdos
But nothing matches the melancholy 
of limp and lifeless ears
Of Aishas and of Yurbles - 
perhaps Pets with the most drear

Despite their looks from glance or view, 
they really are content
(Though occasionally they can't but help 
let out a groaned lament)

These Neopets are all in Grey, 
painted so lovingly
It's really the best colour, 
of course we'd all agree

So don't feel pity or forlorn
for our greyscale friends
Instead let's love our Grey friends
forever, until the end!

Collecting the Void
by i_lovee_icecream

“Harmless detritus,
Seeping from the fracture,”
Dubbed by Landelbrot,
Yet it seems like a disaster…

Visit Meridell,
Roo Island, and Brightvale,
To collect the essence,
Released in mass scale.

Obsidian aubergine,
Sparkling through the lands.
Spherical blobs,
We have yet to understand.

Every single day,
Do your due diligence.
Compile these samples,
With such great impetus.

Many conglomerations,
Of essence from the void,
You are called to gather them,
Congratulations, you’re employed!

Bring them back to the scientist,
To feed his experiments.
Earn prizes and points,
And your plot emeritus.

by lunarmaiden

A harsh miserable place...
The first thought that comes to you.
You shake the snow off your arms, muttering to yourself.
So very cold. 
Never mind though.
You continue forward.

Onward you climb.

Stories of riches dance across your mind.
Stories of Neggs, Nerkmids, gold, and more.
Stories of... a great beast. 
A worm made of jagged ice. Ferocious and cunning. 
Tail sharp as a sword, breath like a winter storm.

Onward you climb.

A cave opens up before you, unforgivingly dark.
Bitter wind whips across your face.
A low groan from deep in the dark.

Onward you climb.

Through the tunnel, you go.
Blinding beautiful golden light.
You blink and stare in awe.

The legends are true!

Vast piles of golden riches as far as you can see.
Neggs, Nerkmids, gold, and more!
And laying in the midst... 

The legends are true.

Immense and terrible, the Snowager sleeps.
A great worm of frost and ice.
Breathing slow low growls with each deep snore.
Carefully you reach towards your treasure.

A slight movement! 
Does the beast stir?!

Just in case... quick run away! 
Run, escape the mountain and the terrible Snowager!
Flee from the great worm of frost and ice.

The legends are true.

What’s Going On?
by peacelovebliss

Grey and gloom surround
the lands, and I just know
this strange, scary trend
can only continue to grow
What’s going on?

We collect Void Essence
that we happen to see
Dr. Landelbrot will help us
solve the major mystery:
What’s going on?

I heard there are battle Pets
who are now ready to fight
whatever dark forces
have stolen the sunlight
Still, what’s going on?

We’ll learn big revelations
for certain, eventually
Til then I hope this new plot
will make everyone happy
with days of activity
What’s going on?
I just can’t wait to see!

Advert Attack!
by kittyko92

The sunrays gleam brightly on cold steel wings,
Two ships blast forth, locked in desperate race
"CLICK HERE", "SIGN UP", "FREE STUFF", the advert dings,
Which one will win in this vastness of space?

Ace Zafara is known far and beyond
A pilot of legend; second to none,
Zooming onward despite obstacles spawned
Record profits on charts! More ads to run!

No, I don't want to visit Scorchy Slots,
And I don't want any Gross Foods to eat,
Fight in the dome? I would rather not!
I have a game that I'm trying to beat!

Somewhere out in space, Virtupets Station,
Dr. Sloth is counting ad revenue.
Neopoints bring him so much elation,
He's thinking of all the ads he can do!

The adverts have taken over my screen,
Yet Ace pushes forward with steel resolve.
The "GO!" button cannot even be seen,
The fun of this game begins to dissolve..

Wait! Lo and behold, hope shines like a star,
A new high score and a new avatar!

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