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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Kiko Day Special

A Kiko's Doctor Visit
by neoaggie99999

Dr. G! Dr. G! 
What is this malady?  
This morning I awoke to find 
My health in alarming decline 
My normal dark Blue shade 
Has turned pale I'm afraid 
With unsightly brown welts 
Ugh, the worst I've ever felt! 
And, do you see this hair? 
Locks sprouted from nowhere! 
They're green, almost grassy 
And oh dear, I feel gassy 
My stomach has been bloated 
Since last night, I have noted 
Tingly cold sensations 
Without much explanation 
I slept in peace anyhow 
Shortly after gourmet chow 
The drowsy lethargy 
Knocked me out entirely 
Til the next day's sunrise 
When I found this surprise 
Shocked to see my reflection's 
Drastic change in complexion 
Was this from Bloaty Belly? 
But this simply could not be! 
Could it be Neopox? 
But I've got no red spots! 
It can't be Itchy Scratchies, 
Or even Hoochie Coochies! 
My skin feels fine otherwise 
Doctor, what would you surmise? 
Think back to what that I ate? 
Ah, there is an aftertaste 
Of a sweet chocolatey lick 
From a Chia Pop I'd picked… 
Why doctor, you've got it solved! 
I've not been sick after all! 
Who knew it'd be possible 
My colour's just changed to Chokato!

Making Kiko Apples
by fyora_fyora__33

The noon arrives at tranquil Kiko Lake,
signals the Kiko Apples’ skillful make.
A spritely chef heats up his pots and pans,
while sugar and sprinkles perform a dance.

His cadence is cool, promptly precise,
stirring the sugar that has caramelized.
Fresh berries and nuts with apples most fine
do dips and twists in liquid sunshine.

The chef lifts his apples, he lets them cool
while they shine in the light like earthly jewels.
He paints apiece a friendly Kiko face
with taffies, almonds and mallows in place.

Before the refrain, with garnish set up,
a golden sun sets over the stringed syrup.
As the chef folds his toque, he seems quite pleased -
each Kiko Apple is a masterpiece.

My Favorite Plushie
by rachu816

Every Neopet needs a plush;
a squishy friend to call their own.
With almost 3,000 different plushies to choose from,
there is sure to be one perfect for your Neohome!

There are plushies of inanimate objects,
such as paint brushes or Codestones.
Maybe you haven’t seen one before,
but they even make plushies of gravestones!

Of course, there’s a variety of plushies of Pets,
even their adorable Petpet friends, too.
I’d like to focus on one plush in particular today:
one that really makes me go, “woohoo!”

See, out of all the plushies in Neopia,
my favourite is quite common.
It restocks at Plushie Palace often
and is one that I’ve never forgotten.

This plush is round and friend-shaped,
featuring a happy little smile.
The colouring reminds me of cookie dough,
so, I crave something sweet after a while.

It has two big blue innocent eyes,
and two stubby little arms.
An adorable friend to be cherished always,
one no one could ever harm.

The plushie I’m talking about today
is our cute Spotted Kiko friend.
It’s the perfect shape to hug, throw, or use as a pillow;
for friendship that will never end! ♡

The Smell of a Garlic Kiko Wafts this Way
by ningkov1

Delectable and fragrant 
Garlic wafts through the air,
From where is this delicious smell?
No other scent can compare
Longing to taste a share!

Stomach rumbling and grumbling 
Searching for the source,
Is it a Garlic Pizza? Maybe Garlic Kebabs?
Hungry enough for seconds, thirds, even fourths
Stomach growling now in full force!

The scrumptious scent all around 
Mind consumed by garlic dreams,
When suddenly a curious creature floats by 
Bright green eyes shining as he beams 
Pointed head the colour of creams 

The Garlic Kiko says “Hello!”
As he goes about his day,
What a tasty looking Neopian!
Quickly those thoughts are pushed away 
Never again to say!

Garlic Kikos are friends, never for eating! 
Drink Garlic Juice or Garlic Cheese Toast,
Talk, laugh, and play with Garlic Kikos
Not eat, slice, or roast!
Only friendships between Neopians promote!

Tubular Racing’s Kiko Kavi
by carthrage

Sail down the river,
in a bouncy rubber ring.
Young Kiko Kavi
enjoys all the bobbing.

Traversing like a speedboat,
his tubular keeps speeding.
Sail afloat, stay afloat,
despite the dangers of rushing.

So, to be first in the race,
that’s all Kavi’s chase.
Enduring all the swing,
it’s all about winning.

A flag at sight is a sign.
He bounces and smiles
“There goes the finish line!”
Winning first place makes it worthwhile.

Captain Dread's Revenge Song
by endisnigh

A Kiko made only of bones named Captain Dread
So fearsome, seeing him only made panic spread
A pirate who loved to go on pillages
Praying on weak and innocent villages

The Revenge was the name of his ship
He led his crew with a sword in his grip
The Captain steered the boat under the ocean
Sailing below instead of on top the waves' motion

They landed in Maraqua to visit their King
The pirates weilding their weapons ready to swing
"Pay us in gold for your own protection!"
King Kelpbeard would not, and voiced his abjection

Angry, the Kiko Captain left in a poor mood
Thoughts of revenge had already been brewed
He vowed to destroy the city by sending a curse
"That's what you get for not filling my purse!"

The next day the sky darkened and the sea shook
A whirlpool formed and Maraqua was in its hook
It ravaged and raged and swallowed them whole
After all, that was his entire goal

Captain Dread gave his wide skeletal grin
Knowing no one would defy him with this win
Continuing to ruthlessly sail and pillage the sea
This Kiko determined to chase those who would flee

Kavi the Kiko, Lover of Summer Fun
by _brainchild_

I am a Kiko, and my name
Is Kavi. I enjoy
Tube racing, not just for some fame
(I've never been too coy),
But for the lovely summer fun.
Refreshing river rush
Is wonderful in shining sun. 
My cheeks will look quite flushed!

Unfortunately, rotten clowns
Shoot arrows at my tube.
This sabotage shall make me frown---
It really is quite rude.
I also have to dodge whirlpools
And rocks that slow me down.
These obstacles are never cool---
I have to swerve around.

Fortunately, I have made it
To the finish line!
I really managed to outwit
The jokers, never fine.
I'm glad to say I won first place---
This Kiko gives a cheer!
I really did enjoy the race---
I hold this hobby dear.

Atop a Glass Bottom Boat
by xdlugia_reborn

My best friend invited me to his hometown
The peaceful Kiko Lake
Though he was shocked to see
When my knees began to shake

When my friend asked me why
My expression must have been grim
Because Kikos live underwater
And I never learned how to swim!

He reassured that it would be fine
There's no need to swim when we could float
Atop Kiko Lake's most popular attraction
Their famous Glass Bottom Boat

I stared with hesitation at the water
My face as pale as a sheet
Then the tour guide sent me a smile
And helped me to my cushioned seat

The tour began with a hitch
As our boat departed the pier
I glanced down at the sturdy glass floor
The sights below vibrant and clear

Captivating gardens of seagrass and coral
Several Tanizards of incredible size
Architecture unlike any I'd ever seen before
I could hardly believe my eyes!

Our tour guide went on about the past of Kiko Lake
Of Kiko Pop and carpentry, suggested we try the sweets
Which all sounded swell, don't get me wrong
But the pristine sights below were my real treat

Before I knew it the ride was over
I even bought a toy boat on a whim
It's amazing to think Kikos have such a wonderful home
Maybe it's about time that I learn how to swim!

Kiko Lake's Efforts
by togepwi

Poor Kiko Lake!
A small team with a lot at stake
Did you read the recent news?
They had to take another job at Pizzaroos!

The team practices while there's daylight
And work all these late nights
Finally to get those new shoulder pads!
What a journey they've had!

Now that they're finally in Altador
Kiko Lake is excited for what's in store
They're doing great in practice rounds
It's definitely worth sticking around!

Despite their tiny appearance
These Kikos demonstrate perseverance!
Overcoming the odds year after year
You can't help but to cheer!

The Mysterious Kiko of the Chocolate Factory
by skeletonic

There is a place with 
The sweetest delights,
Where chocolate dreams 
Are fulfilled day and night! 
Who runs this shop? 
Well, that’s the Kiko!
The Chocolate Factory is here, 
Let’s go! 

In this factory, 
So vast and so grand, 
There must be chocolate rivers 
And sugary sand!
That wondrous Kiko 
He’s all work and no play;
But the fruits of his labor 
Will just blow you away!

So here’s to
The Chocolate Factory Kiko
Unto us, so many sweets
He does bestow! 
In here dreams are sweet
And laughter flows
The Kiko and his Chocolate Factory: 
Wonder does grow.

Kiko Pakiko
by profebest

It's a brand-new day,
Oh, my Kiko, you are my ally,
in the depths of Kiko Lake—
Archie has invented a new game.

Aiming your bubble the right way,
Straight away, avoiding your agony.
The bubble should make its way to—
the next level, perfect accuracy.

Archie is on the move, don't move below—
Moving back and forth. Oh, green nightglow. 
trying to catch bubbles, before it's too late—
Blue flower, colourful lore, cloudy willows.

Scoring the most points it's becoming a race,
Speeding at full speed watch out above.
Shoot the Bubble-Nova right way, be gone.
A Golden Trophy is on its way to your cabinet.

An Ode to Lamelle Turow
by baytotheay

He’s on a roll, he’s on a roll!
Look out it’s Team Maraqua’s Lamelle Turow.
The mightiest defender in the Neopian sea,
Nothing messes with his flow.
A former Lost Desert player
who now swims with the best,
this famous Kiko joined
the team that never rests.
Team Maraqua, Team Maraqua!
There’s no turning back now.
Turow is going for the cup,
No Neopet will slow him down.
Faster than a Fiery Yooyu,
and stronger than a Grarrl,
don’t let his size fool you,
Turow makes his opponents crawl.
Let the games begin, let the games begin!
It’s time for the Altador Cup.
Team Maraqua is sure to win gold
with Lamelle Turow on their lineup.

A PSA from Kiko Lake
by maddie_bangz

Please don’t click away
We have a quick message here
Team Kiko Lake is raising funds
For the Altador Cup this year

You’ve probably seen us before
Donations are how we run
But we know Neopians everywhere
Don’t think it’s very fun

You’ve given us your junk
But sometimes rare items too
And even though you might be mad
We wanted to say thank you

Because Kikos love the Altador Cup
We just want a chance to play
And entries can be expensive
So we need some funds to pay

This is our chance to win
And raise the cup for Kiko Lake
So please keep your inventories full
And give us options for things to take

The Chocolatier's a Wizard
by decaf0n

In honour of Kiko day,
I'd take just a mo' to say
There's one special guy
Who's oft caught my eye
For with Chocolate he's made his way

Now I could spend quite some time
Telling of Chocolates of all kind
But there's something amiss
And I'd be remiss
If I just let this slide

Could be I'm slow as molasses
...Maybe I need better glasses
But the question remains
Of how the Chocolatier obtains
Such quantities to feed the masses

Now that I'm wondering "how"
I can imagine it now
With a flick of the wrist
Every sweet on the list
And not a drop of sweat on his brow

I'm sure it's more than ambition
Plain to see by his own admission
"Nobody ever goes in
Nobody ever comes out"
Why, I bet he's a proper magician!

Kiko Match
by hermione_fan_4

Match this match that match them all
Do the Kikos have you in a thrall?
Got one got two and another that’s three
They sure have put a spell on me

It seems so easy, red, yellow, blue
Some sassy, some happy, some sad too
Before you know it they’ve multiplied
In so many combinations that you’re cross eyed

Was it blue on blue or blue on red?
Were they smiling, smirking, or sick in bed?
My head spins, my memory put to shame
And yet I still love this simple little game

Must remember I’m racing against the clock
Can’t let the new backgrounds keep me in shock
One day I’ll get that gold trophy
And for a brief moment I’ll be free

But I’ll always come back to these cute cards
And give the Kikos my regards
Trophy or not I love to have fun
Matching the sweet Kikos one by one

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