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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Tuskaninny Day Special

Cliffhanger Calamity
by dennykins

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

This Tuskaninny won’t look down,
He’s trying not to stress.
The challenge is to find this noun,
An A’s a good first guess. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ 

Step by step, he walks the line,
High above the world below.
The most common letter should be fine,
So, he gives E a go. 

_ _ _ _ _ E A _ _ 

Snow shifts and crumbles underfoot,
The wind blows at his coat.
A couple vowels he’s now input,
An N next leaves his throat.

_ N _ _ _ E A _ _ 

Another gain, he’s feeling swell,
But the reward is rather thin.
After an unsuccessful R and L,
Thankfully B’s a win. 

_ N _ _ B E A _ _ 

He’s near the edge of this steep cliff,
The Tusk takes in the view.
Which letter will be the next glyph?
Perhaps a W?

_ N _ W B E A _ _ 

A smile starts to creep across,
His green and furry face. 
He’s shown this puzzle who is boss,
Will T fill out a space?

_ N _ W B E A _ T 

So close to finding out the word,
Yet he hasn’t tried an S.
Growls from a nearby cave are heard,
Nearly cutting off his guess. 

S N _ W B E A S T 

The Tuskaninny’s heart now sinks,
He’s seen how this will go.
Movement behind as something slinks,
His last word, simply: “Oh.” 


The 8-Bit Tuskaninny: Fun and Magical
by _brainchild_

The 8-Bit Tuskaninny stuns!
This buddy sure is lots of fun.
From velvet robe to wand of magic,
Passing this one by is tragic.

The robe is made of emerald velvet.
It's the softest cloth, I'll bet!
The pixelated style is fun.
It's very retro, so well-spun!

The wand can cast amazing spells
To suit the Tuskaninny well.
Zap enemies in RPGs
Or do a self-heal. Magic, please!

Have fun this Tuskaninny Day
With 8-Bit, sure to cure dismay.
This wizard simply is the best---
This isn't something to contest.

Tuskaninny Militia
by one_headlight

A call to arms for my Tuskaninny brothers,
Brightvale is under siege by shadows!
Opportunities at the hospital for others,
But our Tuskaninny blood lead us to battles!

Arm yourselves as a Tuskaninny would, 
With Full Armour, Power Paw, and Battlesticks.
Rush to the front lines as the spirited should,
Blow your Battle Trumpets and get into the mix!

First contact with waves of dark Voidlings,
Wielding Attack Forks and menacing Void Blades,
But they're no match for what a Tuskaninny brings,
Courage and vigour lead to victory against this raid.

The fight isn't over, here come the Void Prowlers,
To beat this opponent we will need more power,
They are bigger and stronger than our last encounters,
We must first pay a visit to the Hidden Tower!

Equipped with artifacts from the Faerie Queen,
Steel ourselves to jump into the fray once more.
These opponents lurk in the shadows sight unseen,
We shall drive them out with our Fan of Swords!

A hard fought battle has finally ended,
But the war is not over, despite our first win.
Recover our health and tend to the wounded,
We must remain vigilant of The Void Within.

Little Timmy Has Big Dreams
by ennyra

If you've ever met Little Timmy, 
You know there's one thing that's big. 
And those are his dreams, 
To achieve them there's no game he won't rig.

It definitely isn't fair, 
And it makes everyone else mad.
If you're sharing a table with him, 
You better be careful you've not been had. 

The name of his favourite game is Cheat,
And boy does he try his best. 
He still has much to learn, 
But every game he's put to the test. 

Timmy isn't the top tier player, 
But his goal is to be champ. 
If there was a Cheat Wall of Fame, 
He wants his name to be stamped. 

Usually you don't want to learn, 
From someone called a cheater, 
But if there's one thing you can pick up, 
It's that when it comes to dreams, Little Timmy is a leader.

Meepa's Robot Days
by spukl1

I entered the lab late one night,
And my eyes regarded a prying sight.
My assistant went to close to the ray,
& there instead was a Robot Tuskaninny.

Meepa was no longer Green,
But bright & silver with quite a gleam.
He had buttons to push & lights to flash…
A Robot he was, but at least not ash.

The Tuskaninny beeped brightly at me,
But there was nothing to do as you can see.
With pinchers for arms and wheels for feet…
Meepa was now ready for the street.

We entered the town in the Haunted Woods,
He blended right in with those costume hoods…
No one even blinked, ran or cried, 
Meepa was pleased, he was a Robot with pride.

So, the Tuskaninny took up his pen,
& wrote a book detailing all that had been.
From the Lab Ray incident, to a Robot proud,
“Robot Days” is a hit with the Neopian Crowd.

Tuskaninny Smoothie Shopkeeper
by fivemilliononly

Welcome to the Smoothie Store
if your body is aching and sore
Have this nutritious smoothie
it is healthier than coffee or slushie

If you like something sweet
Candy Floss Smoothie might be it
A swirl of joy in every sip
Bringing smiles with every drip

Or do you prefer an energetic choice?
Blueberry Krawkade is not to miss
You will feel refreshed, living vigorously
Ready to face the world seriously

and if you seek a healthy prize
Large Carrot Orange Smoothie is a nice surprise
Full of vitamins, strengthening your body
So you can deal with everybody

After you have made your selection
This Tuskaninny Shopkeeper awaits with affection
Serving you with bright smile
Making your visit feel worthwhile

Goltron Mk I Update Protocols
by alagfalaswen

Scan: [no errors found]
input_objective: CHAMPION

IMPORT: Backup Data_from_ACXVIII
Rewatch: medal ceremony
[Virtupets takes the win!]
Reinstall: team_strategy

[Kerib_Vickers] [Sela_Pretore]
[Weldar_Xupenfarb] [XL_Striker_3.8]
Current status: 24.517% stronger than before

RUN: self-evaluation levels
Durability_maintained: 100
Consistency_maintained: 100
Variability_updated: 100

moveset.exe installed successfully!
[Y]…Goltron Mk I is ready!

The Smoothie Store Shopkeeper
by maddie_bangz

Welcome to the Smoothie Store!
This Tuskaninny will show you around
And give you the best shopping experience
These drinks are the best you’ve ever found

He’s passionate about these smoothies
Keeping you fit and packing them with flavour
These drinks taste just so good
You’ll think this shopkeeper is your saviour!

He’s got smoothies of all sizes
And lots of options to choose from
Honey, Kalery, Waterberry, Popcorn
And Wheatgrass Fruit, just to name some

They’re all freshly made right in the store
And each one has something unique
To get you excited for the day ahead
And give you energy to last a week!

So give this Tuskaninny a visit
He’ll treat you to the best smoothies you’ve had
And all at the fairest prices of course
So you’ll never leave the store feeling mad

Precarious Cliff Games
by ningkov1

Piercing snowy white winds 
Ice stinging like pins
You look up at the mountain top,
And see a Tuskaninny about to drop!

At the cliff’s edge teetering dangerously
Suddenly the winds change abruptly 
The Green Tuskaninny crashes down,
Strangely without a frown 

“Are you okay?” you shout out 
Certain the Tuskaninny is hurt no doubt, 
But he limps off and smiles
“I love these fun word trials!”

Confused and still worried 
You follow the Tuskaninny with speed,
Now at the mountain top
Again the Tuskaninny is ready to drop!

“Guess the phrase,” he tells you 
At once letters come into view 
“Uh, H?” you reply 
Now there’s an “H” in the sky!

H_ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ !

You start to understand the game 
“Give me an A and a P,” you exclaim 
“How about an O and a G?” you try
“No, sorry!” the Tuskaninny cries 

HAPP_   _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _   _ A _ !

Your new Green friend about to fall 
Then at once you recall
Today is a special day!
For Tuskaninny friends we say hooray!

“I’ve got the answer!” you announce 
The Tuskaninny so happy he could bounce 
“Thank you for playing with me!”
Games with friends bring nothing but glee! 


Little Timmy The Tuskanniny!
by lyndsey4657

Little Timmy loves to play Cheat! 
He is not very hard to beat! 
He wanted people to think him cool,
So, play against him to be made a fool. 

He loves his ripped shirts, 
He uses them to roll in dirt.
Tuskanniny is his day!
For him to stop and yell hooray! 

Let us sit and play some cards,
Today is his day so I will let him win.
Tomorrow, though, it is fair game,
For me to win and put him to shame! 

Happy Tuskaninny Day Little Timmy, 
Enjoy sweets and cakes a plenty! 
Tomorrow though we will play Cheat! 
Tomorrow, you will be beat!

If Tuskaninnies had Tusks
by 9kas

Have you ever had this interesting thought
Of why this Neopet is called Tuskaninny?
Forefins, tail, fluffy fur on its head,
But tusks? It certainly doesn’t have any!

If it did have tusks what would it be for?
These long front teeth don’t help them eat! 
They’d make Little Timmy look way more menacing,
So players don’t dare accuse him in Cheat!

The Cliffhanger Tuskaninny that’s oh-so brave,
Precariously climbing mountains so tall. 
With tusks that function as two ice axes, 
He’ll never worry about another fall!

Or Slushie Slinger’s Tuskaninny waitress,
Always overwhelmed by impatient customers.
Tusks could act as an extra pair of hands,
Swiftly pushing out all the slushie orders!

For the Tuskaninny goalie on Team Virtupets,
Long, strong tusks really do make sense.
Using them to block hurling Yooyuballs,
They’d truly be some of the best defence!

But even though tusks can be of great help,
Let us not forget on this Tuskaninny Day,
To love and appreciate them, tusks or not,
And embrace your Tuskaninny in every way!

My Sweet Baby Tuskaninny
by aquaantoni

My sweet Baby Tuskaninny, it’s time to eat. 
What would you like for your morning treat? 
He points to the shelf, he wants Gaga Grub. 
Let’s open it up and stir up the cup. 

But before we feed him, let’s put on his bib. 
Let’s minimize the mess before he’s back on his crib. 
This baby is happy and energetic. 
However, food sticks to him like he’s magnetic. 

Swinging his spoon up and down. 
This baby Neopet loves to swing it around. 
Once the meal is over let’s clean up his face. 
Also wipe up his high chair, there’s food at the base. 

Now my little Tuskaninny is nice and full. 
He’s growing so fast, but is sure a handful. 
His eyes are so big and his body is so small. 
He only recently learned how to crawl. 

He loves to play in the backyard puddle. 
Once he is done, he’ll want to cuddle. 
Let’s dry him up and brush him well. 
Watch him sleep hugging his little plush shell.

The Smoothie Store Shopkeeper
by precious_katuch14

The Smoothie Store Shopkeeper,
An energetic Tuskaninny,
Bids you come into his shop,
For a delicious, healthy smoothie.

"Only quality ingredients
"And the freshest fruits
"Go into my yummy smoothies!
"They're an absolute hoot!"

"Try the Large Kalery Smoothie!
"Made with kale and celery!
"Or if you want something sweet,
"Try Ice Creamy Jelly!"

For the Neopian with pride,
He presents Rainbow Krawkade,
And the Rainbow Smoothie,
Fit for a colourful parade!

"Want to kickstart your day?
"Have a Power Smoothie!
"It'll energize you right up,
"Much better than coffee!"

But his smoothie smorgasbord
Is not all fruit and colour,
He's also got bleu cheese dressing,
Butter, ranch dressing, cauliflower!

A remarkable Tuskaninny,
The Smoothie Store Shopkeeper.
All of Neopia agrees
That he's a Smoothie Operator!

The Blue Tuskaninny's Tail
by therainbowsheep

Never invited to the race,
Never given a chance,
Blue Tuskaninny always doubted
At least at first glance.

His tail paints a certain picture,
One so woefully untrue.
His peers thinks he's not athletic,
Which makes Tuskaninny feel blue!

His tail is not a hinderance,
Though on land it slows him down.
This impression everyone has
Makes Blue Tuskaninny frown.

Rather, his tail is the best!
Perhaps his greatest strength.
He'll defend it till the end,
And go to great lengths.

Just get in the water and see,
What our aquatic friend do.
Once they see him swim,
This day everyone will rue!

Because Tuskaninny is quick!
In the water is where he shines,
No one dares to race him here,
They do not have the spine.

Now, no one doubts him
They learned not to judge.
So Blue Tuskaninny is thrilled,
He never holds a grudge!

The Spotted Tuskaninny
by i_lovee_icecream

Misty blue skin,
With navy-colored spots.
Cerulean eyes,
With light-refracted dots.

The Spotted Tuskaninny,
Sits atop a rock.
Sunbathing all day,
All around the clock.

His grey underbelly,
Faces the sun.
He lounges lazily,
Until the day is done.

Swimming slowly,
Drifting down the river.
In water so cold,
Down your spine, it sends a shiver.

Traveling on,
Towards the sea.
The Spotted Tuskaninny,
Waves at you and me.

We wish him well,
As he dilly dallies.
From mountain-top lakes,
To the streams of the valley.

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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