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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Flotsam Day Special

Never Race a Flotsam
by ennyra

I have a friend named Freddy, 
And he's such a wonderful swimmer. 
Even though I'm pretty good myself, 
He always seems to be the winner.

All year I practice, 
Every day I try my best. 
Because I know on one special day, 
I'll be put to the test.

This year I feel ready, 
I'm sure I'll come out on top.
So on my way to the beach, 
In my step I have a hop!

I talked to Freddy the other day, 
He hasn't even practiced! 
This is going to be so easy, I thought, 
No practice is truly madness!

In the water we start - ready, set, go, 
Looking for confidence? I got some. 
As I swim along, I don't see Freddy, 
Looking for doubts? I got none. 
But then he zooms past me, how??
My advice? Never race a Flotsam.

I really should've known,
He's such a natural in the sea.
That's okay, we all had fun, 
And that's the way Flotsam Day should be!

Flotsam Chef Outfit
by indulgences

This outfit really takes the cake.
It's meant for Flotsam chefs.
I wish it had a knife as well,
Held in a Flotsam's left.

A dish of food in his right hand
Would quite complete this look.
Perhaps a pair of sneakers white
Could grace each Flotsam foot.

For now, the Jacket does suffice.
It's graced with buttons gold.
The Jacket is a stunning white,
So lovely to behold.

The Hat is like a mushroom white,
Ballooning at the top.
It stands so tall and full of pride.
My love for it's nonstop.

A dapper handkerchief of red
Is tied around the throat.
This outfit is so elegant!
This outfit has my vote!

I'd dote upon my Flotsam if
He wore this stunning suit.
I love this gorgeous Chef attire.
My love is absolute.

For now, I save my Neopoints
In hopes that someday soon,
I'll buy this Flotsam Chef attire
And make my Flotsam swoon!

The Flotsam and The Wheel
by andrehmf98

"Are you excited?"
He sighs asking me
Full of Mediocrity
The Wheel does spin

What grand prize
Will we get this time?
Is it a hundred Neopoints?
Or just a fire blast?

Having seen it all
Bored to wit's end
Sits Plesio there
The Wheel is his to fend

Once a great leader
Who saved all the land
Now rests assured
There's time to be bland

So grab your Plesio Plushie
In this fateful Flotsam Day
And remember to thank him
For peace is here to stay

The Underwater Chef (Flotsam Day)
by linkfan1896

One day, perchance, I met beneath the sea
An Underwater Chef, esteemed was he.

"Ingredients" he spoke, "Could you assist?"
As he began to write a grocery list.

"Some tarragon, a Negg, a wheel of cheese..."
The Flotsam could recite this list with ease.

"Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind."
I hoped it was an item I could find.

"A Bag of Peanuts would be just the thing!"
I blinked, and then my ears began to ring.

But I would not abandon my new friend,
Even if it meant my money's end.

And so, with list in hand, to shop I went.
Expensive, yes, but I did not resent.

Upon return, he met my gaze with shock,
For he had feared the goods were out of stock.

He thanked me once, then twice, then twenty times,
And nearly dropped a couple of his limes.

"Ah, just one last thing, a gift for you."
He handed me a box all wrapped in blue.

I opened up the package in a dash.
Its contents? But a mere "Chef Lupe Moustache".

A Flotsam Chef's Regrets
by quillweave

Oh, once all of the ocean knew of my sumptuous cuisine,
And in the royal palace I was loved by King and Queen,
But that was long ago and now I serve a new gourmet,
And if I can’t feed him in time, he’ll have Flotsam Fillet!

Mumbo Pango’s hunger is a terrifying sight,
His stomach rumbles like the volcano all day and night,
So help me keep him happy, please! I really don’t ask much!
Bring me the last ingredients to add that final touch!

It doesn’t matter which dish I must prepare,
So long as I am quick as quick can be, he doesn’t care,
I’ll whip the Neggs all frothy and serve them in Yeasty Mash,
It sounds disgusting but all that matters is I make it FAST!

Oh, for the days I once cooked finest fare below the waves!
The days I’d lift the cloche to oohs and aahs and loving praise,
But since Maraqua fell my home is on this island’s shore,
And all I ever hear from Mumbo Pango is ‘BRING MORE!’

So do pop by again sometime, won’t you? Come lend a fin!
I’ll take what help that I can get with the trouble I’m in,
Besides, it’s nice to take a  little break, and have a friendly ear...
Oh, no, the dinner bell again! Why’d I choose this career...?

The Flotsam Who Never Feels Excitement
by _brainchild_

The Wheel of Mediocrity,
Run by a Flotsam lacking glee,
Is in a prehistoric land
Which maybe you will find quite grand.

Ol' Plesio shall run the wheel.
This Flotsam always seems to feel
Quite bored and unenthusiastic,
Never anything that's drastic!

Apathy joins every spin.
He cannot find joy from within!
You hit the jackpot, yet he will
Not smile with you and share the thrill.

So, please do not expect a grin
From Plesio. You'll see his fin
Flick carelessly. Despite the outcome
Of your spin, he feels quite glum.

Lor Benneveldt, Pride of the Flotsams
by sportyangel3338

If you’ve heard Team Mystery Island lore
Then I know you’ve heard about our keeper Lor
He helped the team to Altador Cup glory
Here let me tell you his story

Flotsams are very agile creatures
With many strong and athletic features
They can sense danger even as the depths get deeper
Which makes Lor Benneveldt such an excellent keeper

Some thought that he’d be weak on land
How can an aquatic flotsam even stand?
He set out to prove everyone wrong
And that playing yooyuball is where he belonged

Sometimes the opponents could get in his head
When he really needed to focus on his goal instead
His doubters called him inconsistent
But this Flotsam was really persistent

In Altador Cup XI, he came to play
To show everyone he was here to stay
That year Team Mystery Island lifted the Cup
And he showed all the little Flotsams to never give up

To Be a Flotsam Spy
by xdlugia_reborn

Ever since I was young
Knowing my dream job was easy
Though I never told others
Since it was kind of cheesy

Kids love to dream big
That much is always true
Though no matter how silly
These were dreams that they outgrew

But I'm not like the others
Years later I still want to try
What I want to do the most
Is to live as a Flotsam Spy

A Flotsam Spy faces danger every day
Which puts their skills to the test
In the face of unrelenting peril
They always remain well-dressed

Every good spy comes equipped
With a wide range of cool spy gear
Wearing a trusty spy watch and black sunglasses
Flotsam Spies have nothing to fear!

Though a Flotsam out of water
They perform stealth with ease
No job is impossible
Despite having no knees

To become a Flotsam Spy
I'd give all my Neopoints
Though fighting villains like Dr. Sloth
Might be too hard on my joints

For now it stays my dream
To hope one day I receive the call
Then work among the Flotsam Spies
And become a hero standing tall

Bravo, Benneveldt the Flotsam!
by dennykins

It’s often easy to forget,
The role a goalie plays.
While other teammates run and sweat,
In place, the goalie stays. 

But still they sweat as they watch on,
And ready for a catch.
They need to keep their eyes upon,
Each Yooyu of the match.

One keeper is Lor Benneveldt,
An Island garbed Flotsam.
Let’s worry not how his name’s spelt,
He is simply awesome.

In Year 18, this Island team, 
They made it all the way.
To take it home, fulfil the dream,
Tyrannia they’d play.

The timer ticked down on this game,
MI was up by one.
The trophy, they were sure to claim,
When all was said and done.

But wait, the prehistoric team,
Were somehow on a roll.
Right down the field, the players stream,
To Benneveldt in goal. 

Near to the goal they did now draw,
Into the scoring zone. 
Eyes locked in with goalie, Lor,
A shot on goal is thrown. 

But Benneveldt, he’s just so spry,
This Flotsam knows what’s up.
He saved the goal, and that was why,
Mystery Island won the cup!

My First Neopet
by dottie27a

My very first Pet I ever made 
Was a Flotsam many years ago
She was Blue and loved swimming
And I still have her to show

Together we traversed Neopia and time
And learned so much along the way
We grew together to who we are
The person and Neopet we are today

From meagre beginnings eating free Omelette
To today’s palette being more gourmets
A young student learning who he was
With a library of his own nowadays

Together we watched Neopia grow
So many characters and fun new games
The first Altador Cup, the Lost Desert Plot,
The team always coming with higher aims

Everything I have achieved on site 
And many special times as I grew
I was able to share with my first Flotsam
Through it all we were a team, us two.

The Flotsam Hunter
by precious_katuch14

If you're an Aquatic Petpet,
Remain on guard and be wary,
Lest you be hunted down,
By a Flotsam mercenary.

Armed with his spear
And his forehead horn,
The Flotsam Hunter strikes,
Early in the morn.

The Slugawoo fears him,
The Smiley's smile fades,
When the Flotsam Hunter begins
Prowling the waves.

At his top speed,
He can outswim the Peedleedoo,
And that's not all,
He'll overtake the Crabby too.

The Flotsam Hunter knows,
How to outwit the Delfin,
No matter what games they play,
He knows just how to win!

He doesn't fear the dark,
Where the Filamen resides,
Or any uncharted waters
And underwater caves besides.

The Flotsam Hunter,
He wields his tools,
To deliver Aquatic Petpets
To be sold at the Rock Pool.

Flotsam Toys for a Rainy Day
by therainbowsheep

When swimming is not an option,
Due to the pouring rain,
Flotsams do not despair, 
For them, it is no strain!

Ever easygoing, Flotsams know
Entertainment comes in all forms.
They know how to avoid boredom,
In a torrential storm!

There are so many Flotsam Toys,
That can be played with instead.
Also as fun as the water,
So there is no need to dread.

Classic board games are a go-to,
Such as the Ocean Crossing Game.
Can your Flotsam cross the sea safely?
To lose, would be a shame!

Flotsam Fishing Game is more tactile, 
It comes with a fishing rod pole.
Move the Flotsam characters around,
With catching things as the goal!

Then there are the bath Toys,
Cloud Flotsam Wind Up even moves!
They float upon the surface to play with,
All Flotsams of course approve.

Yellow Flotsam Yoyo is great too,
For those with hand eye coordination.
It takes a patient Flotsam to play with it,
And not experience great frustration!

Squeaky Toys, Squirters, Beach Balls -
Can all be enjoyed indoors.
Flotsams sure know what to do,
When occasionally it pours!

The Kind Water Flotsam
by truebrony

Oh Water Flotsam,
You’re kind and you’re cool
You splash and you jump
From oceans to pools

Your wavy blue scales
Are bright like the sea
Your smile is as charming
As any Neopets can be

Water reflects on your
Cool, blue fins
Blue as the ocean
You like to dive in

From the waves of Maraqua
To the Krawk Island shores,
You’ll never stop swimming,
That much is for sure

And as you swim and swim,
All your friends gather round
Flotsams of all colours
Emerging abound

Your call to adventure
Makes you quite the star
It’s infectious, you see
That’s how charming you are

They gather around you
As you swim in the lead
Guiding them all
Where your heart may please

So dearest Water Flotsam,
Make sure to lead them well
Travel through Neopia
With a heart that’s kind and swell

The Rich Tapestry of Flotsams
by ningkov1

Sparkling blue seas 
Gliding with ease,
The Flotsams look to the sky 
At their friend who could fly 

The Faerie Flotsam soars high 
Toward lands hot and dry,
A Desert Flotsam home on sand
Glistening gold and tanned 

Over the haunted leaves 
Smoky wisps between trees,
A Ghost Flotsam glides alone 
Its origins unknown 

Bustling Neopia Central 
A Grey Flotsam sits resentful,
Hit by the spreading Grey Curse
Now happiness averse 

Passing through a Jelly land!?
Too hard to understand,
It must be just an illusion 
That Jelly Flotsam merely confusion 

Down in the fiery pool 
Sparkling like a jewel,
A Magma Flotsam swims through fire 
Blazing embers its one desire 

At the top of Terror Mountain
Snow falls thick as a fountain,
An Ice Flotsam waves its blue fins 
While a Snow one skates and spins 

A sweet smell wafts through the air 
A Candy and Chocolate pair,
The delectable Flotsams aren’t edible 
Though both unforgettable 

Symphony of sunset colours 
Glowing as red as hot summers,
An Eventide Flotsam fades into view 
Stars twinkling and skies deep blue 

Flotsams found in all corners
Majestic and intrepid explorers,
Diverse backgrounds yet one family
All living in Neopia happily

The Story of Rory
by endisnigh

Gather around to hear a small story
About a young Flotsam named Rory
He played games and made lots of fun
Pulling spooky pranks to cause a stun

Our Flotsam was coloured Halloween
Covered with a sheet to not be seen
He spent many hours stitching his sheet
His ghostly garb no easy feat

Rory donned his spectral attire
When everyone was starting to tire
He walked the streets as the moon glowed
All silent except when the Crokabek crowed

He approached a house and gave a small knock
In time he heard the owner turn the lock
The door opened and they stood face to face
Anticipation made his heart start to race

The Flotsam burrowed further in his white hood
He shrieked, "I'm a ghost from the deep woods!"
He raised up his arms to try to give fright
But the little old lady just wouldn't bite

"Rory, it's late, you should head home."
She closed the door, and he was left to roam
"I just want to be scary," he said with a sigh
And through the wind he heard a reply

"Head to the graveyard, you have much to learn,"
Without hesitation, Rory made the turn
He found the graves and transparent bodies rose
They gave a small giggle at his newly-sewn clothes

He stayed and they talked late into the night
All the way until it started to turn bright
"I should head home," he said and started to leave
But what came next he couldn't believe

He couldn't leave, as much as his body willed
Rory shivered and felt his bones chill
His fins drained of colour instead of maroon
The Flotsam now a real ghost, ready to scare at the next moon

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