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Neopets Poems

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Discovery of Meridell Day Special

An Ode to Neopia’s Potatoes
by skeletonic

There has yet to be a potato
That I haven’t loved.
Mashed or fried or scalloped,
This is the range of the spud! 

First, there are those in jackets,
There really are quite a lot.
Beans and tuna, calamari, and eggy…
Add an ingredient and give it a shot. 

If you want something a little sweeter,
Well, we’ve got those, too. 
Brown sugar and butter can be added,
Just to name a few! 

If you want to step away from food,
There are also many potato games. 
You can guess the amount or count, 
Your answer you can exclaim! 

Have you wanted a potato pet? 
Buy a Magical Potato Chia Pop. 
Though they’re rare they do sell
At the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop! 

The best potatoes of all time are mashed
Add in some garlic or cheese. 
Forgive me if you disagree, 
But pile them on my plate, please!

Kissy Kissy Kissy!
by princess__neo277

Deep within Meridell, is a strange but magical place;
green Mortogs everywhere, awaiting your embrace.

A slimy, green, wart covered creature;
their aversion for kisses is their bestest feature.

Croaking along the lily-pads, basking in Meridell's sun;
imposters hide amongst them, a curse which must be undone.

Trying to find a magic Mortog is much harder than it looks;
finding a Prince or Princess is difficult, once they've been forsook. 

Pucker up, and give that Mortog a great big kiss;
to play Kiss the Mortog, isn't exactly bliss.

A feeling of dread, and a sense of doom;
that Mortog explodes, with a great big boom.

Another kiss here, another smooch there;
thunderous Mortog explosions everywhere.

Try another, just one last peck;
if only there was some other way to check.

You start to realise, there's nothing here to achieve;
and with that thought; it's finally time to leave.

Meridell thanks you for your great endeavour;
it's now time to leave this place forever.

Meridell, My Meridell
by centralcountry

Meridell, my Meridell,
o land where life hath slowed,
thou doth inspire in my soul
a most devoted ode!

Thine pastures rolling gently green
with fruit and dung abounding
glow beneath the morning sun
and leave my heart a-pounding.

These very fruits we then enjoy
while rolling cheese down hills
and even while we race our Turdles,
chasing gambling thrills.

Meridellians daily toil
in their farms, shoppes, and quests:
for this is the land of heroes,
unbowed in their myriad tests.

From yonder hills, the kind Illusen
watches thine people and land,
but when the Citadel doth approach,
she flies down to lend thee her hand.

Beyond the moat, it is thine King
who rules with his own kind claws
and welcomes jolly visitors,
earning his eager applause.

O Meridell, my Meridell!
Land of honor and land of idyll!
’Tis you who has all of my heart
that this ode has left unbridled.

The Discovery Of Meridell
by devotedly

A brave young king leaves his parents' safety
With a backpack, some treats and a dream
He wants to better ruler than his brother
The best this lands ever seen

Through all Neopia he wanders
Looking for the right place to stay
Under clouds full of Faeries, Deserts of lost
Tirelessly walking for days

But what’s this, just through the treeline?
A patch of marvellous green
A large hill you can roll down
And the cutest little farm you’ve ever seen

Skarl gets to work building his castle
(He had lots of practice when he was young)
Some towers, a stone bridge overlooking a moat
He rubs his hands together, it’s done!

News of this kingdom travels afar, 
Many curious Neopets come to see
One takes refuge at the old, abandoned farm
One sets up a shop rolling cheese!

Mortogs try their luck with some kisses
One could be royalty you know
A faerie feels safe to build her glade here
Why don’t you give her quests a go?

Meridell has it all, a glorious place to be
With fun games to play, can you beat them?
Watch out for the Turmac with a monstrous appetite…
Luckily there’s a shop to replace the ones eaten

Running a land is a lot of hard work
No wonder the king needs a laugh
But hearing the same one daily
Can surely make one want to barf!

Come all ye Neopians, to the Dell of the Meri
Why don’t you stay over a night
Just don’t upset any of the locals
By mentioning that sign to the right!

Land of Many Wonders
by andrehmf98

Swords and gloves intertwined
A Shapeshifter in eternal dance
All symbols as equals combined
In this game of wits and chance

Should you feel lucky right about now
Kiss The Mortog is indeed all the rage
Among them there's royalty somehow
Get them right so you can assuage

By the time you feel a little peckish
Cheeseroller surely is the new craze
Lots of cheese you could cherish
Down the hill they will amaze

Always a land of many wonders
Where is it, can't you tell?
Now drums roll in fierce thunders
Ring a bell for Meridell!

Meridell - A Kingdom to Explore
by carthrage

In Year Four, 
Neopia was set for more.
Discovery of Meridell.
A kingdom set to explore.

A vast land with so much in store.
From the lore to the shores,
to Turdles you can adore.

As you walk through the land, 
you’ll hear Turmaculus’ snore.
Oh in Meridell, you’ll never bore.

With games and activities you can score.

A kingdom meant to sore,
even after a war. 
With King Skarl and Jeran at its core,
the land was restored.

A Day in Meri Acres Farm
by xdlugia_reborn

My class once took a field trip
To the Meri Acres Farm
My friends didn't care for it
So I hoped to learn its charm

We would learn by counting potatoes
Though that wasn't very fun
I prefer Extreme Potato Counter
Since I managed to beat everyone!

We spent an hour at the Rubbish Dump
Its awful odour was the worst
And when I saw a Turmac in the rubble
A total stranger grabbed it first!

Then we tried some Pick Your Own
Finding many piles of dung and old shoes
I only left with some Half-eaten Berries
Not like I had much of a chance to choose!

Guess the Weight of the Marrow came next
We tried to guess based on its height
But the Wocky farmer clicked his tongue
Insisting none of us were right

Lastly we stopped some Slorgs from eating crops
At first it sounded like a chore
Until we saw the Yurble farmer's invention
Called the Slorgiriser X4!

We ended the day at Merifoods
Our adventure had its ups and downs
But sharing a Bullseye Pie with my pals
Was enough to erase all our frowns!

A Double Agent's Play
by dennykins

Today we do commemorate,
All things Meridell that are great.
But one character leaves us unsure,
Whether or not her heart is pure.

The character of which we speak,
Was known to weave and dart and sneak.
Her double agent traits are why,
We can’t trust the Zafara spy. 

At night she moved like silent smoke,
Between two camps, she aimed to stoke
Disquiet and distrust among
The villagers, both old and young. 

Was it the land of grumpy Skarl,
Where jokes are met with laugh or snarl?
Was it this land of royalty,
That held our agent’s loyalty?

Or perhaps it was the floating rock,
The citadel who plays Cellblock.
Was Darigan her one true team?
Were things not quite the way they seem?

In the end, it mattered not,
What happened, happened, in the plot.
Despite her frequent change of heart,
in this land’s tale, she’s a main part.

Joking with the Jester
by togepwi

Today is a special day!
Let me show you the way
Discovery of Meridell
Doesn't that ring a bell?

I happen to be part of important staff
My job is to make King Skarl laugh!
It's really no easy feat
I'm always in the hot seat!

I wonder what I should try
Maybe I'll tell him Snorkles can fly!
Imagine how crazy that sounds!
Surely it'll rid him from his frown

Here's another joke that can't be beaten
"What do you do if fierce Peophins have eaten
Too much tin of olives?" I'll ask
And I'll answer with wacky tasks!

My jokes are the best
I'm a cut above the rest
Everyone will roar with laughter
From the moody king to the rafters!

Meridell, o Kingdom of Meridell
by fivemilliononly

Meridell, o Kingdom of Meridell
The land of heroes and legends
with a lot of fun activities, so well
A great place to visit with friends

It has emerald-like green grass
The castle can be seen from a distance
Surrounded by games and shops with class
And the pretty Meri Acres Farm existence

In the past, Meridell faced turmoil and strife
Battling Darigan through darkened days
Now peace reigns and enriches life
Living the gentle medieval ways

Have you visited this beautiful place?
Experience laughter and joy
A land with memories that are hard to replace
a sight to behold and deeply enjoy

King Skarl's Grey Humor
by cartographist

Welcome to Meridell, where grey clouds loom,
And a grumpy king now rules a land of gloom.
Knights once jousted, and bards would sing —
Do you think you can cheer this moody king?

Jokes now fall flat, much worse than before,
Leaving him bored, with spirits sinking more.
When that happens, it’s best that you flee,
Far from Meridell, where grey spreads endlessly.

His humour’s drier than old bread crust,
He’s tired of tales about olives, trust.
So give it a shot, see if you truly can,
Make old King Skarl laugh, and lift the ban.

Inside Meridell, where bright colours once played,
Now all is muted; every hue has decayed.
The King, even more bored with every jest missed,
Wonders if his kingdom will again know bliss.

So, are you ready to lift the king’s spirits high?
To make King Skarl laugh, or at least not sigh?
If luck’s on your side and you break through the dread,
You might win a consolation prize: A grey slice of bread.

Illusen of Meridell
by sportyangel3338

There once was a Faerie named Illusen
Her kindness is a foregone conclusion
A faerie by birth
She conjures the Earth
Is she real or only an illusion

She’s found a home in Meridell
Living alone here is pretty swell
Expelled from Faerieland
But what got her banned
There are still rumours to dispel

She is known for being so kind
Which of her kind can be hard to find
She loves everything green
Of nature, she’s keen
The forest is all on her mind

Start a quest for her at her glade
If you succeed, you will be paid
Don’t visit Jhudora
And her dark aura
Or questing for her will be forbade

She spends all day honing her craft
Keep questing, don’t be daft
Her potion, don’t drink it
Wait for another trinket
Reach quest fifty and receive her staff

Jeran's Discovery of Meridell Day
by precious_katuch14

Discovery of Meridell's here,
And all Jeran wants to do,
Is enjoy the festivities,
Relax, and unwind, too.

But alas, duty calls,
Early in the morning,
To preside over the knights
At their usual training.

There's no war coming,
Yet Jeran must prepare,
He must not wait
Till the threat is there.

"Jeran! I need you, boy!"
King Skarl then calls,
Advice and reports and papers,
Jeran must do them all.

At last, the banquet's ready,
But there's one more thing,
Jeran still has his speech,
At the banquet he'll be speaking.

He thanks all who've arrived,
For the Discovery of Meridell,
But unfortunately for Jeran,
The banquet is a duty as well.

He must sit up straight,
Not slurp his soup,
Be on his best behaviour,
Before noble, elite groups.

When the banquet is done,
Lisha takes his hand,
"Come on, big brother,
"I've got a plan."

Discovery of Meridell's here,
Now Jeran can spend it,
Exploring with his sister,
The market's stalls and streets!

A Meridell Feast
by maddie_bangz

On Discovery of Meridell Day
We will have a feast prepared
With all of Meridell’s delicacies
And lots of its staples to be shared

Root vegetables are a popular choice
Such as fresh turnips and potatoes
(Don’t be tempted to count them all
Cause we’ll toss in some carrots and tomatoes)

Merifoods will of course be vital
To help us stock the table with grub
The soup, bread, and berry options
Will make this table the party hub

And maybe if you’re really lucky
And digging through the feast’s choices
You could stumble upon a delicious Draik Egg!
Just listen as your Neopet rejoices

So Happy Discovery of Meridell Day!
We hope you have an amazing time
And enjoy the food this kingdom has offered
To ignore it all would be a crime!

Discovery of Meridell
by bittersweet52

In the Month of Swimming we celebrate
The discovery of a land that we know well
Its red and blue flag is iconic to all
I'm talking about the land of Meridell!

A castle and farmlands, and Illusen's Glade
Located on a peninsula up north
This beloved area was opened to all
During the summer of Year the Fourth

By land or sea, your path is clear
From Neopia Central you can travel at will
By boat you can cross straight through Kiko Bay
By road its a journey over plains and hills

The scenery is lovely, whatever your choice
Out over the waters - the Island of Roo;
Over land you head south first; keep to your right
The spooky forests of the Haunted Wood

Whichever direction you opt for, we wait
To welcome you from our turrets of red
With fireworks and cheese wheels and games galore
And a sweet kiss from a Mortog before you turn in to bed

Come visit Meridell and join in for the revel
The party starts in the morning and goes 'til day-end
Let's meet up at Merifoods for snacks first 
Then go celebrate with all of our friends!

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