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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

The Neopian Art Gallery
by fivemilliononly

Have you visited the Neopian Art Gallery?
It is a place full of wonderful arts
created by various artists with no mystery
where creativity plays its parts

Many thought they had no artistic skill
until they tried and were surprised
You do not need to be valiant to fit the bill
just give it a try and you’ll be amazed

The gallery theme can be specific or random
depending on the days in the Neopian calendar
At first, this might be difficult to fathom
but you’ll get used to it and soon be a regular

The gallery is judged by Kikocat
who has been at this for many years
Our thanks for maintaining the format
and judging the arts through all our cheers

The Dead Chia Gift Box Mystery Capsule: An Afterlife Angel
by _brainchild_

What fate befell him, a poor soul?
I'm sure this loss has taken toll
On his family, who grieves
Their jolly friend's untimely leave.

His soul, in form of angel, rises
Up to give out some surprises
In the form of gift box capsules
Sure to uplift, never dull.

What could you get? Why, anything
That's buyable, to make you sing.
Some gift boxes will also come
So you can share your item sums.

A box so special may be yours.
Surrounded by blooms to adore,
The Chia rests, never forgotten.
He'll never slip my mind again.

The Chia, now in angel form,
Grants gifts which make your soul feel warm.
His afterlife is not in vain,
As he can give his friends some gain.

by devotedly

"Roll up, roll up, bring your invitations
We will do the rest 
Shenanigifts is open
Can you dress to impress?"

The Purple Elephante bellows
From just inside the door
You clutch your invitation tightly
Excitement beginning to soar

Once inside, you have the choice
Of what you'd like to get
Will it be a pretty dress,
A background or beret? 

Which Elephante will you pick?
The one with a pretty pink bow?
Will they hold the item you need
Or will another one steal the show

You always have the option
To bring a power up too
You could sneakily look a second time 
Or get an extra item, woohoo!

The Elephantes are waiting
For you to come again
Bring lots of invitations though 
So the fun will never end!

Slorg Salad
by midnightfrost444

When I sat down for dinner,
And I ordered a salad,
All I wanted was lettuce,
And a tomato or two would be valid.

Though I wasn't too hungry,
I still wanted a snack.
What I didn't expect to see,
Were eyes staring back!

"There's a Slorg in my salad!"
I called out to the waiter.
I wanted some answers,
Right now, and not later.

"This fine little fellow..."
The waiter informed me.
"He's a Salad Slorg, madam.
This is where he's meant to be!"

So I looked at the Salad Slorg,
And he looked at me back,
And that's when I decided,
That I don't want THIS snack.

I can't eat this Slorg's salad,
And so, perhaps instead,
I'll just eat some other food...

Pass that Dandan made of gingerbread.

An Unexpected Hatching
by dennykins

A simple trip to Merifoods,
Has quite a hidden catch.
You’d no idea your buy includes,
The chance to make Draiks hatch. 

These Draik Eggs are a gourmet treat,
That you can feed your pet.
But if your pets don’t want to eat,
The nest is your best bet. 

Upon your visit to the nest,
The egg will start to shake.
It won’t be long until you’re blessed,
With a cool, newborn Draik!

Red, Ice, Zombie, and Island too, 
Darigan, Blue, Yellow,
The egg colour is a clue to
The shade of your new fellow.

Island, Marble, Pirate, Green,
These are the types released.
If for a Draik, you are quite keen,
You’ll need an egg, at least.

Daily Fishing
by prulletje1852

Today, this Purple Krawk is going to fish
Which won't surprise anyone, because
it is something he does not ever miss
Not a day is not spent on his fishing cause!

To the Ye Olde Fishing Vortex he goes
Every morning, an easy commute
Knowing exactly how the water flows
The Krawk always travels the same route!

To the Ruins of Maraqua, from Krawk Island
It really is a beautiful fishing spot
He has been doing this for tens of years, and
thinking about quitting? Absolutely not!

The Purple Krawks beard has gone white
His straw hat is a little weathered, too
But as long as the fish still bite
this Krawk will see the journey through!

At night he proudly shows his Krawk family,
all of the delicious fish he caught!
Dinner is always eaten very happily
with the best fish from the fishing spot!

The Ixi Courtier
by precious_katuch14

The Ixi Courtier,
An Ixi of mystery,
Her name is nowhere
In the books of history.

She greets you,
In Darigan Citadel.
Welcomes you warmly,
And wishes you well.

She bids you stay,
And you she'll regale,
Of Lord Kass' rise,
An unfolding tale.

She smiles at you,
With knowing eyes.
Bids you side with Kass,
Believing that to be wise.

She promises rewards
For those who'll say yes,
Promises, riches and honour,
Prosperity, peace, and rest.

She extends her hoof,
The Ixi Courtier.
She says no harm will come
If you stay right here.

She brings honeyed words,
A smooth silver tongue.
But assures you of trouble
Should you choose wrong.

Thyora's Tear: An Eyrie's Sorrow
by shakespeare12nov

By Kumlaa’s banks, Thyora stood in grief,
An Eyrie proud, yet lost beyond belief.
Her wings once strong now sagged with mournful weight,
Her spirit broken by a cruel fate.

Her brother Ponfrie, bold and brave in flight,
Had fought the Skeiths with all his fiery might.
With talons sharp, he soared to save their land,
But fell beneath the storm, a final stand.

Too late, she flew to aid him in the fray,
The skies too full of darkness and dismay.
Her feathers, once alight with strength and fire,
Now trembled with the chill of dark desire.

A Water Faerie saw her tear-filled gaze,
And paused to offer kindness through the haze.
“What sorrow grounds you, Eyrie of the skies?
Why do your wings hang low, your spirit dies?”

“My brother Ponfrie fought with all his might,
To save our home, he gave his wings, his flight.
But Skeiths too many overwhelmed his power—
He fell that day, our home became a tower—
Of grief and loss, too much for me to bear.”

The Faerie brushed a tear from Thyora’s cheek,
Her magic soft, yet strong, began to speak.
That single tear, a symbol of her pain,
Was turned into a charm of purest flame.

“This amulet shall guard you in your flight,
Protect you in the fiercest, darkest night.
Though Ponfrie’s gone, your wings shall never fall—
You’ll rise again, beyond the storm’s great call.”

Now, Thyora wears the tear with heart renewed,
Her wings, once weak, now burn with strength imbued.
She soars, a symbol of the Eyrie’s pride,
For Ponfrie’s love still guides her through the tide.

Skeiths eat EVERYTHING
by agedbeauty

I am so excited -
The day is finally here!
I loved this day last time,
And I have waited again all year!

YES - Skeith Day is my fave,
We finally had Skeith Day! 
I can't wait to see the skeefies
And snuggle each one today!

My little Plushie Skeith
Is so excited too -
She can't wait to eat the treats,
And maybe eat a toy two!

Oops - did I say eat a toy?
Perhaps she'll eat some clothing too -
You must be careful with Skeiths, you see,
Or they might even eat your shoe.

Of course she'll try the new 
Skeith outfits and new clothes -
But secretly you know she's thinking
That she just might eat a few of those!

Skeiths are forever hungry -
Their bellies always rumble;
Skeef appetites know no bounds,
And their tummies are not humble!

They'll happily eat,
The new Petpet you want to share,
And they'll eat the new Paint Brush,
And that BD weapon over there!

So yes this is about Skeith Day
And we're all SO EXCITE - 
But be cautious with your skeefer,
Or they'll sneak a non-food snack tonight!

A Fresh Start
by ningkov1

Piles and piles of items 
So cluttered no light comes,
A clean inventory was just a dream,
But now part of Illusen’s team 

Every day the first in line 
Basking in Faerie sunshine 
Max items donated with glee 
Inside the Faerie Capsule excited to see 

Old Omelettes may not be fresh 
Illusen accepts them nevertheless 
Battledome weapons too heavy to use 
No item is ever refused

Doing my duty to stay clean 
Also want to beat Jhudora who’s mean
Somehow these items may help the fight 
Fyora always knows what is right 

Recycling for a fresh start 
A clean inventory leads to a clear heart
Faerieland a bright beacon of hope
Side by side we learn to cope

Groovy, Moo-vy, Disco Kau
by chai7705

Many will bicker and fuss
Trying to figure and suss
Which Kau colour out of them all
Is the topmost that enthralls

I have to argue for this one
Undoubtedly, it’s the most fun
Disco is best, you shall see
Why Disco Kaus are *the* Kaus to be! 

It’s vibrant green, foremost
Such brightness in colour to boast
With vivid yellows for hair 
Plus orange and pinks all for flair!

Prominent paisley for pattern
Spread all over skin in a scatter
With flourishing flowers, too
This Kau is even fun to view!

But what’s more important than looks
The Disco Kau will surely leave you shook
With its talent for dance, oh so groovy
On the floor, let’s boogie and moo-vy!

Whether it’s Chomby and the Fungus Balls
Or Gruundo, or M*YNCI, any, all
The Disco Kau knows every step
So get dancing, and put in some pep!

If you’re feeling fabulous today
Let’s party the Disco Kau way
We’ll jam and we’ll dance like a Kau
Come on! He’ll show you just how!

A Spooky Prank Backfires
by gumgum101230

I donned my Fuzzy Creature clothes
Upon my six-limbed frame,
For with those fangs and creepy eyes,
I'd play a little game.

I knew my fellow Ruki friend
Feared giant bugs and Spyders,
So I thought I'd dress up like one
And sit down right beside her.

I sneaked into our living room,
As quiet as a crypt,
And found her studying a book
Called Ruki Survival Tips.

But when I crawled right by her side,
I realized my plan's flaws,
For in her panic she slashed me
With Hardened Ruki Claws!

So keep in mind this lesson that
I had the pleasure to learn:
Don't try to give your friend a fright
Or you'll get one in return!

Mr. Chipper Puts the “Happy” in “Happy Valley”
by tylerhuyser

What is the happiest place,
In all of Happy Valley?
Let’s walk to the Ice Cream Cart,
And ask Mr. Chipper, shall we?

With a twinkle in his eye,
And a big cone in his hand,
The Blue Lutari smiles wide,
"Welcome to Winter Wonderland!"

If you peer inside his cart,
You will find a trove of glee,
Tigersquash layers, Chokato swirls,
Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

All you need is a coupon,
Do you prefer cup or cone?
Will you have one scoop, two scoop,
Or seven scoops to take home?

And do you care for toppings?
Syrup and sprinkles—a joy!
Visiting Mr. Chippers cart,
Is a moment to enjoy.

To the Grey Blumaroo
by 9kas

To the Grey Blumaroo,
With colours subdued
And slouched with sadness, 
Through and through.

Your heart-shaped feet,
Usually full of loveliness.
But greyness permeates,
Hearts broken by sadness.

Your once plump tail
Usually bouncing with joy.
Now limp and lifeless,
It’s joy, destroyed.

Your long perky ears,
Usually animated and alert. 
Droops now in sorrow
And feelings of hurt. 

To the Grey Blumaroo,
Though you may feel blue.

I hope that you’ll know
You are perfect as you.

Jhudora's Library
by tatyanne

In a dark and curious space,
I find myself walking.
Wondering how I got to this place–
Do I imagine echoes of voices talking?

Through a crack, light seeps–
Revealing books on a shelf.
I wonder what knowledge they keep,
And reach out, for I can’t help myself.

“Fantastic Jhudora Stories”,
Is written on the spine.
It tells of all her glories–
Her successes–how very fine!

“Jhudora and the Evil Eyes”,
Is the book that I spot next.
It makes my blood turn into ice–
I fear I will be hexed.

I read “Jhudoras Secret”,
With eagerness and care.
Sadly I have not found it yet–
Is her secret truly there?

I envision all the curious treats,
In “Jhudoras Ruinous Recipes”.
I don’t know if I would dare to eat
Any of these strange delicacies.

I hold my breath as I see
“Jhudora and Illusen”.
It is their untold story–
Could they one day be friends?

Total Poetry Pages : 2768

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