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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Bori Day Special

The Digging Contest
by hellsangel305

The Bori met to think of a way
to celebrate on Bori Day.
They decided to have a digging contest
and see whose treasure would be the best.

It's cool and sunny in Happy Valley,
the perfect day for a friendly rally.
After cupcakes, cola, and confetti,
the contestants' claws are at the ready.

Someone shouts, "Three, two, one, GO!"
The Bori dig down in the snow;
They move so fast it's like a blur
of claws, and scales, and muscular fur.

They quickly shred through frosty dirt,
Who will find a treasure first?
A Rainbow Bori digs something up,
but it's only an empty slushie cup.

As they go further underground,
This is what those Bori found:
A losing scratchcard; a lonely mitten;
a frozen veggie sandwich, half-bitten;

A sleeping Feepit; the roots of a Fir;
A crumpled napkin from Mr. Chipper;
A series of tunnels forming a maze
(the Ice Caves' hidden entryways?)

As the Bori frolic and play,
I overheard one of them say:
"Let's go somewhere with treasure next year!
Krawk Island's nice, or so I hear!"

My Little Baby Bori
by whitewolf669

My little Baby Bori
Is the cutest, sweetest thing,
I love his precious giggle
When I push him on a swing.

My precious Baby Bori,
Has fur as soft as down,
His shell is hard like leather,
So he can safely roll around.

My darling Baby Bori,
Has eyes brighter than the sun,
The seem to twinkle, sparkle, shimmer,
When he’s having fun.

My sleepy Baby Bori,
Resting gently by my side,
You played away a beautiful day,
And now returns the tide.

My dreaming Baby Bori,
The night has come so soon,
He even smiles in his sleep,
Beneath a Neopian moon.

History of the Ice Bori
by agedbeauty

Once upon an Ice Bori
That dear elusive pet
I travelled far and wide 
But it was one thing I could not get!

The Ice Bori you see
Was both exclusive and rare
So if you wanted an Ice Bori
You needed to take great care.

You had to go through great trials
And follow steps precise
But once you had, the reward
Was your own Bori of Ice!

You could make a new Bori
Or morph your existing pet,
But either way you now had
The coolest pet as of yet.

Today the Ice Bori
Is not quite as rare
But this icy dear 
Is still quite lovely and fair.

So if you want a pet
Steeped deep in neo lore,
Be sure to get an Ice Bori - 
They're sure to never bore!

Hardly Boring
by sophitell101

Let me tell you a little story
About one of my favourite Neopets, the Bori
A digging pet, he could help at the quarry
But that is not all that adds to his glory

You see, the species was once lost in time
Frozen in place, frozen in time
Put under a deep sleep by the Keeper of Time
They would someday be freed, but only in time

A brave Usul by the name of Hannah
Would stumble upon a civilization in trauma
Beneath ice caves, you’d need a trip to the sauna
What would unfold would involve much drama

Betrayed by a friend, she fell under a curse
Weakened in nature, her condition only got worse
Left for dead with no sign of a nurse
But wait until you hear the next verse

Hannah met a Bori called Armin the Small
Who would play a major role in a big brawl
Using a slingshot he led to the fall
Of the Bringer of Night, freeing his kind once and for all

The Heart of the Mountain was safe once more
The Bori civilization awakened and restored
All thanks to bravery of a small Bori’s own accord
The slingshot must be mightier than the sword

As a reward for overcoming vice
And defeating all of the bad guys
We got to see Hannah in action twice
And create a Bori made of ice!

Digging for Treasure
by bittersweet52

Our tunnels are sturdy, the walls are strong
Despite the path being winding and long
Cave-ins? They don't happen here
So bring your headlamp and have no fear

Maintenance and safety are number one
Down here where we can't see the sun
We know our friends might feel some nerves
So it's our responsibility to protect and serve

My Bori back plates will be your shield
Never will my muscles yield
Come dig with us, we'll have some fun
See what treasure you find when the day is done

In the mountains topped with ice
Underground it's mighty nice
Cosy dirt beneath the frost
And there's no way to get lost

Digging with our Symol friends
Moving dirt and rocks on end
Our claws are sharp and tough to boot
We're digging for some shiny loot

Or perhaps we'll find the greatest gift of all
A friend that answers your true heart's call
Let our passion translate to the rest
Love and loyalty, the riches all want best

The Abominable Bori
by tatyanne

In Terror Mountain lurks a mystery,
Hidden by mists in the deep of night.
If only I knew the history,
Of this creature of fear and fright.

Gone are summer and autumn here,
Instead I am chilled to the bone.
This mountain air is different I fear–
I hear the echoes a mournful groan.

I have heard only whispers of the story,
Secret legends, myths and lore.
The creature is the Abominable Bori,
Hiding in areas left unexplored.

The Abominable Bori sounds like a threat–
Living among formidable Snow Beasts.
What would happen if we met –
Would I end up being a tasty feast?

How did a Bori turn out so frightening,
When Boris are timid, meek and shy?
The horrible tales are not enlightening–
Perhaps we will never truly know why.

He is one of many beasts I’ve heard of,
And I wonder if they ever feel lonely.
I like to think all creatures deserve love,
No matter how terrifying they may be.

It’s Bori Borovan Time!
by ningkov1

One cup just not enough 
Can’t stop drinking the stuff,
Borovan tastes like a warm hug 
Even better in a cute Bori mug 

Long pointy ears 
Eyes sparkling round spheres,
The cutest drink in all the lands 
Across Neopia so many fans 

Stop by the Coffee Cave
Give the shopkeeper a wave,
Ask for a Bori Borovan with extra cream 
The taste is like a dream 

Bori motifs pair well with drinks and foods 
The cuteness puts you in a happy mood,
When you finish you can bring the mug home 
Try to make some Borovan on your own 

What is Borovan you ask?
A hot drink of top rank!
Hot chocolate mixed with asparagus 
A unique concoction of true elegance!

Disco Bori
by spukl1

There’s a beat that’s dropped from over there,
The disco ball starts with a blinding glare, 
Entering the dance floor is quite a sight…
That’s the Disco Bori here to dance all night!

With hair to the heavens and a golden ring,
Just wait until you hear her vocals sing…
She loves the groovy beats floating in the air,
When she dances, she makes you stop & stare.

The Disco Bori has the moves to beat,
Her funky tunes make you tap your feet,
When she points her fingers to the moon,
It means it’s time to party - get here soon! 

That cool Bori has the best clothes,
Bell bottoms that go way past her toes.
She loves a pattern & colours that pop,
Accessories galore & a little top.

The Disco Bori is the coolest gal,
She makes you feel like you’re her best pal. 
She will pump you up when you start to yawn…
& makes us dance dusk ‘til dawn!

Donny, Fix this Poem
by dennykins

Donny the toy repairer,
Toils away all day,
Fixing up playthings, whose bearers
Let them break or fray.

He charges just the smallest fee,
To make toys whol_ again.
His exp_rt advice is all but free,
Undoing cracks a_d stains.

_e lives on _error Mountain,
Way up high, amongs_ the snow.
D_nny’s brain is like a fountain,
Where repair know_edge is t_e flow.

All this has me wonde_ing,
If this Bori’s ski_ls transla_e,
To _ixing other thing_ we bring,
Bef_re th_y meet their fate.

I see this p_em losing face,
I_’s soon to be no more.
Dear Donni_, won’t you please _eplace

Armin: The Terror Mountain Bori
by profebest

Oh, Ice Bori, where you be?
Melting in ice; you shall see.
Armin on ice; he can't swim.
Jumping doesn't work; you are free.

Armin: The Terror Mountain Bori lets you see—
the story behind a game: Hannah: Ice Caves.
Hannah is not alone - Ice Bori doing good deeds,
Armin giving the help that Hannah needs.

Powerful ice storm, where you come from?
Armin can crawl through the snowstorm.
While destroying the enemies is a duty,
Missing the attack seems to be funny.

Oh, Armin, where you be?
Hannah and the Ice Caves—
running' away from the enemies.
Finishing the game is Armin's dream.

Happy Bori Day!

A Ghostly Bori
by gumgum101230

A Jetsam was an adventurer
Who searched for sunken gold
That had been left behind by pirates
Whose stories went untold.

The Jetsam swam to the ocean depths
Off the coast of Pirate’s Bay
And found an ancient sunken ship
That had seen some better days.

But as he entered the captain’s quarters,
He jumped back in surprise,
For a Ghostly Bori materialized
Before the Jetsam’s eyes!

The Bori had a Layered Dress
That stretched down to the floor,
A right beside her treasure lay
A Golden Pirate Sword.

“En garde!” the Bori called to him
While reaching for her blade,
But when she touched the weapon’s hilt,
Her smile started to fade.

The Jetsam found that his adventure
Would turn out to be peaceful,
For Ghosts can’t interact with matter:
They’re incorporeal!

The Bori Who Repairs Broken Toys
by _brainchild_

Did your Lupe destroy his plush?
If so, my friend, you have to rush
To Terror Mountain. A Bori friend
Will fix your items to no end.

His name is Donny. He'll repair
Your broken stuff for price so fair.
Your CD will again make noise,
Along with many other toys.

Or, if he cannot fix your goods,
He'll give you something else---he should!
Star Gazing is a lovely read;
Some Meatless Pie is great to feed.

So, if you have a broken find,
The Bori will leave flaws behind
Or give you such an awesome prize
So very pleasing to the eyes.

Dapper Bori Outfit
by indulgences

The stylish Bori’s getting dressed.
His outfit’s on his bed.
He first picks up a brunette Wig
And puts it on his head.

The Wig has curls and handsome waves.
It’s dashing, snazzy stuff.
It’s classy, and it’s swell and swank.
It’s showy, sure enough!

He lifts the Waistcoat, trim and red,
With striking onyx stripes.
He slips it on, admires the look,
So spiffy, snug and tight!

He next picks up the Jacket, and
Adjusts the pocket square.
He pulls his arms through the red sleeves.
He wears the coat with flair!

The Trousers are next to be worn.
They’re dressy, through and through.
They’re red, with belt of darkest black,
To match the Waistcoat’s hues!

And finally, we have the Shoes,
So shiny, black and slick.
They tap upon the sidewalk, and
The heels go, click, click, click!

The Dapper Bori is a beaut!
He’s polished, sleek and fine!
Please buy your Bori these chic clothes!
They simply are divine!

All Sorts of Tufted Tails
by midnightfrost444

The Bori has a tufted tail,
Only some of them tipped with hair.
Like the Camouflage Bori's:
It's purple and green.
Those colours won't blend in anywhere!

There's Bori colours with decorations,
Like Baby with a bow.
Or the Christmas Bori,
Telling a different story,
With a tail hung with mistletoe!

There's Fire's tail, that's on fire,
Or Ice, made of ice.
Snow has a leaf,
Custard's is good to eat,
And Chocolate's has a cream puff! How nice!

Robot Bori's tail is a gadget.
Tyrannian has a wrecking ball!
But the prettiest of them
Is the Relic Bori's tail,
It's crystals are beloved by all!

And of course the Plushie Bori's tuft,
Looks sewn on with a pin.
While Woodland has a bud,
Still sprouting,
And Maraquan has a fin!

These are just some of the special tails,
That might grace your Bori friend.
But which will you choose?
Well, that's quite a mystery...

It's your choice, in the end.

Toy Repair Shop Bori
by o_babypet4me_o

Throughout the realm of Neopia,
Broken toys are scattered everywhere.
You play with one once and it's fine
Or one breaks that you want to share.

You take your toy to Donny,
Who will fix it before you say "whatcha"
He'll say "Give me one o' yer broken toys, and some Neopoints, and I'll see if I can fix it fer ya!"

And with that Donny is a hero,
And its pretty cheap to fix.
He will take them for less than one day
It'll be repaired with his tricks.

You could try to take them elsewhere,
But it won't do you any good.
Donny's the Bori to help you
Trust me, I think you should.

It's located at the top of Terror Mountain,
A small building owned by Donny.
Make sure your item is in your inventory
And that you have some money.

No matter what the item is,
He'll fix it, just trust me.
And if you are super lucky,
He might even fix it for free.

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