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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Yurble Day Special

A Blurble on the Yurble
by lauratorah

Oh, what makes a Yurble, a Yurble?
What makes them stand out from the rest?
I’ll tell you what I know for sure-ble,
and that’s Yurbles are simply the best!

Let me describe the appearance of Yurbles:
They seem to have only three toes,
Their ears are quite long and in curlbles,
And each has a big, boopable nose!

The thing I find cutest on Yurbles,
is that fluffy and spiky-soft mane.
Though I’m sure that they shed lots of furbles…
Once you’ve pet it, it’s hard to complain!

Most Yurbles are friendly and upbeat,
They love exploring and love the outdoors.
While they wurble around on their two feet,
They’re much faster when down on all fours!

If you want to make friends with a Yurble,
Give them something that you love to eat,
Just watch out, since they do tend to gurble,
They probably won't share the treat!

While I can’t list every famed Yurble,
They’re throughout all the stories we tell,
And though some tend to be more obscure-ble,
The most famous we know by his yell!

What else can I say on these cute little guys?
…Did you know you can’t paint them Murble?
Ah, yes, I can feel you all rolling your eyes,
I hope these rhymes don't get me in trurble…

Well, I’d love to say more on this creature,
and I would—-I just haven’t the time-
but this poem shows another great feature
of how fun “Yurble” is to false rhyme!

The Unsung Hero
by sportyangel3338

In the shadows of the Hall of Heroes
Is a small Yurble dressed in tattered clothes
He’s the Hall of Heroes Janitor
He takes care of all the statues and even more

He shows up every day
Only receiving minimal pay
Even if Altador's at war
He still shows up to complete his chores

He doesn’t have a name
And certainly, does not have fame
But he helped us all complete the plot
And that’s a fact that should not be forgot

Yurbles are small, adventurous creatures
Fun-loving is one of their many features
But instead of spending all day in the sun,
The janitor stays in the Hall until the job is done

His dedication deserves to be rewarded
More thanks he should be afforded
Remember to thank everyone who works hard
They deserve to be held in high regard

Ode To The Mutant Yurble
by prulletje1852

This Mutant Yurble
Is actually really cute
He is very adorable,
He is misunderstood!

This Mutant Yurble,
Do not raise alarms,
Or do not be dull,
Has tentacle arms!

This Mutant Yurble
With his very kind smile
Is truely wondeful,
And never ever hostile!

This Mutant Yurble
Can give great hugs
Is a friend, a great pal
Together: no day sucks!

This Mutant Yurble will
Protect you against fear,
Without meaning ill,
And will hold you dear!

This Mutant Yurble
Will join you on a trip
And will write in a journal
About your friendship!

This Mutant Yurble,
Without pretense:
Please, if you will,
He needs more friends!

This Mutant Yurble
I hope I could convey:
His true beauty in full
On this Yurble Day!

The Yurble Farmer vs. The Slorgs
by maddie_bangz

A humble farmer in Meri Acres
Was living a calm and simple life,
Until the Slorgs began to invade
And incited this infamous strife

The Attack of the Slorgs is very well-known
Across Meridell and beyond
As the eternal battle the Farmer wages
Against the Slorgs that continuously spawned

They love the Farmer’s fruits and veggies
They’re trying to snack on his beautiful crops,
The Farmer attempts to deal with the invaders
But the attack unfortunately never stops

The Slorgiriser X4 is a special tool
Designed to give those Slorgs a zap
The Farmer waits until they’re in line
Then lets them fall right into his trap

But there’s way too many Slorgs to stop!
So the Yurble Farmer needs some support
To save his crops from being eaten
And make the Slorgs’ plans fall short

The Yurble with a Mop
by lyzzy170

Alone among statues,
He mops away.
The Janitor of the chamber,
Where he spends all night and day.

Have you visited him yet,
The Yurble with the mop?
He’s easy to miss,
You’ll find him near the top.
“Well hello,” he’ll say,
Holding a bucket so full.
He’s orange and small,
Wearing a green cloak of wool.

He’s proud of his work,
Keeping the chamber clean.
Mopping clockwise and dusting,
He doesn’t mind his routine.

If you visit him for a chat,
He’ll draw your attention.
To a button, it must matter,
For him to mention.

Curious, you push down,
But nothing transpires.
Oh no, this Yurble is angry!
“WHY?!” he inquires.

He waves his mop at you,
Not understanding why!
How could you push the button,
“RAARGH!” is his reply.

You shrug your shoulders,
After all, he pointed it out.
Nothing seemed to happen,
So what’s the fuss all about?

The Janitor makes you leave,
He’s angry in misery.
But now you’re curious,
You’ve unlocked a mystery!

The Legendary Petpets Shopkeeper
by precious_katuch14

The Legendary Petpets Shopkeeper,
A kindly Yurble of Blue,
Whose love for Petpets springs
From a heart so true.

She knows how to store bread
Away from the Altalaphus,
And is wise enough to see 
The tricks of the Minitheus.

She made sure her Petpet shop,
Has no Petpets starting with "D",
For the sake of the Altachucks,
Creatures shy and scaredy.

She creates for the Garfirs
Their own roaring zone,
And believes, despite their sting,
They'll also find loving homes.

She warns shop goers
Of the spines of the Aroota,
And the strange appetite
Of the frolicking Naalala.

No Alabriss can escape
Under her watch,
And she'll find for the Hydruplit
A hardy owner to match.

She knows which Petpets
Can hunt and find cheese,
Perhaps a Vaeolus,
Or the brilliant Hermiteese?

But there's one Altador Petpet
That eludes this Yurble of Blue.
"I'm not as good a hand
"With the famous Yooyu!"

The Tax Beast
by spukl1

There’s an angry Yurble rampaging, 
Taking from Neopians that are waging. 
He’s the Tax Beast and he’s really mad,
He will take your Neopoints and make you sad.

He does not like that there are debts,
He lets you know & then makes you fret.
The Tax Beast just wants a civilized society.
He takes his role as Neopia’s piety.

The Tax Beast roars and collects your coin,
& invites you to Battle if you will join.
He does not like when you lots of bills.
& make you pay give him a thrill. 

Some day he is just called the Tax Beast,
But on special occasions he is a bit more fleeced.
Then he is called the same but labeled angry,
Taking more money before you can flee.

This Green Yurble is a scary sight to see,
He’s not considered the best company…
Yet he keeps Neopians honest & true,
By making each of us pay our dues.

Goparokko Yurble
by oppseas01

Have you ever found your life’s purpose while walking along,
Just strolling through Geraptiku and humming a song?
I can tell you it is strange to discover all you are
Among ruins and rubble in what looks like a Neopian scar.

In this place of ruin, I spotted some colourful stones.
They called to me, and made me feel known.
I closed the space between myself and the squares,
Perplexed, I wondered why they were there!

After much rumination, I stacked them up high.
They fit perfectly together, and I asked myself why.
So I started rearranging them together two by two,
And when they started disappearing, I knew not what to do!!

When these like-coloured groupings would vanish into thin air,
New ones with different colours took their place there!
Tried as I might, I could not figure out why this was,
What I did know is I discovered it, not a Kiko, not a Buzz.

It is only I who can crush this very rich rock ore,
There is only one answer, I am a witch doctor!
So I donned my tiki mask and the rest can be known,
If you come help me match my beautiful stones!

Happy Yurble Day!

The Yurble Janitor
by lyndsey4657

He mops and mops and mops all day, 
Cleaning up everyone’s messes in dismay. 
Why can they not remove their boots,
Before entering the Hall and covering it in soot?

I spend all my day just walking around,
Mopping and sloshing and not making a sound.
Scrubbing and scraping dirt and muck,
Going home every night covered in yuck.

Shining the statues and scrubbing them clean,
How do you think the statues always gleam?
Head to toe, tip to top,
I scrub them clean with my mop.

I walk these halls day and night,
Mopping and mopping till everything is right.
This is my job, I take much pride,
But dirty my floors, and you, I'll despise. 

Come to the Hall of Heroes and take a peek, 
Look up to the ceiling! It will make you weak.
Look at the statues and down at the floors,
Just please, keep your boots AT THE DOOR.

20 Years of Yurbles
by ennyra

Can you believe it's been 20 years, 
Since we've known of this great Pet?
If you needed a great outdoors companion,
A Yurble sure is your best bet. 

They're always up for adventures, 
Never backing down from a challenge. 
If you need someone brave to lead, 
Yurbles will go right to the edge. 

In two decades, we've shared lots of memories, 
All of them have been fun. 
From skipping around in the park, 
To playing tag in the sun. 

On this special Yurble Day,
Let's remember what makes them great.
They've been our friends for so long, 
We must always remember this date!

Happy 20th Birthday Yurbles!

The Legendary Petpets Shop
by fivemilliononly

Welcome to the Legendary Petpets shop
where a Yurble sells Altadorian Petpets
Have some Neopoints to drop?
Choose one of them for you to get

Would you like to own an Altachuck?
A Petpet forever loyal to its owner
There is one left, you are in luck
It will love you for ever and ever

Or do you prefer Minitheus?
A noble Petpet and a loyal one
Its magical powers for you to use
Your enemies will be none

Or perhaps Vaeolus interests you?
It has keen eyes and sharp ears
A superb hunter through and through
Look! It likes you already, it appears!

Thank you for your purchase!
If you are looking for a Petpet bargain
This Yurble offers the best service
See you and come again!

The Cranky Caretaker
by dihybrid

The Caretaker is my name,
The graveyards are my domain,
But these Haunted Woods
Are always up to no good,
So this grave is now empty again.

Someone must manage the graves,
And for that, yes, I am brave!
But if you grind my gears,
I will bring you to tears;
Oh how I’ll rant and I’ll rave.

This job isn’t glamorous, true,
But I value my solitude.
If my graves are undug
I suggest earplugs,
As I’ll quickly start yelling at you.

Is it my fault I get cross?
All my life I deal with loss.
Get on my good side,
And play on my pride
And I’ll be sweet like candyfloss.

If you’re ever around, come say hey
And brighten a Blue Yurble’s day.
But don’t get offended
If my mood’s upended;
After all, that’s just my way!

The Yurble's Rule
by ophiopogon

Hey there! I'm a Yurble!
I'm a fun-loving furball!
I also love eating
just about anything!

I'd spin you a tale,
but I'm only good for a tail,
so how about instead,
I share something that I read?

"A Yurble's average height
is 37cm" - There's no way that's right!
I really don't think it's fair
to measure my head without my hair!

We Yurbles can stand tall:
After all, we're bipedal!
How can we be sub
to those tiny JubJubs?!

I really don't see 
how a Pteri
could possibly 
tower over me -
They seem so tiny
when they fly by me!

And I'm shorter than a Grundo?!
Oh dear, oh no,
Nuh uh, no way!
Remeasure them WITHOUT the antennae!!!

There are only nine Pets which stand below,
Only nine Pets that I could outgrow:
Buzz, Quiggle, Flotsam, Xweetok, Kyrii,
Koi, Jetsam, Kacheek and Cybunny!

We may not measure up to most,
But today, I'll still happily boast:
Yurbles rule, we're really cool,
but quit measuring me; it's really cruel!

The Yurble Spy
by rachu816

The Magical Bookshop sells a book
featuring a Red Yurble- let’s take a look!

This unknown Yurble is a spy: 
collecting knowledge that only the highest bidder can buy.

“But why a Yurble?” You may ask.
I assure you; he is up for the task.

His stealthy footsteps never heard, 
Even for any Pet, that’s a little absurd.

Where does he come from?  Nobody knows.
Is he good or bad?  No clear side he has chose.

And Red is a common colour,
It’s hard to differentiate one Red Yurble from another.

There’s no evidence to go by; not even a sound.
It’s guaranteed that he won’t be found.

If your pet enjoys action, mystery, or crime,
Then while reading, they surely will have a good time!

The Mosaic Yurble's Vibrant Jewels
by _brainchild_

Mosaic Yurbles shall delight!
No finer creatures are in sight.
The colours certainly enthrall.
They really are the best of all!

The crimson fluff from head to tail
Is vibrant, anything but pale.
The eyes bear hue of sunshine yellow,
This shade being very mellow.

The Yurble's ruff is decorated
With a necklace which is weighted.
Aqua jewels adorn the ruff!
I simply cannot get enough.

The belly is a verdant green
Which bests the others that I've seen.
The hands are purple---how unique!
These gorgeous hues shall make my week.

I need a Yurble of my own.
The gems are worthy of a throne!
I will be looking for one. I
Must have bright colours, never shy.

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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