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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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JubJub Day Special

Through The JubJub's Eyes
by prulletje1852

The JubJub is fluffy and round
He has huge feet to play and run
With his face close to the ground
He can have a lot of special fun!

His large round eyes, watching shy 
Seeing Neopia from different angles
The JubJub cannot look far nor high
The height of many Neopets' ankles!

But the JubJub sees a lot, don't fret
Lives others don't see from above
The smallest creature: the Petpetpet
Hidden in the grass, he stares with love!

Watching with giggles and with glee 
How the little Petpetpet creatures live
Oh, what a world this JubJub can see
This is how this fluffy JubJub thrives!

And then, when the day is done
He uses his perfectly round shape:
He starts it off with a short, speedy run
And then rolls down the landscape!

Bouncing down the grassy hills
The soft JubJub returns home at night
Here he uses his feet's special skills
To comb his soft hair till it looks right!

Tomorrow the JubJub will go out, too
To watch the small lives within the grass
Petpetpets: yellow, red, green and blue
This JubJub's life is filled with bliss!

by kolato865

What a time to celebrate a most precious JubJub day.
But we must hurry and have fun before it all turns grey.
Let's roll down hills, slopes, mountains, and slides.
With bright eyes and big smiles let's enjoy the good vibes.

Don't be fooled because I'm small and round
If you try to scare me I might make a horrible sound.
No hands, no problem I have two strong feet.
I just use my toes to grab any trinket or treat.

I may even know a Wizard to help you with your buys.
But don’t use him too much, he only has so many tries.
He works 24/7 so cut him some slack.
Around the next hour is when he’ll be back.

He is just one example of a very special JubJub.
But all of us are deserving of a unconditional love.
So to all JubJubs, pets and friends worldwide.
Lets celebrate each other with a beautiful pride.

The JubJub Universe
by bman_646

Cloud JubJub Loading
Faerie JubJub Floating
Coconut JubJub Hunting
Gathering and Spear Throwing!

Invisible JubJub Where
Wraith JubJub Scare
Tyrannian JubJub Ensnare 
A Big Bone in Their Hair.

Silver JubJub Shine
Garlic JubJub Brine
Sketch JubJub Line
Their Edges Super Fine!

Zombie JubJub BRAINS!
Royal JubJub Reigns
Ghost JubJub Remains
A Memory of Past Pains!

Candy JubJub Sweet
Chocolate JubJub Eat
Biscuit JubJub Treat
Crumbs Fall From Their Feet.

Christmas JubJub Tree
Stealthy JubJub Chi
Maraquan JubJub Sea
Jubble Bubble Catch Me!

Tyranu? Evavu? Jarbjarb & Oogaroo.
by tylerhuyser

Tyranu? Evavu? 
Higher? Lower?
You must be careful as you choose,
Or else this game is over.

Evavu? Tyranu?
Lower? Higher?
You must pay attention to the
details, it’s what this game requires!

Can you guess,
All 52 cards?
If you think you can,
The game shouldn’t be hard.

Ace of Spades? Evavu.
Two of Hearts? Tyranu.
Seven of Clubs? Evavu?
That’s wrong! Ugga Ugga.

The game is frustrating,
And challenging too.
You for sure won’t forget,
Uggsul, Jarbjarb, and Oogaroo.

It’s a JubJub Plushie Party!
by i_lovee_icecream

It’s a JubJub plushie party,
So you better gather round.
Grab all your favorite friends,
It’s the talk about town!

There’s a Fire JubJub Plushie,
With very friendly eyes.
But watch out for his heat,
He’s got flames to surprise.

Next is our Mutant JubJub Plushie,
With his scary tentacles.
But make sure not to scream,
Or else you’ll cause a spectacle.

It’s a JubJub plushie party,
So you better tell your friends.
Give your plushie a squeeze,
It’s the love that never ends!

We have our Grey JubJub Plushie,
Who is so, so sad.
Those drooping, dull eyes,
Are that of a somber comrade.

Next is our Garlic JubJub Plushie,
Who looks good enough to eat.
Somehow he is smelly,
The stinkiest plushie you’ll ever meet.

It’s a JubJub plushie party,
So bring your collection.
Show off all your plushies,
They’re JubJub perfection!

There’s a Cloud JubJub Plushie,
Looking extra fluffy.
He’s pristine and white,
An immaculate, celestial stuffy.

We have our Darigan JubJub Plushie,
Last but not least.
He’s a scary little thing,
A purple, downy beast.

JubJub Games
by aquaantoni

JubJubs are cute, that’s what people say.
They love to have fun and play many games.
But what kind of games do they love to play?
Here is a list, let me give you their names.

For the musical JubJub who perhaps doesn’t sing.
Try charming Cobralls playing your flute.
Piper Panic might just be your thing.
The Cobralls will follow and collect all the loot.

Some JubJubs love water but can get into trouble.
The JubJubs are falling to the ocean floor!
But Kelby will save them in Jubble Bubble.
Catch them all to get a high score.

There’s more for the JubJub that to play cards.
Try JubJub Blackjack and put in your bets.
It’s a game of chance, there are no discards.
Just play out your game and have no regrets.

Lastly, a game to guess high or low.
Tyrannian JubJubs love Tyranu Evavu.
JubJubs love these games as you now know.
Play JubJub games, for fun is sure due!

A JubJub's Winter Dilemma
by neoaggie99999

The frosty air nipped a cold greeting
But the JubJub minded not one bit
After all, this was what he was seeking
As part of his Terror Mountain visit

A long-awaited vacation getaway
Far from the tourist crowds of peak season
To relish a reprieve from hot summer days
More than sufficed enough for a reason

The two-footed fluff ball arrived prepared 
Bundled in woolly hat, knit scarf, fur coat  
Layering all quintessential winter wear 
With handwritten plans listed in his notes: 

Skiing down from Top of the Mountain's brink 
Giving a jolly good pelting in Snow Wars 
Ice skating 'round the Happy Valley rink 
Building snowmen in the wintry outdoors 

Though, there was just one more activity 
That he also wished to partake 
After watching others giggle giddily 
Forming snow angels he wished to replicate 

Just how to do so eluded him though 
Since he needed more than his sole two feet! 
No matter how he flailed back in the snow 
His feeble attempts looked incomplete 

As he laid there, contemplative in thought 
Suddenly, two eyes peered at him overhead 
A Kiko? Was there something they sought? 
They proposed, "Why don't we [i]both[/i] try instead?" 

What a delightful surprise in this trip 
With his two feet stacked beneath their two arms 
So began the start of a new friendship 
Completing the snow angel in its full charm.

The JubJub Bandit
by precious_katuch14

Tales are told,
Of a fiendish marauder,
The JubJub Bandit,
The Lost Desert's terror.

He blends in the dunes,
Keeps watch in the sand,
There he lies in wait
For unwary merchant bands.

This JubJub's brown fur
Is better than any disguise.
He resembles sand or stone
To untrained eyes.

When the merchants arrive,
Out jumps the JubJub Bandit!
With his powerful feet,
He deals kick after kick!

If you thought he wasn't armed,
You would be quite wrong.
He's also got his dagger,
A dagger sharp and long!

So all the stories go,
About this JubJub bloke,
He ambushes, he plunders,
Then vanishes like smoke.

But one mystery remains,
Stumps every storyteller.
How does the JubJub Bandit
Wield his trusty dagger?

The Shop Wiz
by lyndsey4657

There is no need to look far and wide,
He is here to help; he is quick with stride. 
The Shop Wizard JubJub here to save the day,
Just type in what you need, and he is on his way! 

He searches through Neopia, quick as a flash,
Bam! He’s there! Ready to take your cash.
Sometimes you must search more than once,
But he will look all day, he never stops for lunch. 

There is a Super Shop Wiz if you are in a hurry,
That will bring up the lowest price so don’t you worry! 
He does get tired very quick,
So, make sure you know what you need, this isn’t a trick! 

Both will search far and wide,
If it isn’t listed here, just know he tried.
He is known all around the land,
As the best and most useful JubJub around.

The JubJub Cry
by ennyra

Have you ever been walking about, 
And suddenly heard a loud call? 
You might look around figuring the source, 
And find it seemingly comes from a ball. 

Well, my friend, you stumbled on a treat,
As that ball is a JubJub!
Whenever they feel they're in danger,
They cause a big hubbub!

It allows them to get away to safety, 
From whatever is too scary. 
So if you hear this loud pierce,
Consider helping before the situation gets hairy.

You might make a friend for life, 
As JubJubs are great mates for play. 
Rolling down slides and hills,
Are ways they have fun all day. 

So today as you explore outside, 
Keep an eye and ear attuned.
There are lots of creatures smaller than you,
And you never know who might need you!

An Ode to the Shop Wizard
by maddie_bangz

Neopians everywhere are aware
Of the very hardworking Shop Wizard
He helps us do our shopping
Rain or shine, or even in a blizzard

He's always there to help us out
And find some very low prices
Whether we're collecting or browsing
We can search on all of our devices

He has some small exceptions
Like if you're on a Faerie Quest
But otherwise he's always there
So your shopping never leaves you stressed

He even tells you the original shop
For the item that you're looking for
In case Neopians are running low
And not stocking this item within their store

So we say thank you to the Shop Wizard
For all of his help with our shopping needs
And hope he sticks around to continue
Finding us items at the fastest of speeds!

A Jubble Bubble Ballad
by dihybrid

To catch a falling JubJub
You must get your timing right.
It’s up to you to save them
From their plummet filled with fright.

To catch a falling JubJub
You must watch out for a shell
That can knock your senses out of you
Just as quickly as it fell.

To catch a falling JubJub
You must beware of your greed.
Dubloons are shiny, worth a lot,
But are they what you need?

To catch a falling JubJub
Is to protect what is pure.
You mustn’t rest until each one
Is on the ground, secure.

To catch a falling JubJub
Is to blossom as they smile.
The fear dissolves inside the bubble
As they float down with style.

To catch a falling JubJub
Is to never question why
In underwater Maraqua
They’re falling from the sky!

Ode to the JubJub
by therainbowsheep

Nothing more endearing than a JubJub,
Trust me, take it from me!
After all, I have twenty and counting,
A whole JubJub family!

My favourite species of all time,
So fluffy, round, and sweet!
Their body shape is unique,
No limbs, all eyes and feet!

For the tropical, ocean vibe,
I have Maraquan, Coconut, Island!
They're beach ready at all times,
Happy to swim or sun tan.

For the spooky autumn vibe,
I own several more.
Pumpkin, Garlic, Wraith, Ghost!
In October, these Jubs soar!

For a more soft and delicate feel,
There's Faerie, Mosaic, Pastel!
All reminiscent of florals,
Under a green garden spell. 

There are simply not enough verses,
To highlight each of my Jubs!
But if you could see them all,
You'd want to give them a hug.

20 slots is not enough! 
I yearn to collect them all.
A fuzzy display like no other,
It would be quite the haul.

Happy JubJub Day to my fellow fans!
I wonder what the new colour will be.
Something spectacular I'm sure,
I eagerly await with glee!

Beware of the JubJub Ghoul
by truebrony

Beware all ye travelers of the Haunted Plains
For the creatures who lurk there are sure to cause pain
Betwixt creaking trees and the haunting moonlight
A ghastly creature waits out of sight

The JubJub Ghoul, a foul beast indeed
He creeps through the darkness on two lonesome feet
He hides in the shadows, ready to attack
The NeoQuest travellers who don’t watch their back

His body is covered in matted, grey fur
As he sprints towards you in a fearsome blur
Malice gleams in his coal black eyes
Glowing underneath the dark, lonesome skies

So beware, beware, of this terrifying being
And tread carefully, otherwise you’ll be fleeing
From the JubJub Ghoul, a Neopian’s nightmare
The JubJub Ghoul, he’ll cause quite a scare

The Coconut JubJub
by kittyko92

Mystery Island is home to a unique kind of JubJub,
You're unlikely to find anywhere else.
Take one step into this bright tropical hub(hub),
You'll soon see JubJubs donning their coconut shells!

A coconut acts as perfect protection,
So these JubJubs can hold their own in the Dome.
But really, a day on the beach is perfection,
Next to the ocean, they feel right at home.

Speaking of, before you grab that coconut on the beach,
Make sure it's not a JubJub sunbathing, first.
Check for feet before you extend your reach,
Otherwise, you'll be met with an angry outburst!

A Coconut JubJub runs the Island Tours,
So go see the sights for only 25 NP!
Just as advertised on all the brochures,
With his two little feet, he'll run you around speedily.

But the fastest way for a Coconut JubJub to get around
Is to pull up their feet and roll down a hill!
With the coconut shell so perfectly round,
You can imagine the speed and the thrill!

So.. how does the Coconut Keyring have hands to hold a spear?
That's another of the Island's many mysteries!
If you ask the natives, you may just hear
Tales of JubJubs with hands in old history!

...Now, are they really made of coconut, or is it a mask?
What's behind the shell? I can't see any eyes or teeth?!
I wonder, would it be rude to ask?
Wait, I think I saw red fur underneath...!

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