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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Koi Day Special

Behold King Kelpbeard!
by fivemilliononly

Behold King Kelpbeard!
A mighty King, ruler of Maraqua
The Koi that makes pirates trembled and feared
His name is heard even in Tyrannia

With power and wisdom,
he protected his people against the Dread
They destroyed his Old Maraqua kingdom
But he found New Maraqua with the survivors he led

Scarblade pirates invaded his territory years later,
But on the throne, he repelled the attack
With his trusty Trident, he showed them who is greater
Ensuring the safety of his people, keeping things on track

Behold King Kelpbeard!
For years he fought for peace,
Dwelling in Maraqua and respected
Living a quite life in his city, nothing amiss

A Sea Shanty for Karpoh
by i_lovee_icecream

Avast ye, traveller,

Here is the tale,
Of a Koi who pillages,
Treasures on grand scale.

His name is Karpoh,
Raiding old Maraqua’s ruins.
Ye may have witnessed,
His dubloon contributions.

Ahoy, there’s Karpoh!
Darting through the sea!
Ahoy, there’s Karpoh!
Getting treasure for you and me!

Batten down the hatches,
For this Koi’s next hunt.
He’s hoping to prove,
With a pirate’s grunt!

To join the pirate crew,
Is this buccaneer’s big dream.
He’s rougher and tougher,
Than he may seem!

Ahoy, there’s Karpoh!
Darting through the sea!
Ahoy, there’s Karpoh!
Getting booty for you and me!

Brilliant Koi
by truebrony

Koi are brilliant, fast and strong,
They swim through Maraqua all day long
They love to play and sing and dance
Their moves will put you in a trance

See them glide beneath the waves
Watch the golden, sunlit haze
Reflect against their shimmering scales
Cast light upon their fluid tails

They love to search for treasure chests
Gold and riches suit them best
They’ll swim in groups, day and night,
Till the treasure’s in their sight

And once they’ve found the gold they seek,
They’re eager to share with their Koi clique,
Because for these kind Koi, you see,
The true treasure is the friends they keep

So next time you find yourself in Maraqua,
Basking by the waves, buoyant and aqua,
See if you can spot a Koi on the shore
They’ll always be kind to you, that’s for sure!

Koibat Plushie
by togepwi

A shadowy figure called out to me,
For the low price of almost free,
He said I could get a big win
So I gave the Wheel of Misfortune a spin!

In my head, there was a little voice,
Telling me I might regret this choice
But it was already too late,
The Wheel was spinning so I awaited my fate

It finally landed on a gift!
The shadow seemed a bit miffed,
But a Koibat Plushie fell into my hands
It was pretty cute at a glance!

It was a funny toy,
Body of a Koi,
Face of a Korbat
I wonder how it became like that...

Nevertheless, it was my new buddy
I was careful not to get him muddy
As we walked around the fairgrounds
And visited a couple of towns

He might not have been what I expected,
But I feel as though we are connected!
We have a fun friendship
He comes along with me on all my trips!

To The Koi Warrior
by alagfalaswen

To the esteemed Koi Warrior, I raise my sword,
my staff, bombs and shield – the gear I can afford,
For it was by training with you that the fire
to grow strong ignited; I now do aspire
towards your steel mettle, your unyielding aim
to battle all comers, regardless of name.

To the brave Koi Warrior, I raise my respect,
for your role in defending old Maraqua; decked
fully in your armour, you fought in the war,
fearless as you fought endlessly till the score
tipped in favour of Maraqua; even now,
its glory still writ in the crease of your brow.

To the wise Koi Warrior, I raise my gratitude
for instilling in me the right attitude;
in training, there’s no shame in tasting defeat,
(and defeat I tasted on constant repeat!)
I trained until I could best you in a spar,
and grew resilience that has taken me far.

To the staunch Koi Warrior, I raise my glass;
Although many years have swiftly come to pass
since I fought you as part of my daily regime, 
I still look towards you in highest esteem;
May you keep training those who’re new to the fight
And ignite in them that unwavering might.

Koi Raider
by thomaswilliams123

Karpoh the treasure hunting Koi rose to fame.
"Raiders of Maraqua", his game.
Collecting treasures to put in the chest.
Trophies go out to whomever score's best.

You play undersea and push bubbles around.
In sand, around broken building, I guess it used to be a town.
Around the Jetsams, their teeth are so sharp.
If they pop all your bubbles, you'll miss your mark.

If you need a new bubble do not fear. The Slorg monster can help you there.
Get a score of 800 to unlock a special prize.
Use it on the Neoboards. It looks so nice!

Other sea creatures are lurking around too,
So watch out for anything in a foul mood.
Push a rock into them and you'll be free.
Its quite a fun game, play it, you'll see!

Raiders of Maraqua: Karpoh's Search for Greater Treasure
by neoaggie99999

A lone orphan Koi traversed down,
Deep into Old Maraquan ruins
In search of rumoured treasures to be found
With hopes to prove his contributions.

For he sought belonging amongst a crew
Of pirates who mocked him as an outcast.
All he needed was a heroic breakthrough
Maybe then they'll accept him at last! 

With this, Karpoh the Koi plunged head first 
Without much question or trepidation,
But not all inhabitants had dispersed
From this so-called deserted sea basin. 

Jetsams, Slorgs, and Ghoti posed such menaces 
In navigating the bubble maze.
They would arise from the ground's crevices 
And pop bubbles to block Karpoh's ways. 

The locals have crossed paths with Karpoh for years.
Though surely after all this time together,
In the same waters, in the same sphere
The narrative must have evolved for better. 

As the Raider of Maraqua looked to score
In his dogged conquest for treasure,
It was not gold or silver he cared for
But friendship desired beyond measure. 

Those ship mates seldom called upon him
As he spent more time with competition.
He interacted with the locals who swam,
And gradually viewed them less as opposition. 

For now they've changed and seen all this as play,
Cast aside their differences from when they met 
And pass the time as fun games these days 
Just like we have in Neopets.

Koi Astrophysics
by gumgum101230

A Maraquan Koi celebrated,
As happy as could be,
For this shy girl had finally
Earned her Ph.D.!

For years, she'd studied every book
On physics and astronomy,
Hoping that she would crack the code
To the world's anomalies.

She started with the basic books,
Like Astrophysics for Beginners;
And it changed the way that she perceived
The stars and their slight shimmers.

Then she read some fancy books
On Kreludan Physics,
Which covered many theories that
Needed analytics.

She therefore vowed that she would be
The one to calculate
The Power that the Space Faerie
Is able to create.

She measured Mira's average Work
Over a unit of Time,
And what she found, eventually,
Was novel and sublime!

For Mira's max velocity
As she flew through outer space
Was faster than the speed at which
Light can propagate!

She therefore found that this Faerie
Has the ability
To fly so quickly that her Power
Equals infinity!

Karpoh the Maraquan Raider
by dennykins

Deep in the ruins, there swims a Koi,
He searches each bubble and rock.
This process of searching, it brings him joy,
No chest has too strong of a lock. 

Karpoh, he is eager to join the crew
Of pirates and cruel buccaneers.
In order to please them and clout accrue,
He’s piling gold up to his ears.

Each zone is a puzzle for him to solve,
And bring back the treasure above.
These conundrums and mazes tend to revolve,
Around giving some blue stones a shove. 

But this project is not without its threats,
As he’s hunted by Jetsam and Slugs.
To escape, young Karpoh must dart and jet,
He’ll brush off these dangers with shrugs. 

These hazards and harms, they won’t get him down,
Karpoh is a positive lad.
You’ll never see this young Koi wearing a frown,
Maraqua, it just makes him glad. 

When our gallant raider surfaces again,
He’ll offer the loot to the thieves. 
These bandits will take it all, and then,
They’ll send him back under the seas.

The Coy Little Koi
by lupekid_lover

Beware of the coy little Koi of the sea,
His pure boyish joy is but only a ploy,
For see, his intentions though faultless may be,
Are actually used all nefariously!

This coy little Koi coloured purple and white
Is just a mere boy, though his pranks he enjoys
Loves to laugh in delight, causing chaos galore
As he leaps way up high, scaring Pets on the shore!

“That coy little Koi!” they cry out as they flee,
Their beach day destroyed, most leave feeling annoyed
The Koi merely cackles, his face all aglow
Gives a shout of “Ahoy!” as he dives down below.

The coy little Koi, once the beach has been cleared,
Stops laughing with joy as phase two is deployed
His silent attention now looks up and down
Hoping for treasure and lost goodies to be found.

So the coy little Koi, his treasures secure,
Swims gently down under clutching his plunder
And rests for the night in his small, cosy den,
Just to wake up and do it all over again!

A Blue Koi's Makeover
by ophiopogon

At this moment, I'm a simple Blue Koi,
But being Blue doesn't bring me much joy...

So I'm headed to the Rainbow Fountain
To fulfill my lifelong fin-tastic plan

Today I will find my perfect colour;
Sure, Blue's not bad, but I need another!

There's quite a big selection at the pool:
After this dip, I'm certain I'll look cool!

The Fountain is great, but has some limits:
No Ice, Magma, Robot, Sponge, or 8-Bit!

I could turn into a teeny Baby  - 
Not into roe though, that'd be crazy!

Biscuit sure looks fun - and smells delicious!
But Biscuit in water...  too ambitious.

Jelly and Chocolate might be out as well
They would not survive in the ocean swell...

Hmm... Perhaps a nice thick coat of Oil Paint?
No, it'd leave the water in a bad state!

Don't wanna be Spotted, Speckled or Striped
There's only one colour that's right for me

I love the water, it's perfect, it's home
I will always be one with the sea-foam!

Five Fantastic Fish
by t0tor0

Everybody loves to fight him,
Even if it's sink or swim.
He's a great Deep Dome opponent.
I'm a Warrior Koi opponent!

Do you want a sweet, coy Petpet?
Shenkuu's got you covered; don't fret!
Fancy Fauna's for the tender.
Koi Shopkeeper's quite a vendor.

Fresh from ninth in last year’s Cup tour,
Everybody, give it up for
The Maraquans' favourite goalie!
Plessix wants that golden trophy!

This Koi gathers gold for pirates.
Optimistic, this small fry rates
Epically. What a legend!
Karpoh is for great things destined.

He's a legendary Koi King
With two famous female offspring.
Captain Scarblade's silly sea curse,
Couldn't stop King Kelpbeard's fish force!

A Royal Stamp
by midnightfrost444

Kingly Koi; a stamp album's treasure.
To grace my page would be a pleasure.
For any collector knows that it's true: 
It's quite the achievement, by any measure. 

Maraqua's page is all but done. 
Gathering these stamps has been such fun.
The last of all to find is you:
The rarest, greatest one. 

King Kelpbeard Stamp, be mine! 
King of the deepest brine.
I'll seek you out, to Neopia's end.
I know that I'll be fine.

To collect them is the goal.
To make the album whole.
Though getting this Koi's precious stamp...

My bank's sure to feel the toll.

Raider of the Sea
by endisnigh

Young Karpoh the Blue Koi
Was an unknown orphan boy
Happy but often alone
He searched for new friends to call home

He swam far and wide
His fins his lone guide
Until finally at last
He came upon a great mast

A big ship with pirates aboard
"Wow, that one has a big sword!"
They played cards and told merry jokes
What a fun group of folks!

Karpoh swam up to the boat
And he heard all the pirates gloat
About treasure and fame
And that all the sea's gems were theirs to claim

"Please let me join your crew!"
Karpoh exclaimed as he came into view
"The pirate life sure seems fun,
Just tell me what needs to be done."

The pirates turned and laughed
Calling the innocent Koi daft
"We will consider," one said as he drank from his stein
"Swim below and find some loot that shines."

The Koi swam deep to the ruins below
This wasn't a chance he wanted to blow
But he realized there were many dangers to face
He had to swim fast as they made a great chase

Jetsams and Slug Monsters guarded the way
Even Ghotis and Slorgs joined the frey
One more Karpoh please!
Now this should be a breeze

Karpoh swam as fast as he could
Keeping an eye out for anything good
He collected and gathered til he had lots of treasure
Knowing this would bring the pirates great pleasure

He returned after traversing the underwater maze
And the pirates greeted him with great praise
"Welcome aboard!" they shouted with glee
He was now Karpoh, Raider of the Sea

Koi Day
by smack1000

Koi Day, Joyous Day!
Swim 'n splash your scaly vertebrae!
Raising forefins with wide Koi grins!
Spreading our presence across the oceans!

Maraquan natives, get creative!
Let us celebrate and be communicative!
Twenty four years, twenty four cheers 
to each loving owner with our Koi tears.

Bring your Darpies and precious Nupies!
Stretch your fins and do a lunge.
Let's all head to the caverns and play some Petpet Plunge.

After, let's grab a bite and dine at Kelp,
and leave a stellar review on Maraquan Yelp.

Then let's all relax each Koi nerve cells 
before we all race to buy the rare seashells.

Let's end our day at our local ruins, 
to pay our respects and spread good Koi influence.

For every Koi, there is a ploy, to love each Neopian, so lets get to it and deploy!

The Ballad of the Lonely Koi
by bobbi_g_180

Come gather ye round, strangers and friends
And I'll bid you a friendly "ahoy!"
I'll tell you a tale of the oceans and seas
And within them, the loneliest Koi

With spots like the sun and a body so white
You'd think him a passing ghost,
He delighted in sneaking and in giving fright
And certainly never played host!

Yes, he swam through Maraqua alone, alone
He swam through Maraqua alone

Friends he could have, but friends he refused
Who has time for chatter? he sighed
There's gold and jewels and an ocean of fools
No riches shall ever pass me by!

So he swam through Maraqua alone, alone
He swam through Maraqua alone

Gold were his spots, and gold on his mind;
He thought about treasure all day,
About plunder and loot and the ways it would suit
His flowing fins and solitary ways

Yes he swam through Maraqua alone, alone
He swam through Maraqua alone

One day the Maraquans whispered and gasped
A treasure ship, sunk to the ocean beds deep
Its precious cargo lost by the pirates
Only the smallest and quickest could reach

The koi listened to the Maraquans alone, alone
And the koi swam from Maraqua alone

He set a course and whispered his prayers 
To the water faeries who protected them all
He swam and he swam til the wreckage appeared
And he brimmed with fierce dreams of the haul

Yes he swam to the treasure, alone, alone
He swam to the treasure alone

The treasure, he found! And he gathered it up
As much as his smooth fins could carry
But kois are so small, and the loot was so large
To gather all? Fifty years without tarry!

Yes he gathered the treasure, alone, alone
He gathered the treasure alone

On the fifth day he broke into a pitiful wail
And cursed his life of seclusion
So little he'd gathered, so little to keep
The treasure real, but also an illusion

So he swam from the treasure alone, alone
Yes he swam from the treasure alone

Now the koi is not lonely, he laughs and he jokes
In the company of like-minded friends
It took him a long time to understand this:
Friends are real, and treasure pretend.

Now he swims through Maraqua: his home, his home
He swims through Maraqua: his home.

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