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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Day Special

Dice Escape
by gumgum101230

An evil Ruki has trapped the dice
In a strange new dimension!
A place with THREE coordinates
Is beyond comprehension!

Without these dice, no one can play
A game of Dice-A-Roo;
Now what will the King do with the
Jackpot that he has accrued?

Nor can we play with Count Von Roo
When he's awake at night,
For he needs a pair of Deadly Dice
Before he'll give you a fright.

More urgently, there is as well
A Wocky that may be done for,
As they need the Dice of Destiny
To open an ancient tomb's door. 

"We cannot let the Ruki win!"
I steadfastly shout;
"We must enter the 3D world
And help the dice break out!"

But when helping the dice escape that world,
I felt a wave of shock;
From my patience, grit, and acumen,
An avatar unlocked!

Lutari Gifts
by kittyko92

Lutaris come in all shapes and sizes,
They're earnest and kind and full of surprises,
Bouncing full of energy, the life of the party,
With sleek waterproof fur and claws that are hardy.

Lutaris come from a mysterious land,
Featuring bold colours and festivities grand,
Sadly, their home is shrouded in dangerous storms,
It's ill-advised to approach, many Neopians warn.

Lutaris have plenty of notable names,
Such as Roxton of great explorer fame,
Dr. Landelbrot who generates random events,
And all love to see what Umbra invents!

Lutaris have plenty of paint colours to choose,
Their personality comes through in all shades and hues,
From sparkling sweet Faerie to burning red Fire,
Every type of Lutari is sure to inspire!

Lutaris bring all sorts of great treats,
Lutango and Ice Cream are some of their best sweets,
Try their Cocojuice to cool down on a hot day,
And Sparkling Bog Water.. err.. well.. maybe put that one away..

Lutaris bring the latest in fashion!
Leaves and feathers they regard with passion,
Face paints and makeup they display with pride,
And fabrics with colours so vibrantly dyed!

Lutaris excel in both strength and defense,
If needed, they'll bring a fight most intense,
If there is any doubt, a whole guide does exist
On Lutari Battle Strategies, so don't get on their bad list!

Lutaris excel in water the most,
You can easily find them at pools, lakes, and the coast,
If you ever dare challenge one to a race,
Just try to keep up with their speedy pace!

Look at all of the gifts that Lutaris have brought,
All that they do and all that they've taught,
Neopia is made richer with them around,
Let's all be grateful Lutaris were found!

Lauding Lennies (in Haikus)
by chai7705

Lennies are creatures
Of great wisdom and knowledge
Sensible and smart

They take pride in wits
Large intellect is matched by
An even larger heart!

Finneus, who keeps
Book archives of Altador
Solved clues and took part

Conundrum Wizard
Made puzzling riddles of old,
We want a restart!

The Curator saves
Tyrannian history,
Artefacts, and art

Last, The Sway's Duchess
Vying for the Obelisk
Power's off the chart!

Brilliant Neopets,
Nothing compares to Lennies
They're light-years apart!

A Quest Log Refresh
by i_lovee_icecream

New prizes,
Have hit the street. 
What types of goodies,
Have we yet to meet?

The Neopets Quest Log,
Got a new mix-up. 
TNT agreed,
It was time for a fix-up!

Flaming Evil Coconut,
And Battle Slices Stamp. 
All these rare collectibles,
Like the charm Elephante Lamp!

Every seven days,
I wake up to see. 
A new weekly prize,
Waiting for me. 

Feed your Pets,
And groom them too. 
Spin a wheel,
You’ll get your prize soon!

Play a game,
Customise your Pets.
Every day,
There are rewards to get!

It’s Vacation Season!
by cachorritalinda12

The first thing that happens 
as you approach the front desk, 
a friendly Aisha will smile at you and say 
"Welcome to the Neolodge! How can I help?" 

The options are endless, I swear, so it seems. 
But fear not, my dear friend, that dreary overwhelm. 
For I've been here before— I'm an expert, in fact.  
I can show you the rooms, extras, and price tags. 

What's your budget? If you tell me, that's a good place to start.
Some Neopets are lavish, and with thousands they'll part 
without batting an eye!
(It won't dent their supply.)

If that is your case, follow me down this hall. 
I have the perfect room, gold from floor to wall. 
The Astrovilla has it all, every amenity. 
All you'll know while you stay here is pure serenity. 

Too much? Yeah, I get that. You look more like a skier. 
Perhaps stay at Mountain Lodge, they have all the gear. 
Or if upscale is your style, try Hotel Opera, 
and sing your heart out in a lobby performance. 

Cockroach Towers sounds scary, I know, from the name, 
but it's more of a joke to scare tourists away. 
Cause everyone 'round here knows well and good 
that the Towers are great, just misunderstood.

In fact, don't you know, I'll tell you a secret: 
The Towers up there are my personal favourite. 
For the humble price of 5 Neopoints a night, 
these rooms will provide the biggest delight!

There's no sauna, Jacuzzi, chandelier or room service, 
no gold-spun finishings on every bright surface. 
There's no spa, pool, or gym, no laundry facilities, 
no grooming, no burger bar, no NT deliveries. 

But if there is one thing I know about Cockroach Towers 
is the fun to be had lasts hours and hours. 
Because with that price tag, popularity soars,
which means you will find a good friend on all floors. 

For newbie and veteran players alike,
check in at the Neolodge 
for community and fun!

Secret of the Ice Bori
by midnightfrost444

Come gather round, all fans of rarity.
Do you know the stories?
Of Pets with colour of great posterity.
I'm speaking of Ice Bori!

They appeared only briefly, in Year 6,
Since then, we've seen not a peep.
But if you want one, I know the tricks
Of getting one of your own to keep.

First, find a Pet who'll be your Bori.
Any other species will do.
Though colour is a category
You should pay attention to.

Next, make sure that your Pet has a name
That's suited to a Bori,
And very soon they'll earn new fame
In all their icy glory!

Find a colour to paint this Pet
That Bori cannot be,
And make certain Bori don't have it yet,
It may have been added recently.

Now that you're ready to come to the end,
This is a step to remember:
To get your Icy Bori friend,
You must be a Premium member.

Once each year, those special few,
Can change a Neopet's species!
And by using this perk, even you
Might obtain an Ice Bori with ease!

Change the species to Bori, with care,
And when asked what colour it should be,
You can choose that colour that's oh so rare...

That's how you get an Ice Bori!

The Solemn Stylist
by dihybrid

There is beauty to be found
In darkness and in shadow.
The hardest of exteriors
May have centres soft as a Mallow.

Though Umbra Penn may seem morose, 
The opposite is true.
They live and breathe and love their craft
And are sweet as honeydew.

You mustn’t judge another’s heart
Based on their appearance.
To do so is to discredit
Their spirit’s perseverance.

Who among us has not felt
The call of feeling grey?
What’s important is to not
Let presumption get in your way.

As anyone who’s ever painted
Has the joy to know, 
You must include a dark colour
To paint the driven snow.

An artist of benevolence, 
They paint our hopes and dreams.
Since they appeared and set up shop
They’re held in high esteem.

Though their service is not costless, 
It’s worth every dime.
Pay your artists what they’re worth
And you will see them shine. 

The passion that drives Umbra
Is as pure as it’s noble.
They share their creativity in spades
And aim to make it global.

And always trust a painter
Who gets paint everywhere.
They make art with all of themselves, 
And have pigment to spare!

In Support of the Faerie Tuskaninny
by bittersweet52

Tuskannies are often overlooked
Passed over in favour of Shoys or Lupes
By popularity they rank 38th,
But let me give you the secret scoop!

There are many colours that catch the eye
Some meet expectations, but others truly fly.
Faerie is a favourite of mine
And here I am to tell you why.

First, the colour - cheerful and bright,
They're sure to bring a smile to your face
Now let the cogs in your mind turn
And we can fill the empty space

The customisation options abound
You can complement the oranges with blues
Azure skies through which they soar
Or perhaps some underwater hues

You can go monochromatic if you like
Choose sunsets, florals, or autumn vibes
Create a cohesive scene that brings you joy
Something sure to please the eye

Whichever direction you choose to go,
You won't regret slamming those trading brakes
Throw a wrench in the gears, get a Pet to keep
And take a break from trading just for trading's sake!

The Lab Ray
by rascle90

A malevolent cackle rings about a cold and unwelcoming manor,
A place few should venture, except for those who dare.
You've heard this was the place for exciting new change,
An insanity fueled experiment that the host is so excited to share.

Having followed a map to this unsightly castle,
You traverse through dim lighting and dampened air,
Against your better judgement, you pursue.
Finally, through settling dust you can see a frazzle of white hair!

Boasting a wicked grin and hypnotic eyes,  
The source of the laughter has come to fruition.
The Scorchio beckons you in,  
You start to regret having come of your own volition.

The ray sits behind him, 
Sputtering electric currents in a display of nuclear fission.
So many bright colours flying about,
As the room filled with a grand display of light emission.

As wildly uncontrolled as the Lab Ray looks, 
The Scorchio can't help but notice your look of distrust.
What's the worst that can happen, 
Surely, your Pet cannot combust?

With promises of greatness, 
He urges you to consider... 
Your Pet can change colour, stats, or even change species!  
All you have to do is step into the emitter.

The Scorchio beckons, 
His eyes spinning, lively and wild.
For risky experiments inspire even the maddest of scientists,
To change, to morph, and spoil.

The machine begins to twist and turn, 
Energy flies in all directions.
The Lab Ray scientist cranks a lever,
And the machine begins to twist together its imperfections. 

You turn to see the maddened Scorchio dancing,
Basking in the light of his machine's nuclear torsion.
Perhaps you shouldn't have come to this island, 
Then your Pet would have never undergone such distortion. 

The Lab only works once a day, 
The winged scientist warns,
Lifting his arm toward the window,
Sending you out into the distant storms.

You best be going, 
Unless the Petpet version at all entices.
You scramble out of the lair,
Leaving the mad, chuckling Scorchio to his vices.

Off We Go To Krawk Island
by eleganza_lights

From land to sea,
Home to pirates, sailors, and busy bees.
Lots to see and lots to do,
Lots to eat and chew.

The Golden Dubloon has a delicious menu,
Shrimp, oysters, and stews.
Drinks that fizz and pop,
Man O War and Lemon Pop.

If your Pets are weak, then be in hurry,
Visit Cap’n Threelegs Academy.
Train with might and with speed,
Till level 40 then you’re ready to battle indeed. 

Off the coast, visit Scurvy Island,
Krawps and betting, you can try your hand.
Or visit the cove to find some treasure,
Visit too often, the pirates show their displeasure.

But without Dubloons nothing can be done,
Eating, treasure hunting or anything fun.
Collect some coins and visit soon,
See you at Krawk Island in the afternoon!

by 9kas

They say roses are red, and violets are blue,
But to the Grey Ixi, they’re all the same hue.
For he sees the world in monochrome,
Neopia’s magnificent colours, he never knew.

But he dreams of the day he’d finally see
And perceive such colours in actuality.
The Ixi’s friends urge him to close his eyes
And imagine what these colours could be.

Imagine, they say, Moltara’s deep caves,
Red hot magma with scorching heatwaves. 
If you feel the heat, the scorch, the burn,
That’s the colour red you crave. 

Then head up north to Terror Mountain
With the iciest caves you can imagine. 
The shards and crystals glimmer and glow,
In icy blue shades you feel and envision. 

The friends then tell the Ixi to ponder 
Illusen in her Glade of natural wonders. 
The earthy scents and grassy aromas
Are greens and browns, Neopia’s natural colours.

So while he uses his imagination to see,
His friends gather by him in solidarity.
The Ixi opens his eyes and smiles in awe
As he feels the hues of friendship and company.

Beware of Florg!
by neoaggie99999

Most Chias are lovers of food and cuisine,
Though among them looms one in blue, splattered green,
With an odd appetite that some find reprehensible -
An outcry to many as downright abominable!

A Chia of Mutant sorts, more bizarre than the rest,
For he was born out of Dr. Sloth's experimental test, 
Locked alone in chilling confines of the Space Station,
Driven into delirium and starvation,

Until there arrived Petpets in shipped cages one day,
His eyes fixed upon them, though not as friends to play.
Why, before him was a feast of Hasees (not Slorgs),
Unleashing this inner beast we now know as Florg.
The name is one feared by Petpets everywhere.
Toys bearing his mere image provoke quite the scare!
One glimpse, all know to immediately scatter,
For you see, Florg is truly no laughing matter.

Dining on Petpets under pretense of a game,
He’s glorified in an avvie, after his name.
The PPL has no solution to his threats
Except repeated warnings to hide your Petpets...

The Deserted Fairground
by tatyanne

I walked along the Deserted Fairground,
‘Twas the most spooked I’d ever been.
For not a single living soul I found,
What a strange and frightening scene.

Where were the delighted, jostling crowds?
I was greeted by the Fairground bare.
A heavy cloud of eeriness did enshroud
All the rickety stands that stood there.

“Come, come, play a game with me,”
In my ear, I heard the raspy, gleeful cry.
From the fog a Quiggle approached merrily,
Pointing at the game of Coconut Shy.

Each attempt proved woefully futile,
So I turned and left and went on my way,
Only to face a Lupe’s wide smile,
“Why not a game of Bagatelle today?”

I continued through the Fairground’s length,
And realised I was no longer walking alone.
I just made out the sign of Test Your Strength,
Before I felt a chill deep within my bones.

Ghost Neopets appeared before my eyes,
And vanished as quickly as they had come.
Cheeky giggles rang amidst mournful cries,
And the fog thickened with a spirited hum.

Cackles erupted from the Fairground’s fringe,
And Clown Chias rained down upon the earth.
A pop rang out, my hairs felt the singe–
They escaped all quickly, giggling with mirth.

The fog cleared, I watched the spectacle unfold,
As the Fairground suddenly sprang to life.
The Fairground festivities were a sight to behold–
The ambience was with impishness rife.

Neopets swiftly spilled onto the Fairground,
With treats and games for everyone.
The merry spirit coursed through my veins,
Oh, how I did have such great fun!

Get Ready For AC With Riki
by sportyangel3338

Coach Riki is here to say
You need to start practicing every day!
It’s getting close to start of play,
In the Altador Cup, hip hip hooray! 

Altador Cup is here, favourite time of year
He loves to hear everyone start to cheer
It makes him grin from ear to ear
When he sees the players put on their gear

Who doesn’t love the Altador Cup?
Everyone’s competitive spirit is going up
Coach Riki feels joy like he did as a pup
Is he already cheering? The answer is yup!

It’s time to start scoring some goals,
Your team better not have any holes,
Get the Yooyuball between the poles
It takes a bit to remember the controls

Don’t forget to visit his shop,
To check out the prizes that will drop.
Play hard to get many points to swap
And hope your team comes out on top!

The Cupid Shoyru
by aquaantoni

Today is a Wednesday, not Valentine's. 
But in Neopia, there's love of all kinds. 
A little Red Shoyru looks at the date. 
He starts to hurry, he can’t be late! 

He puts on his Cherub uniform. 
Just like that he will transform. 
Bow in hand, arrows at the ready. 
He’s been practicing his aim so it will be steady. 

Thus, the Shoyru flies off with haste. 
Neopians need love, no time to waste! 
He sees a pair of Neopets too shy to express. 
He fires a love arrow to relieve that stress. 

He hears two faeries fighting with each other. 
An arrow is shot and they hug one another. 
He spots an old couple walking in the park. 
He fires off his arrow to relight their spark. 

He flies across the land, trying to spread love. 
If you think you saw an arrow, be sure to look above. 
For the Cupid Shoyru will warm your heart. 
Be it friendship or true love, he will do his part.

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